forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@HighPockets group

Oh dang- I didn't mean that McDonald's is a horrible job at all. I just used it as an example of a low paying job that an (illegal) immigrant may take. I meant no offence.

Oh I didn't even see your comment, I just meant in general. No offense taken!

@HighPockets group

It can be pretty great depending on the restaurant. I mean I thought working at the one in my town was cool but my boss doesn't have a ducking clue how to run a fast food restaurant and they don't train their employees properly.

Yeah, I worked at a pizza buffet and luckily my boss was really good, but I can see how easily training culd get messed up.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

If that was the case, atheists could not have a strict moral code that could back up. And I assure you they do.

I'm sorry, but you didn't answer my question. What higher authority are you looking for? Where do you get your definition of human rights? What makes your source more valid than the UDHR (what's your "higher authority" and how can you objectively provide evidence that it is, in fact, "higher")?
(I don't understand why you're deflecting to the "moral code of atheists". That was never a part of the argument.)

Anything logically reasoned. If they had made a statement of why people had rights in the first place I would have paid their document more heed. My definition comes from God. And if forced to, with some time for study, I could possibly present an argument for rights from another place. But the UDHR is just a group of humans who are in no way better than anyone else. And since they do not make a claim that rights come from something other than them, I think their opinion matters as much as anyone's off the street.

Deleted user

What about the Fore Fathers that wrote down the 'unalienable rights' of the united states? Do you believe in those?


I don't fully understand the debate at hand, but I am just going to say that college isn't a necessity and I believe people should have to pay for it.
That might not be what you're talking about at the moment, I don't really know, everything is confusing me, I'll leave you guys to the arguing.

Deleted user

Just because they say that God gave them those right's doesnt mean that God actually did. Royal families believe that God made them more special than other's and that's why they rule but in reality it was just because they had the bigger army.
Saying anything doesn't make it true.

And the UDHR doesn't believe the rights that they state are given from God as well?

Deleted user

I don't fully understand the debate at hand, but I am just going to say that college isn't a necessity and I believe people should have to pay for it.
That might not be what you're talking about at the moment, I don't really know, everything is confusing me, I'll leave you guys to the arguing.

College is a necessity if you want a career. No large company (or small company for that matter, not that I think about it.) is going to hire someone with just a high school education. Unfortunate, but true.
Obviously there are companies like Starbucks/Fast food/etc that do hire that way, but to join the corporate side of the company you do need a higher education.
Key word here is career.

Deleted user

Very true.

Not that was said. From what I saw they did not invoke any power besides themselves. Which I do not respect as they are simply humans.

hmmmmm @ninja_violinist I don't know the european side to this very well or what documents would argue this point, perhaps you have proof?

I'm sure documents created to protect the rights of humans imbue the power of a deity. Although, I do not know for myself. I need to research.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Very true.

Not that was said. From what I saw they did not invoke any power besides themselves. Which I do not respect as they are simply humans.

hmmmmm @ninja_violinist I don't know the european side to this very well or what documents would argue this point, perhaps you have proof?

I'm sure documents created to protect the rights of humans imbue the power of a deity. Although, I do not know for myself. I need to research.

There's a link so you can read it.

Deleted user

I'm talking about modern business practices. Corporations and the like. Even the fashion industry is like that.

The movie industry is a complete wild card.


Eris has a point. Maybe it should cost money, but only in a society where you weren't required to have a degree to get a job anywhere but fast food.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Eris has a point. Maybe it should cost money, but only in a society where you weren't required to have a degree to get a job anywhere but fast food.

Your argument seems good. Eris? Do you have more evidence for your point that a degree is necessary?

Deleted user

Only my personal experiences being on both sides of the subject in question.

Deleted user

^^Well dang it. There goes my one chance to blatantly tell Eris she was wrong Lol.

Maybe next time kiddo. :P <3

Deleted user


this website suuuucks. It does. I really wanted to give it a chance but I can rarely find actual community. The elitism on this website is disgusting. I've heard a million times about how the newbies are annoying and how the OGs left and everyone is oh so sad the website isn't as good as it used to be. I could never be in any conversation without feeling like an outsider. If you look through this forum, so many people are Deleted User. It's disgusting how people feel so unwelcome in this community. It's disgusting how y'all really think its a good idea to create a chat where half of the conversation is bound to be bringing each other down. False positivity is disgusting, but so is mercilessly cutting each other down. These are human beings y'all are talking shit about. Have some fucking empathy. The false sense of superiority in this site is driving people away. It's driving me away.

In conclusion: you are all a bunch of bitches, and i'm out



this website suuuucks. It does. I really wanted to give it a chance but I can rarely find actual community. The elitism on this website is disgusting. I've heard a million times about how the newbies are annoying and how the OGs left and everyone is oh so sad the website isn't as good as it used to be. I could never be in any conversation without feeling like an outsider. If you look through this forum, so many people are Deleted User. It's disgusting how people feel so unwelcome in this community. It's disgusting how y'all really think its a good idea to create a chat where half of the conversation is bound to be bringing each other down. False positivity is disgusting, but so is mercilessly cutting each other down. These are human beings y'all are talking shit about. Have some fucking empathy. The false sense of superiority in this site is driving people away. It's driving me away.

In conclusion: you are all a bunch of bitches, and i'm out

I shouldn't say this, but I agree, in a way at least. I love this site and all, but the hatred towards newbies needs to stop before I hit someone repeatedly with a brick. I'm trying to convince my best friend to join but after hearing about some of the drama that goes down, she doesn't really want to anymore.

Deleted user

(On a side note: Most of the Deleted Users are the same people who ended up creating new accounts, examples being Logan and Noah)

Yup, I've been deleting my accounts and making new ones because I need to clear up notifications and because I'm impulsive!

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


this website suuuucks. It does. I really wanted to give it a chance but I can rarely find actual community. The elitism on this website is disgusting. I've heard a million times about how the newbies are annoying and how the OGs left and everyone is oh so sad the website isn't as good as it used to be. I could never be in any conversation without feeling like an outsider. If you look through this forum, so many people are Deleted User. It's disgusting how people feel so unwelcome in this community. It's disgusting how y'all really think its a good idea to create a chat where half of the conversation is bound to be bringing each other down. False positivity is disgusting, but so is mercilessly cutting each other down. These are human beings y'all are talking shit about. Have some fucking empathy. The false sense of superiority in this site is driving people away. It's driving me away.

In conclusion: you are all a bunch of bitches, and i'm out

I really have to agree. Usually, the people I end up talking to the most on this websites are newbies too because no one else thinks shit about what a newbie has to say.

Deleted user

Only my personal experiences being on both sides of the subject in question.

But isn't that a bit of a Generalization?

Not really. Most of my generation (most people in general) have experienced the same things. It's a consensus.