forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

Spork, more than one person has told you that your behavior is inappropriate. Now is the time to accept that this is a lost battle and retreat.
Please have a good life, but please have it elsewhere. We may be rude, but we are a respectful kind of rude and would NEVER tell anyone else on this chat (or this site) to do what you told Emi (and many others) to do. Please respect that we do not want YOUR toxic personality among us.

Good Day.

Deleted user

and now Im sad because my compliment to Lee got buried in all this bullshit. Will they ever see it? Who knows? Not me!

I like you too Eris, a lot ;P

HUZZAH! God Save the Queen. You saw it. :D

@The-Magician group

and now Im sad because my compliment to Lee got buried in all this bullshit. Will they ever see it? Who knows? Not me!

I like you too Eris, a lot ;P

HUZZAH! God Save the Queen. You saw it. :D

I did, I see everything! evil laughter followed by coughing

Deleted user

Yoooo Eris. Astra's name will be Vetaki. Big Whoa.

I–I'm sorry Dom I need context. D:

Deleted user

and now Im sad because my compliment to Lee got buried in all this bullshit. Will they ever see it? Who knows? Not me!

I like you too Eris, a lot ;P

HUZZAH! God Save the Queen. You saw it. :D

I did, I see everything! evil laughter followed by coughing


Deleted user

How about we calm down and listen to this joke?

I like my coffee the way I like my jokes about the way I like my coffee. I don't

@The-Magician group

Guys that's a line from Harry Potter

Lee you’re from the UK you should know that

Just because I'm from the UK doesn't mean I know that it's a quote Hermione said to Ron


Ew gross. Cold is the worst because I'm a skinny ass bitch and I can't keep myself warm
Fuzzy socks are my friend

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Yoooo Eris. Astra's name will be Vetaki. Big Whoa.

I–I'm sorry Dom I need context. D:

Y'know my girl Astra? Based on the naming system of Althalos she would have a different name. (And because her name is sort of lame tbh.) So I'm renaming a lot of my characters.