forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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guys i got don't stop believing sheet music a few days ago and guess what
i have the melody for the whole song!! the whole song! and the trumpets, who always have the melody in everything, have 32 of the 50 measures as rests. 32 measures of rests! and the parts they come in they're just background. i am ecstatic

@Eli-the-transboi group

guys i got don't stop believing sheet music a few days ago and guess what
i have the melody for the whole song!! the whole song! and the trumpets, who always have the melody in everything, have 32 of the 50 measures as rests. 32 measures of rests! and the parts they come in they're just background. i am ecstatic


Deleted user

and they were complaining so much like boo hoo you don't have the melody so what
i'm always the fucking harmony or the bassline and nobody can hear me over them but i don't complain
but also i'm not allowed to be too mean because my partner's a trumpet (which… is a questionable life decision)

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

and they were complaining so much like boo hoo you don't have the melody so what
i'm always the fucking harmony or the bassline and nobody can hear me over them but i don't complain
but also i'm not allowed to be too mean because my partner's a trumpet (which… is a questionable life decision)

Im not in band but my best friend is a trumpet lol

I keep telling her she needs to learn the “when moms not home” song so we can recreate it

Deleted user

XD band kid things I don’t understand pt 369

when you pick up a trumpet, you are signing your life and soul away to a cult you can never leave.
and since they have the melody in everything, 90% of when the band sounds bad, it's the trumpets. they're too loud, they're too spitty-sounding, they can't hit the right notes…
the trumpets are the scapegoats of the band. with good reason, too.

@im-with-stoopid pets

Oof, speaking of clubs, I'm just glad I dodged CHOIR

I'm really bad at projecting my voice, and legit everyone I know irl knows that
No idea what on earth my parents were thinking when they brought that up a few years back, but once in a while I ask about it and they just go "yeah we don't know, either. probably sounded good in the moment."

@im-with-stoopid pets

I was considering joining band because I have a slightly above average idea of how to play piano, but then I realized I'd have to read sheet music and I actually never learned bass clef
Like, at all-

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

Chior is so fun. I love it. We play the song word game at the end of class sometimes. I got head and sang freeze ur brain ("when the voice in hr head says ur better off dead don't open a vein just freeze ur brain"). I love being a chior kid. We sing showtunes in the hallway. Everyone is ur friend once it becomes an optional class.

@Eli-the-transboi group

XD band kid things I don’t understand pt 369

when you pick up a trumpet, you are signing your life and soul away to a cult you can never leave.
and since they have the melody in everything, 90% of when the band sounds bad, it's the trumpets. they're too loud, they're too spitty-sounding, they can't hit the right notes…
the trumpets are the scapegoats of the band. with good reason, too.


Deleted user

XD band kid things I don’t understand pt 369

when you pick up a trumpet, you are signing your life and soul away to a cult you can never leave.
and since they have the melody in everything, 90% of when the band sounds bad, it's the trumpets. they're too loud, they're too spitty-sounding, they can't hit the right notes…
the trumpets are the scapegoats of the band. with good reason, too.


and don't get me wrong—the rest of the band messes up too. but you can't hear us over the stupid trumpets.

@Eli-the-transboi group


and don't get me wrong—the rest of the band messes up too. but you can't hear us over the stupid trumpets.

XD you poor thing- I think Rhys did the trumpet. I’ll have to check