forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

uhh, since this is the rudeness chat, can I bitch about my teachers??

of course. Teachers are the worst.

Deleted user

okay, here:

Sam Foster ran to the stadium. He wanted to hear the president's speech.

"Glad you could make it Sam. I was beginning to think you wouldn't show your face after what happened in school." Izumi Hatheway was standing at the entrance.

"If you didn't think I would come, why did you wait for me?"

"You have the tickets, idiot." Izumi gave a soft smile. Sam handed Izumi her ticket, and they both walked into the stadium. There was no ticket booth, because of the force field surrounding the domed arena. It kept out anyone without a ticket.

Finding their seats, they quietly waited for the president to appear on the stage set up in the middle of the old football field. When the sport was banned for inciting violence, the stadium had been converted to a large amphitheater. There was very little sound. No one wanted to be talking when the president came out.

At long last, the president rose out of the stage on a hovercraft. Izumi leaned forward. Sam sat back, slightly surprised. When the president was on a hovercraft, well, let's just say the people were lucky he hadn't "bought the farm" the last time.

What little noise there had been abruptly stopped.

"People of Fort Wayne!" The president had a commanding voice, which echoed throughout the stadium.

"We are here today to celebrate! The last of the rebels-"

A shot rang through the air.

"We're right here!!"

Chaos erupted. Izumi and Sam were running for the exit. A rebel grabbed Sam.


This is called "The Blighted Noose."

by the way, all of these are story starters, because that is how the website works.


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It is meh. A lot of room for improvement. Sorry to crush you, but you do not write extremely well. You have a long way to go before you can say something like that. I don’t know how old you are, but remember you still have a lot of time to improve. From what I’ve seen, no one on this website writes extremely well. And that’s okay. We’re all beginners really. Even Eris, Who I truly respect, does not write extremely well. She writes well, which is more than most,of us can say, including myself.

@HighPockets group

And writing is subjective, so even if you like your writing style, it doesn't mean everyone will. I personally like the semi-lyrical writing style I have, but others don't. I personally dislike the writing style of Three Dark Crowns, but I love the book anyways. Heck, even famous writers like Sarah J. Maas, J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, and even Shakespeare have styles that are subjective. I personally dislike the way that Sarah J. Maas uses ellipsis and em dashes, but I get it's a style thing and others like it. I love the lyrical flow of iambic pentameter (this may or may not be how Iam got his name) but I get people dislike it.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I understand. I was upset because I write at the same or near the same level as the other people on the website. It gets frustrating to see the same people get editor's choice every month.


The only real issue I see is the fact that you're constantly telling and not showimg, which is a no no. Also, don't ever use multiple exclamation points and all caps. Use italics and regular punctuation instead

Deleted user

Even Eris, Who I truly respect, does not write extremely well. She writes well, which is more than most,of us can say, including myself.


Lol jk. Exactly what Dom and Jyn said though. Writing is super subjective, just because you don't get the praise you want doesn't mean it's not good. You have some work to do, that is true. Descriptions are not your enemy. Try adding in character feelings, go in depth into everything they see, feel, hear, etc. because you are creating a world, not just telling the reader about it.
The writing community is about bringing each other up, not competing against each other. Most authors are friends actually! So don't get discouraged that others get awards or what not, use them as an example to get better.

Deleted user


I hate you all.

@HighPockets group

Even Eris, Who I truly respect, does not write extremely well. She writes well, which is more than most,of us can say, including myself.


Lol jk. Exactly what Dom and Jyn said though. Writing is super subjective, just because you don't get the praise you want doesn't mean it's not good. You have some work to do, that is true. Descriptions are not your enemy. Try adding in character feelings, go in depth into everything they see, feel, hear, etc. because you are creating a world, not just telling the reader about it.
The writing community is about bringing each other up, not competing against each other. Most authors are friends actually! So don't get discouraged that others get awards or what not, use them as an example to get better.

I wrote a very personal poem and submitted it for a writing contest only for the professor in charge (picture the stereotypical academic dude) to tell me it wasn't good enough in front of everyone in the room (keep in mind that this was a highschool event and as a freshman, I was one of the youngest there)
So yeah, I refuse to tear people down on how they write cuz it sucks when it happens to you.