forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

true. i defienetly don’t want my hard-earned money going towards Trump’s dumbass wall

Deleted user

Okay so I was actually talking to a republican in my grade and he proved a very good point to me. I'm not saying I like the wall, but the way Trump is presenting it is very poor.

This student who is actually a very good friend of mine, pointed out that the Mexican border is where we actually get a lot of drug and human trafficking. I'm extremely against human trafficking because it can literally happen to anyone (and I may or may not be petrified of it)! Mexico is where a lot of those unsuspecting children/adults come in and out in the sex and drug trade, and a lot of people are coming up here and taking low-paying jobs.

But Trump is doing it completely wrong. He's literally taking kids from immigrants trying to fairly enter the country, and the poor kids are literally being scarred. It's like your parents telling you to do the dishes and you responding with, "How about you do it, you fat hag? You get fucking paid in this damn house!"


Counterpoint about the sex trafficking! American tourists in other countries are actually one of the biggest causes of human trafficking, the prostitution of minors, and kidnapping. It's some creepy ass lolita fetish they've got, and they seem to think doing it in other countries makes it alright


Sorry! I didn't explain that well. I just mean that the wall won't solve all those problems, although maybe better border security would be a good investment. Like, if it makes sense, we start being a bit more careful, but maybe not jump to a wall yet?

Deleted user

That makes more sense, but I think it would help put a very small cork on a very large problem. It's better than nothing, and even if the problem wasn't solved (which it won't be) it would improve quality of life. And yes, I'm absolutely willing to agree with the increased border control.

Deleted user

i totally agree that we need more border security, but if you think about it, a wall is so ineffective and stupid. people can go around, under, or above a wall. it’s not worth 5 billion taxpayer dollars.

Deleted user

Not by much, though. Especially if you look at some of the wall plans Trump has proposed, it would be ridiculously easy to find a way through.


  1. I read all the beginning and though it was interesting and I am sure I would agree with most of it. However. NOWHERE WAS IT LISTED WHERE THESE RIGHTS COME FROM. It was said these rights were inherent and unalienable, but did not give any reason to believe it. There was no appeal from greater authority, so the only authority I could assume they claimed was their own. Not at all satisfactory.

My question here is… What greater authority are you looking for in this scenario? Yeah they basically came up with them…. Because it was after ww2 and they wanted to define the human rights that the UN had sworn to protect.
Of course there's no "greater authority". This is a bunch of countries getting together and saying that they want to define the things that they want to protect for all human beings. There's no "sovereign" in international politics. There's only agreement and compromise and pledges and yeah maybe you don't buy that but that's your loss.
The whole "greater authority" thing only works if you believe in God (which I do) but you can't base law/policy on a higher authority that not everyone believes in.

I mean I could argue that I don't see a higher authority validating the declaration of independence or the US constitution.

  1. Taxes are not inherently stealing. But they are for the government to use for governing, relations with other countries and national defense . Anything not related to that is, in my opinion, theft.

Well my friend that is your opinion on the limitations of government. I happen to disagree, but that is ultimately also my opinion.


I'm feeling a little smad rn, so I'm just gonna rant for a sec.
Please note that this is directed at my irl friends, not you guys.

Tomorrow is the first day of school after spring break. Do you know what that means? It means that it's the day where I get to find out about all the things I wasn't involved in or didn't get invited to last week and pretend to not be offended. You can blame it on my not having a phone if you want. Just remember that you have my parents' phone numbers. You can message me on Pinterest. I'm not completely cut off from you over break.
But sometimes that's what it feels like. I always have to find out about things secondhand. You went to go see a movie last Saturday? Great. Good for you. I hope you had fun without me.
I'm tired of it.
But there's more. You always joke that I'm a robot. That I'm Siri. That I'm emotionless. See, the reason I don't show many emotions is because I tend to react inwardly and not outwardly. And the reason you never see any of my negative emotions is because I bottle them up. I don't tell anyone. And it stays that way until something tips me over the edge and I explode. I'm a very secretive person. I don't usually tell people things/problems/stories unless I deem it absolutely necessary, either by what would be best for other people or what would be best for me, or what I want.
But there are exceptions. And though it may seem like I have the perfect life, or the perfect family, that's not really true. I have my problems. But I never come to any of you with them, because I don't think you'll actually care. I mention that there's something going on in my personal life, and you say "huh that sucks" and go back to flipping through your Instagram feeds.
That's it? That's really all you have to say? I know I'm a strong person. I know you know it, too. But it seems like you think I don't have a limit. That I can withstand any amount of emotional duress.
The truth is, I can't. And honestly, it hurts to have my problems dismissed like that.
It's come to an extent where I instinctively take my problems to my online friends, whom I've known for a year or less and whom I've never met, before (or instead of) my irl friends, most of which I've known since kindergarten. Since we were fucking five years old. And why is that? Because I think they'll care more than you will, or at least show that they care. Which is fucking pathetic, tbh.
And don't get me wrong: I love them, I really do. And I love you guys. 
But sometimes, I wonder if you're not only putting up with me. Sometimes, I wonder if you truly love me.

Deleted user

Aww, Ravens! I do care! You're always an amazing support on the site when others need it, and we all love to support you when you can't take any of the bullshit in everyday life. Listen, you're amazing and worth it and don't pretend otherwise!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So, is asking citizens to pay taxes, so the government can repair the roads they drive on, theft? they get their money back, in a way.

