forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

i fuckin hate being sick. it’s so awful and bad, and i’m getting REALLY behind in school. no one will send me the math notes, and idek whats going on in science. i’m going to throw up both physically and mentally

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

i fuckin hate being sick. it’s so awful and bad, and i’m getting REALLY behind in school. no one will send me the math notes, and idek whats going on in science. i’m going to throw up both physically and mentally

Fight through it. Praying 4 u tonite.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

The topic is to let loose on what annoys you. I have a distinct belief that people should voice/type out what ails them so that it is out of them instead of stewing and creating more malcontent. (thank you therapy) Sometimes that involves being rude.

So yes Ella there is a topic and it is to be rude.

Thank you for understanding.

Best. speech. EVER!!

No it wasn't.


The topic is to let loose on what annoys you. I have a distinct belief that people should voice/type out what ails them so that it is out of them instead of stewing and creating more malcontent. (thank you therapy) Sometimes that involves being rude.

So yes Ella there is a topic and it is to be rude.

Thank you for understanding.

Best. speech. EVER!!

No it wasn't.

Lmao way to be blunt, my dude


I don't actually have a need for this chat, I mostly stick around to hear people complain about me. No, when I have problems with people here, my best friend and I make fun of them behind their backs. Is that terrible? Probably, but I don't care. With my friends, I don't feel as anxious, I don't need to worry about my words haunting me, and I don't have to worry about that one user who's always going to be taking note of every mistake I make, judging everyone around them in an attempt to raise their own self-esteem. On this site, I don't have that same effect… Every time I say something, I have this unknown fear that someone, not sure who, but someone is going to beat me up for it. I know, I'm pathetic, but after seeing how quickly people jumped to hate towards a specific user that I won't name for reasons even before they did anything seriously wrong, I don't trust you guys very much. You absolutely radiate fake negativity and I can't stand it, which is why I adopted this overly positive thing in the first place. Feel free to hate me for it, I no longer care what you think.
I'm annoying, I'm fake, my jokes aren't funny, got it. Don't need to explain it to me, I'm already very aware, thank you. You told me to be myself, and my real self has flaws.
(I was going to add way more to this but my WiFi's gonna die… Goodnight humans.)


Fake negativity??? Bitch???? I'm literally full of depression and teen rage, I have a shifty home life and I'm always mad as fuck, don't try to tell me I'm being fake because I will go off on you. Don't care how fucking young and innocent you are.


Fake negativity??? Bitch???? I'm literally full of depression and teen rage, I have a shifty home life and I'm always mad as fuck, don't try to tell me I'm being fake because I will go off on you. Don't care how fucking young and innocent you are.

I was not talking about you. You have legitimate reasons to be upset, I’m talking about the people (usually 11-15 year olds) who can’t go five seconds without saying something like “I’m so depressed, life is completely pointless, I wish I was dead so I could finally escape this cruel, painful, worthless earth-”. This site seems to be full of them but then again, so is PaigeeWorld

Deleted user

i mean, a lot of us here do suffer from mental illnesses or bad home lives…it’s okay for teens to express themselves, even if that means saying “i hate living on this bitch of an earth” on the daily


lmao hello I've heard lovely things about this chat

buckle up fuckers y'all got a new stalker who might actually contribute bc this shit is funny as hell