forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@Reblod flag

So I'm not an angry or emotional person but I thought that it would be good for me to express how much I despise English as a subject. Fuck English and its useless compulsory-ness. No one wants to write your shitty essays and no one wants to stand in front of people and talk about your shitty topics. Who cares about the deep meaning behind some story no one has heard about? I know I don't. I don't want to waste my time analysing shit I don't care about or trying to persuade people on a something I've never heard of.
And you know what? Our fucking English teacher doesn't help. Literally no one understands him and he clearly has no idea what he's doing. I have a suggestion for you mate. Stop talking, stop fucking underlining everything and start being a useful human being.

At this point, I just space out until he finally shuts up and then figure out what we're meant to be doing later. No one likes him. I'd feel bad if I didn't hate him too.


It's a big big house
where we can play football
It's a big big house
this is Eris' house

oh my god that song
you forgot the touchdown part

@HighPockets group

So I'm not an angry or emotional person but I thought that it would be good for me to express how much I despise English as a subject. Fuck English and its useless compulsory-ness. No one wants to write your shitty essays and no one wants to stand in front of people and talk about your shitty topics. Who cares about the deep meaning behind some story no one has heard about? I know I don't. I don't want to waste my time analysing shit I don't care about or trying to persuade people on a something I've never heard of.
And you know what? Our fucking English teacher doesn't help. Literally no one understands him and he clearly has no idea what he's doing. I have a suggestion for you mate. Stop talking, stop fucking underlining everything and start being a useful human being.

At this point, I just space out until he finally shuts up and then figure out what we're meant to be doing later. No one likes him. I'd feel bad if I didn't hate him too.

I know.
English is my favorite subject, but the amount of essays is honestly so overnecessary, especially in my online course. I had to write 3 this past unit, and I don't think that some English teachers even grasp how fucking hard essays are for kids.

Deleted user

Idk Nutella. Maybe back off.

But why are we telling her to back off? This is the Rudeness Chat. Let her be rude??? That's the whole point.

I must say though, if you have a probelm with someone Nutella just let it out already. Stop beating around the bush by saying 'a certain user that will remain unnamed'. Be rude. Dang. Thats the point of this chat, a healthy place to complain about people and work it out.

Deleted user

lmao hello I've heard lovely things about this chat

buckle up fuckers y'all got a new stalker who might actually contribute bc this shit is funny as hell

ooooooooooooooh snap people are chatting about this chat in other places? gossips


Except the reason I wasn't naming that user was because I don't have anything against him, I think Shuri is a good person, but I realize that's a dangerous thing to say here…

Deleted user

I was thinking that her argument was not one she had a decent chance of winning.

But it's not about winning. Its about discussing.

Deleted user

Except the reason I wasn't naming that user was because I don't have anything against him, I think Shuri is a good person, but I realize that's a dangerous thing to say here…

hmmmmm. interesting.


Unless you meant "That one user who's always going to be taking note of every mistake I make", which in that case, I wasn't actually referring to one specific person, I just meant there's always going to be someone judging me, whoever that is.

Deleted user

So I'm not an angry or emotional person but I thought that it would be good for me to express how much I despise English as a subject. Fuck English and its useless compulsory-ness. No one wants to write your shitty essays and no one wants to stand in front of people and talk about your shitty topics. Who cares about the deep meaning behind some story no one has heard about? I know I don't. I don't want to waste my time analysing shit I don't care about or trying to persuade people on a something I've never heard of.
And you know what? Our fucking English teacher doesn't help. Literally no one understands him and he clearly has no idea what he's doing. I have a suggestion for you mate. Stop talking, stop fucking underlining everything and start being a useful human being.

At this point, I just space out until he finally shuts up and then figure out what we're meant to be doing later. No one likes him. I'd feel bad if I didn't hate him too.

Oh stars. I know.
I juwst finished taking my FSA for English.

@HighPockets group

Except the reason I wasn't naming that user was because I don't have anything against him, I think Shuri is a good person, but I realize that's a dangerous thing to say here…

Hot take: you can be a good person and still make mistakes that no one needs to forgive.
I, for one, didn't hold it against him for very long because I understood why he did it, but others are still upset and they have every goddamn right to be.

Deleted user

Fake negativity??? Bitch???? I'm literally full of depression and teen rage, I have a shifty home life and I'm always mad as fuck, don't try to tell me I'm being fake because I will go off on you. Don't care how fucking young and innocent you are.

I was not talking about you. You have legitimate reasons to be upset, I’m talking about the people (usually 11-15 year olds) who can’t go five seconds without saying something like “I’m so depressed, life is completely pointless, I wish I was dead so I could finally escape this cruel, painful, worthless earth-”. This site seems to be full of them but then again, so is PaigeeWorld

Wow, I feel called out. Note, I say it becuase I am still trying to get help.
What about you Nutella, you can't go five seconds without going "UwU! My friends are soooooo special."

Deleted user

Everyone’s annoying. everyone . we’re all stupid assholes working out our shit. let people live.

@Pickles group

Except the reason I wasn't naming that user was because I don't have anything against him, I think Shuri is a good person, but I realize that's a dangerous thing to say here…

I'm gonna sound really dumb, but what did he do exactly? I keep hearing about it but I don't know what it is.

Deleted user

well um…………someone else wanna explain? I may be biased.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Except the reason I wasn't naming that user was because I don't have anything against him, I think Shuri is a good person, but I realize that's a dangerous thing to say here…

I'm gonna sound really dumb, but what did he do exactly? I keep hearing about it but I don't know what it is.

He lied to everyone. Some believe that he faked a story involving a girl getting shot and recovering. When people questioned the story, he admitted that it was all a ploy to make people happier.
He was lying. He actually just went with popular opinion because he thought it was better for his reputation to suffer then there be division among us.