forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

sometimes, you gotta let your inner asshole additude e show itself


Emi I've literally been here since the chat was created, of course I know. I just wanted to point out how into it y'all are getting, and how I think it's amusing.


Honestly I mostly joined bc I find this chat funny lol

And pancake batter? Lmao bruh I’m sorry that’s not a fuckin swear hon, just makes u sound like you’re two

Deleted user

ugh, i hate my science class so much. she never bothers to actually teach us- and the recent test class average was a 59%. out of a hundred. you know somethings wrong when even the best kids can barely pass.


And pancake batter? Lmao bruh I’m sorry that’s not a fuckin swear hon, just makes u sound like you’re two

Well, I mean, considering the fact that I can't actually curse without my mom giving me a long, boring talk about why it's bad, and I already sound like a two-year-old whenever I speak… I don't really care.


Yeah but it’s the internet, no one gives a shit if u swear. And if you don’t swear, then at least use a tasteful substitute

Also thx Eris lol

Deleted user

That’s all well and dandy, but pancake isn’t a swear


Actually, I really appreciate it when people use alternates to swearing. The amount of innapropriate language on this site actually drives me crazy, and it's a good thing that pancake isn't a swear.


I swear a lot, because my parents were always open about that kind of thing(although they tried to keep the heavier swears to a minimum). My bio father was also a really foul mouthed asshole, and I also gravitated more towards the kids that swore a lot, so combined, it kind of rubbed off on me.


And I really do understand that, and I appreciate it when anyone makes any effort at all to try to avoid it around people who aren't comfortable with it.

Deleted user

I'd like to know why people are uncomfortable with it?
They're just words and over used to much that they barely have meaning anymore.


I actually only have a problem watching y language when it's rudely asked, which is my new rant.

I will totally keep the swearing on the down-low, as long as it's asked…politely? But I once had this lady practically yell at me for saying the word shit, and went off on this overly religious tangent and whatnot. Like, if you want someone to watch their language, or not say certain things around you, try asking nicely.(Not directed at you, Brenna.) If you're a bitch about it, I'm absolutely gonna swear as much as I can around you, just because you couldn't just say 'Hey, swearing makes me uncomfortable, could you maybe please try and keep it to the minimum?'. It's not that hard! I'm so sick of the kind of people who act like their wishes are so much more important than being polite, like they should instantly get their way!


I'd like to know why people are uncomfortable with it?
They're just words and over used to much that they barely have meaning anymore.

Yeah I’ve been around it so long I don’t really see…how it can mess with people? Like it’s linguistically overused so uh idk it just loses its meaning


I’ve just…stopped caring about it. I’ll swear whenever I want or when an appropriate situation arises. Sometimes my mouth will autocorrect to “frick” though lol

@Mojack group

I’m not too bothered by swearing, though when I was 8 years old someone did call me a little piece of shit which bothered me..well..a lot.

I swear a little bit irl, usually if I get really surprised by something (in a bad way, like something fell off a desk while I was below it and almost got it by it.) If I’m able to talk, when hurt badly, I’ll be like ‘ffffffff’ but not actually swearing.

I rarely swear around my family or friends, but there are expectations, such as saying the name of something that might include the word, which is fine with most people. If people ask me to not swear too much or not at all I’ll usually comply if they’re polite about it.

I also say words like ‘damn’ often but I don’t consider that a swear (though some people do.)
Usually it’s just in the appropriate situation though.


when i was in second grade i got in trouble for saying "stupid" but like i don't give a fuck anymore

Deleted user

Everyone who know me irl/ internet knows I swear like a sailor. Worse even.
I usually only censor myself around my brother and sisters because they're babies. ie: Fuck becomes Fadoodle. Bitch becomes Bishtaky. Shit becomes Shoe. Etc.


Yeah, that's my big thing, when it happens around possible younger kids. I'm, (Sadly, in my mind) pretty used to seeing it around, even if I don't usually use it. I'm just on the younger side right now, and I haven't been exposed to a lot of verbal language like that. I only see it in books and online, like this.

Deleted user

My dad cusses like a sailor, and my mom swears occasionally. i never really swore until recently, but i never swear irl.