forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

@Moxie group

The only time I don’t like swearing is when my parents do it. They almost never swear, and they never let me swear, but they do it occasionally when they’re really mad at me. It throws me off and freaks me out

@Pickles group

UGH THERE'S A GUY THAT'S IN MY SECTION IN BAND AND HE CALLED ONE OF THE SONGS WE DID AUTISTIC and he also keeps calling all of the songs easy which is true, but he sucks a lot and can't play crap so I don't know why he's calling them easy. But he's quitting next year which makes everyone happy

Deleted user

People are seriously dumb. I wonder why its wired into the human psyche to be complete offensive assholes…

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I don't think it's necessarily wired in, but it's so weird that people would just choose to do things like that.

I think it is due to the fact many people (as in most) have to bottle their emotions due to life, and it is a strain on them.

Not saying you shouldn't watch what you do, let's be realistic here.

Deleted user

Humanity has been cruel to each other since biblical times. I honestly think it's wired into us. This is just a different form of that cruelty.

@Pickles group

I think maybe it's just a lack of awareness of what's "insulting" or what's appropriate to joke about. Idk humans aren't my thing

Deleted user

I just realized that 80% of users on this website are going through their 'emo phase' and honestly………i'm still annoyed.


tbh all my friends would die if it weren't for me

or at least gotten lost a lot

contradictory, one friend has gotten hurt multiple times in my presence. we joke that it's a curse and that she'll probably die in a car crash or something because i was sitting in the back seat

Deleted user

Ladies and gentlemen ^^^^^ an example of my point.