Whoops. It seems I left out one or two other important things. My sincere apologies.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Ah yes, I forgot that using tax paying money to get rid of the mold coming from the hole in the ceiling of the hallway at my old junior high was theft, my bad. 'Cause you know, it probably wouldn't have caused any problems or anything.

Just because you can use stolen money to do good does not make it okay. (This does not prove that I am right or that you are wrong, but I believe your argument is flawed.)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

i totally agree that we need more border security, but if you think about it, a wall is so ineffective and stupid. people can go around, under, or above a wall. it’s not worth 5 billion taxpayer dollars.

Agreed. Also, if I recall correctly, illegal immigrants come through legally, (with a part time visa) then overstay and never go back. (I think it was about 2/3 of them but I'm not sure.)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

  1. I read all the beginning and though it was interesting and I am sure I would agree with most of it. However. NOWHERE WAS IT LISTED WHERE THESE RIGHTS COME FROM. It was said these rights were inherent and unalienable, but did not give any reason to believe it. There was no appeal from greater authority, so the only authority I could assume they claimed was their own. Not at all satisfactory.

My question here is… What greater authority are you looking for in this scenario? Yeah they basically came up with them…. Because it was after ww2 and they wanted to define the human rights that the UN had sworn to protect.
Of course there's no "greater authority". This is a bunch of countries getting together and saying that they want to define the things that they want to protect for all human beings. There's no "sovereign" in international politics. There's only agreement and compromise and pledges and yeah maybe you don't buy that but that's your loss.
The whole "greater authority" thing only works if you believe in God (which I do) but you can't base law/policy on a higher authority that not everyone believes in.

If that was the case, atheists could not have a strict moral code that could back up. And I assure you they do.

I mean I could argue that I don't see a higher authority validating the declaration of independence or the US constitution.

  1. Taxes are not inherently stealing. But they are for the government to use for governing, relations with other countries and national defense . Anything not related to that is, in my opinion, theft.

Well my friend that is your opinion on the limitations of government. I happen to disagree, but that is ultimately also my opinion.

Fair I suppose.

Deleted user

Okay so I was actually talking to a republican in my grade and he proved a very good point to me. I'm not saying I like the wall, but the way Trump is presenting it is very poor.

This student who is actually a very good friend of mine, pointed out that the Mexican border is where we actually get a lot of drug and human trafficking. I'm extremely against human trafficking because it can literally happen to anyone (and I may or may not be petrified of it)! Mexico is where a lot of those unsuspecting children/adults come in and out in the sex and drug trade, and a lot of people are coming up here and taking low-paying jobs.

But Trump is doing it completely wrong. He's literally taking kids from immigrants trying to fairly enter the country, and the poor kids are literally being scarred. It's like your parents telling you to do the dishes and you responding with, "How about you do it, you fat hag? You get fucking paid in this damn house!"

The Mexican Border is not the only place drugs and human trafficking occur, which is pretty much what the Grand Cheeto (Trump) is conveying to the media. He's criminalizing an entire race despite the fact that there are hundreds of other criminal institutions of all different races. We have three other borders that he is not doing anything to 'protect' and yes shit like drugs and human trafficking does happen in Canada. The Yakuza (Japanese gang) send their drugs/guns/humans/ etc. through the pacific border. The Italian Mafia families do all of there business of the East coast, same with the Russians and Middle Eastern gangs. There are criminals for all different nationalities but Trump is only fighting against the Mexicans and Hispanics (I can't count the number of times I've been looked down upon because of my heritage and I'm not even Mexican.) It's racism to the highest degree. He is not proposing a wall to protect anyone, it's a wall to keep people looking for a better way of life out and away from that chance.

Let's talk about those low paying jobs you mentioned. What are they exactly? Working at McDonald's and other fast food places right? Construction? Landscaping? The exact jobs that lazy americans think that they are too good for until someone else takes it up. Americans (meaning citizens that are not fighting for their right to live in a country with opportunity) have all the opportunity to get an education and obtain amazing careers. This is not the same for immigrants, especially 'illegals' that are trying to create a life for themselves. These low paying jobs are they only thing available to them, and the rest of the country is angry about that. If you ask someone "So if you won't let an immigrant work at McDonald's, would you do it?" and they're response is "No way! I'm better than that." So what's the point of getting so worked up over it? Let them work so they can become legal.


If that was the case, atheists could not have a strict moral code that could back up. And I assure you they do.

I'm sorry, but you didn't answer my question. What higher authority are you looking for? Where do you get your definition of human rights? What makes your source more valid than the UDHR (what's your "higher authority" and how can you objectively provide evidence that it is, in fact, "higher")?
(I don't understand why you're deflecting to the "moral code of atheists". That was never a part of the argument.)

@HighPockets group

As someone who spent the summer working at a restaurant, I really hate the whole 'ugh do you want to end up at McDonald's???!!!' thing that people are always saying. Honestly, I'd be content to spend my life working there and writing on the side, I enjoyed it and the people were great, I got free soda and discounted food too.
But Jesus Christ some customers were insanely rude!

Deleted user

Oh dang- I didn't mean that McDonald's is a horrible job at all. I just used it as an example of a low paying job that an (illegal) immigrant may take. I meant no offence.


It can be pretty great depending on the restaurant. I mean I thought working at the one in my town was cool but my boss doesn't have a ducking clue how to run a fast food restaurant and they don't train their employees properly.