forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

Ok fine 2013 but STILL

None of the kiddos use that anymore.

i use it

ok no i dont

Deleted user

Ok fine 2013 but STILL

Hmmmm. I may allow this because I graduated that year and I think I remember people saying that.

Deleted user

Honestly high school was such a shit show that I dont remember most of it now.


Oh my god, never before have I wanted to scream and cuss out so many people. All of which aren't on here.

Darcy. Goddamn bitch. We had two whole weeks to get this project done, but not only to I have to be stuck alone finishing it on the last possible day, I also did the majority of the fucking work and yet she still has the audacity to try to guilt trip me like bitch what the fuck are you trying to pull.

Shala. Fuck you so much you limp ballsack. I get that it's April Fool's Day and all but pranking me by saying your uncle died from a heart attack last night in the most genuine tone possible is the shittiest thing you could've pulled on me, especially when you obviously know what my home life is like and my perchance for family death. Seriously the worst thing you could've done, you goddamn walnut brain.

My anonymous friend. I love you dearly but you were already pushing your luck with that slow dance two days ago. And now today you come in while I'm concentrating on working and not snapping at people, to apologize for dumping your emotional baggage on me to then just dump it on me again. I thought I made it clear that want to be alone when I work but apparently that didn't manage to read to your needy brain. I am not your parent, I am your friend. You seem to neglect the fact that I alsp have problems and emotional baggage that I don't dump on people besides my goddamn therapist.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Oh my god, never before have I wanted to scream and cuss out so many people. All of which aren't on here.

Darcy. Goddamn bitch. We had two whole weeks to get this project done, but not only to I have to be stuck alone finishing it on the last possible day, I also did the majority of the fucking work and yet she still has the audacity to try to guilt trip me like bitch what the fuck are you trying to pull.

Shala. Fuck you so much you limp ballsack. I get that it's April Fool's Day and all but pranking me by saying your uncle died from a heart attack last night in the most genuine tone possible is the shittiest thing you could've pulled on me, especially when you obviously know what my home life is like and my perchance for family death. Seriously the worst thing you could've done, you goddamn walnut brain.

My anonymous friend. I love you dearly but you were already pushing your luck with that slow dance two days ago. And now today you come in while I'm concentrating on working and not snapping at people, to apologize for dumping your emotional baggage on me to then just dump it on me again. I thought I made it clear that want to be alone when I work but apparently that didn't manage to read to your needy brain. I am not your parent, I am your friend. You seem to neglect the fact that I alsp have problems and emotional baggage that I don't dump on people besides my goddamn therapist.

woah. I don't know what to say except they can all go f^ck themselves for being sh^tty to you

Deleted user


GOT A PROBLEM, hombre????

dude, you like a grandma's age

We call her grandma

Deleted user

Oh my god, never before have I wanted to scream and cuss out so many people. All of which aren't on here.

Darcy. Goddamn bitch. We had two whole weeks to get this project done, but not only to I have to be stuck alone finishing it on the last possible day, I also did the majority of the fucking work and yet she still has the audacity to try to guilt trip me like bitch what the fuck are you trying to pull.

Shala. Fuck you so much you limp ballsack. I get that it's April Fool's Day and all but pranking me by saying your uncle died from a heart attack last night in the most genuine tone possible is the shittiest thing you could've pulled on me, especially when you obviously know what my home life is like and my perchance for family death. Seriously the worst thing you could've done, you goddamn walnut brain.

My anonymous friend. I love you dearly but you were already pushing your luck with that slow dance two days ago. And now today you come in while I'm concentrating on working and not snapping at people, to apologize for dumping your emotional baggage on me to then just dump it on me again. I thought I made it clear that want to be alone when I work but apparently that didn't manage to read to your needy brain. I am not your parent, I am your friend. You seem to neglect the fact that I alsp have problems and emotional baggage that I don't dump on people besides my goddamn therapist.

Destroy them Red, do it. I'll back you up.

At least tell your teacher that you ended up doing a lot of the work on your project and/or your partner bailed. It's important that they know and you cover your butt from getting into trouble. Trust. That bitch deserves it.

Deleted user


GOT A PROBLEM, hombre????

dude, you like a grandma's age

dissociates so hard that I pass onto another plane of existence and scream into the void

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


GOT A PROBLEM, hombre????

dude, you like a grandma's age

dissociates so hard that I pass onto another plane of existence and scream into the void

hears faint scream
Did you hear something? Like a grandma who stubbed her toe?

Deleted user


GOT A PROBLEM, hombre????

dude, you like a grandma's age

dissociates so hard that I pass onto another plane of existence and scream into the void

That is beyond rude

That's like disrespectful

Deleted user

Guys she's like a millenial shes not that old

I'm a baby millennial too. Seriously.

Deleted user


GOT A PROBLEM, hombre????

dude, you like a grandma's age

dissociates so hard that I pass onto another plane of existence and scream into the void

That is beyond rude

That's like disrespectful



@SwimwithGamers Thanks. I'm legit so close to smacking the next person to get on my bad side today.

@FaeEris Oh I will most definitely bitch about it to the teacher.

Deleted user


GOT A PROBLEM, hombre????

dude, you like a grandma's age

dissociates so hard that I pass onto another plane of existence and scream into the void

That is beyond rude

That's like disrespectful


Not you the other person