forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Large Fonts, Duolingo Threats, Chicky Babies, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken (This chat is discontinued, move onto part 2 of this please.)
Started by @IamNOTachickenok

people_alt 107 followers

Deleted user

(Make the pain go awayyy— my head wont stop pounding-)

(hm… you like tea and hugs?)

(I’ll take the tea, but not the hugs. . . I only let a few people touch me-)

(Kk… puts water in kettle, and heats up the water on the stove blanket then?)

I don’t know-

Alright, then… pours boiling water in mug is chamomile or peppermint tea okay?

. . . You’re supposed to add the tea bag before the water— makes the tea stronger faster so you’re not sitting there forever trying to get stronger tea—
But I’ll take PePpErMiNt please

Oh right… Okay, then. pours hot water into an oblivion and re-makes tea correctly honey or sugar?

I grin through the pain Who say’s it has to be or? I choose BOTH!

giggles okay, how much… i don't wanna make you a diabetic…

@RhysTheFirebird group

giggles okay, how much… i don't wanna make you a diabetic…

I look at you and hold my hand out, as I was to weak to turn back to birdie form Here— I’ll add that part-

Deleted user

giggles okay, how much… i don't wanna make you a diabetic…

I look at you and hold my hand out, as I was to weak to turn back to birdie form Here— I’ll add that part-

raises eyebrow then shrugs Okay… help yourself… hands you jar of honey, jar of sugar, and a spoon. Btw, Gabs offered you her teddy bear to hug…

@RhysTheFirebird group

giggles okay, how much… i don't wanna make you a diabetic…

I look at you and hold my hand out, as I was to weak to turn back to birdie form Here— I’ll add that part-

raises eyebrow then shrugs Okay… help yourself… hands you jar of honey, jar of sugar, and a spoon. Btw, Gabs offered you her teddy bear to hug…

I take them, slowly adding both like a freaking scientist Perfect—

Rhys do you like the teddy bear

I take the TeDdY bEaR please?

@RhysTheFirebird group

How do ya'll make your text so tiny?

With these two commands
Without the period of course.
And to cancel it out, add this: /
Where I put the period

@RhysTheFirebird group

Rhys do you like the teddy bear

I take the TeDdY bEaR please?

yeah you can take the teddy bear :)

I take the teary bear and then curl up on the floor, my own blanket appearing and I curl up Thank you for the tea and bear-

Deleted user

giggles okay, how much… i don't wanna make you a diabetic…

I look at you and hold my hand out, as I was to weak to turn back to birdie form Here— I’ll add that part-

raises eyebrow then shrugs Okay… help yourself… hands you jar of honey, jar of sugar, and a spoon. Btw, Gabs offered you her teddy bear to hug…

I take them, slowly adding both like a freaking scientist Perfect—

Okay… reaches out hands to grab my condiments enjoy!

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Rhys do you like the teddy bear

I take the TeDdY bEaR please?

yeah you can take the teddy bear :)

I take the teary bear and then curl up on the floor, my own blanket appearing and I curl up Thank you for the tea and bear-

do you want soup?

Deleted user

Rhys do you like the teddy bear

I take the TeDdY bEaR please?

yeah you can take the teddy bear :)

I take the teary bear and then curl up on the floor, my own blanket appearing and I curl up Thank you for the tea and bear-


@RhysTheFirebird group

giggles okay, how much… i don't wanna make you a diabetic…

I look at you and hold my hand out, as I was to weak to turn back to birdie form Here— I’ll add that part-

raises eyebrow then shrugs Okay… help yourself… hands you jar of honey, jar of sugar, and a spoon. Btw, Gabs offered you her teddy bear to hug…

I take them, slowly adding both like a freaking scientist Perfect—

Okay… reaches out hands to grab my condiments enjoy!

I give them beck Here you go.

Deleted user

I’m hiding in my car rn cos I have a class that’s over 2 hours soon so if I’m rlly quiet maybe I can hide and not go


@RhysTheFirebird group

Rhys do you like the teddy bear

I take the TeDdY bEaR please?

yeah you can take the teddy bear :)

I take the teary bear and then curl up on the floor, my own blanket appearing and I curl up Thank you for the tea and bear-

do you want soup?

Naw, I had that just a few hours ago for lunch

Deleted user

giggles okay, how much… i don't wanna make you a diabetic…

I look at you and hold my hand out, as I was to weak to turn back to birdie form Here— I’ll add that part-

raises eyebrow then shrugs Okay… help yourself… hands you jar of honey, jar of sugar, and a spoon. Btw, Gabs offered you her teddy bear to hug…

I take them, slowly adding both like a freaking scientist Perfect—

Okay… reaches out hands to grab my condiments enjoy!

I give them beck Here you go.

Thank you!

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Rhys do you like the teddy bear

I take the TeDdY bEaR please?

yeah you can take the teddy bear :)

I take the teary bear and then curl up on the floor, my own blanket appearing and I curl up Thank you for the tea and bear-

do you want soup?

Naw, I had that just a few hours ago for lunch

Oh okie