forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Look, I've just had a rough day today, alright?

Tomorrow, I'll prob be back to my "happy cheery" self

I've had a pretty rough day too, but you don't see me being a bitch and trying to justify my actions with trauma.

We get it, I'm a self-centered bitch.

Deleted user

Look, I've just had a rough day today, alright?

Tomorrow, I'll prob be back to my "happy cheery" self

I've had a pretty rough day too, but you don't see me being a bitch and trying to justify my actions with trauma.

We get it, I'm a self-centered bitch.

thats not an okay thing to say


This shouldn't be a competition about who's been through more. Just support each other for what you have gone/are currently going through.


Hi imma just pop in and say some things? So like, I get trauma, and trust me, I get bad days. But, uh, that's not a reason to take it out on others in any way, whether it's guilting or the more common yelling at shit? My day has kinda sucked, in fact, my week's just been shit, but I'm trying to be a bit more positive in my interactions with others, because it's not like it's the fault of anyone here, y'know? You seem like an okay person, who's been through some shit, and I think more of us get that than you realize, but nobody here is the cause of any of that.


I know this is the Rudeness chat so I’m not going to get actually involved or say anything more specific but like… @ SwimwithGamers I’m here for you if you want to vent, complain, or just need a friend. I know how you feel, and sometimes after having a bad day you don’t make the greatest decisions and end up being a bit dramatic. I’ve been there (as many people here may know) and it kinda hurts… Just know that I’m here for you, okay? You can PM me anytime.

@Moxie group

Yeah that’s not okay
You can’t play the victim card over and over when people lash out at you. First of all, that had literally nothing to do with what they were talking about. Second of all, that’s just a shitty thing to do. Don’t do it. Just remove yourself from the chat. It’s really that easy


I'm freaking angry right now. So if you don't know, I am young. I am 14 years old and I'm only about to enter high school next year. Most of my friends are my age. And I found that one of my friends applied for a stupid job because college. I'm not saying that she shouldn't work but it's absolutely upsetting to me that we (cuz I know I'm getting a job as soon as I can) need to work to even think about being able to afford college. That we can't just make mistakes and be stupid kids or stupid teenagers and instead have to make money in order to be able to have the education we want. The friggin education system actually is screwed. Maybe it's kinda a dumb thing to be angry about but I am upset nonetheless.

@HighPockets group

Ugh same. I had a job over the summer and sure I liked it, but I'm a kid. I'm mere days from being 15, I shouldn't need to be working all summer to be able to pay for college.


My point exactly. Like I understand getting jobs because you want the experience, or extra money, but it shouldn't be something that you have to do in order to even think about affording anything later in life.


Yeah that posses me off too. I can't afford to go to college, and I can't even get the job I want bc of some mistakes I made when I was 14
I'm going to have to work for a few years to save up before going and then pray I get grades that are good enough to get into med school

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Guys this is life! What is so upsetting? No one promised it would be sunshine and rainbows. Be grateful that you can do what you can do. You don’t have to work until you want to go to college unless a tragedy happens. We live in a good place.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

That doesn’t change the fact that it’s unfair
And it doesn’t take away people’s right to complain about it

Well complain away I guess. But it actually is fair. Why should you get college for free?


It is free in plenty of other countries. It's free, and so is healthcare, and I wouldn't have to worry about living off of ramen for three years just to pay it off, and still be paying it off when I'm thirty. My parents want to move to somewhere in Europe, and one of the reasons why is free education and healthcare. Neither of my parents could afford to complete college despite my mom working three+ jobs. Sure, she was raising kids, but she's even told me that without those of us she had then, she still wouldn't have been able to do it.

It should at least be cheaper.


That doesn’t change the fact that it’s unfair
And it doesn’t take away people’s right to complain about it

Well complain away I guess. But it actually is fair. Why should you get college for free?

Obvious answer. We need intelligent people.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

But someone needs to pay for it. The people in college (professors etc.) deserve to be paid. If it’s in a European country it is not free. Economics 101. The money has to come from somewhere. Answer: Taxes. (This is sounding a little condescending. Sorry.) But it would be really unfair to make people pay for college unless they wanted to use it themselves. What is the solution?


Fair isn't giving everyone the same thing, it's giving everyone what they individually need. It's not a straight answer nor an actual solution, but it's something that a lot of people either ignore or overlook.


If people want college education, they either have to get grades good enough to get a scholarship (and unless its full the students still might have to pay ridiculous amounts of money) or they have to work and get in debt that they'll be paying off well into their adult years. I say it's not worth the stress.


Guys this is life! What is so upsetting? No one promised it would be sunshine and rainbows. Be grateful that you can do what you can do. You don’t have to work until you want to go to college unless a tragedy happens. We live in a good place.

I'm not saying life should be sunshine. And I'm not saying that people shouldn't work. There are good morals in that. But my problem is that I can't be a kid because otherwise I'll be screwing up my entire life.

Deleted user

MMkay im back and wow…. the past few pages annoyed me, but eh this is the Rudeness chat so whatever.

Firstly, SwimwithGamers– chill out man. We don't need to bring trauma into a chat like that. It was completely unnecessary and can be wildly triggering for people that have experienced far worse than what you have. Please refrain from doing that again. Playing the victim only causes more issues than solutions. Thank you for apologizing.

Secondly, I know this chat has the capability to get a bit hostile, so guys if there is every really anything that gets out of hand please just wait for me to come back and referee it. Those of you with my insta can send me a quick PM and I'll hop back online to whip anyone into shape. This is the Rudeness Chat, but that doesn't mean I will allow bullying. Thanks for understanding guys. I'm not placing blame on anyone or whatever, but I'm glad the situation was handled civilly.