forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Okay, actually. We do need to get back on our topic!
So now, I will tear apart Nutella.


when my friends are sad because they're perfect and deserve all the happiness in the world.

That's about as rude as I can get today

Hun, that's not rude. Not even remotely.
So far the only thing you've even done in this chat is made "OwO, Positive Statements"
Yes we get it, you love your friends. We don't care about that. I want to hear about people being rude. And at least I've made comments of rudeness. You only come on here to be annoying.

Deleted user

hey Eris do you have any fun stuff here. Maybe like a knife or something

for the food only

I mean they're not wrong all my knives are my chef's knives….but they are freshly sharpened!!

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

hey Eris do you have any fun stuff here. Maybe like a knife or something

for the food only

I mean they're not wrong all my knives are my chef's knives….but they are freshly sharpened!!

can I borrow one plz?

Deleted user

unless youre going to chop some veggies, no you may not. If I get blood and human ick on my knives I have to have them sanitized and that is expensive. Chef Eris is VERY protective of my Shun knives


Okay, actually. We do need to get back on our topic!
So now, I will tear apart Nutella.


when my friends are sad because they're perfect and deserve all the happiness in the world.

That's about as rude as I can get today

Hun, that's not rude. Not even remotely.
So far the only thing you've even done in this chat is made "OwO, Positive Statements"
Yes we get it, you love your friends. We don't care about that. I want to hear about people being rude. And at least I've made comments of rudeness. You only come on here to be annoying.

I mean, every time I try to be rude here a specific few people start talking blep about me, so I figured it would be best to keep that stuff to myself.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

unless youre going to chop some veggies, no you may not. If I get blood and human ick on my knives I have to have them sanitized and that is expensive. Chef Eris is VERY protective of my Shun knives

…nvm then…


Okay, actually. We do need to get back on our topic!
So now, I will tear apart Nutella.


when my friends are sad because they're perfect and deserve all the happiness in the world.

That's about as rude as I can get today

Hun, that's not rude. Not even remotely.
So far the only thing you've even done in this chat is made "OwO, Positive Statements"
Yes we get it, you love your friends. We don't care about that. I want to hear about people being rude. And at least I've made comments of rudeness. You only come on here to be annoying.

I mean, every time I try to be rude here a specific few people start talking blep about me, so I figured it would be best to keep that stuff to myself.

Ella, I'm sorry I have to break this to you but this is indeed the Rudeness Chat. Where, ya know, that stuff is supposed to happen? And if you can't take it, then why try to dish it?


Okay, actually. We do need to get back on our topic!
So now, I will tear apart Nutella.


when my friends are sad because they're perfect and deserve all the happiness in the world.

That's about as rude as I can get today

Hun, that's not rude. Not even remotely.
So far the only thing you've even done in this chat is made "OwO, Positive Statements"
Yes we get it, you love your friends. We don't care about that. I want to hear about people being rude. And at least I've made comments of rudeness. You only come on here to be annoying.

I mean, every time I try to be rude here a specific few people start talking blep about me, so I figured it would be best to keep that stuff to myself.

Ella, I'm sorry I have to break this to you but this is indeed the Rudeness Chat. Where, ya know, that stuff is supposed to happen? And if you can't take it, then why try to dish it?

I know it is, which is why I don't sit around and complain over each little thing you guys do that annoys me. I know better now.

Deleted user

The topic is to let loose on what annoys you. I have a distinct belief that people should voice/type out what ails them so that it is out of them instead of stewing and creating more malcontent. (thank you therapy) Sometimes that involves being rude.

So yes Ella there is a topic and it is to be rude.

Thank you for understanding.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The topic is to let loose on what annoys you. I have a distinct belief that people should voice/type out what ails them so that it is out of them instead of stewing and creating more malcontent. (thank you therapy) Sometimes that involves being rude.

So yes Ella there is a topic and it is to be rude.

Thank you for understanding.

Best. speech. EVER!!


Is there even a topic here, it's just "be rude"…

Yeah, there's a topic, and it's being rude. If you don't like it, leave. Some of us don't enjoy being surrounded by sickening positivity all of the time. I like to keep shit real sometimes, don't ruin that for me.

Deleted user

I know that it may be difficult to understand as someone who hasn't has a lot of experience with pain and stress from outside sources, but people do not come to this chat to get a false positivity. They come here to truly vent about issues that are deep/ not so deep within their psyche. People come to this chat to have others be pissed with them because sometimes there is an odd comradery in anger.
Also people come here to 'roast' or discuss how they feel about other people so that everyone in the situation knows that it is not going to be a nice conversation and there will be back and forth that will be tough, but at least it doesnt come as a surprise (much anyway.) It's a safe place to get feelings out. Rude, hard, bad feelings.

It's not a place for false pretense. I am sorry but that is the truth. I will not have anyone tip toe around this subject anymore. That is the point of the chat. Get it through your minds everyone. to be rude is OKAY.

Deleted user

well. thats one way to get it out.

Onward friend. continue to hate