forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I just didn't think I'd get talked down to like I'm nothing, doesn't really help my cripplingly low self-esteem

That was no way to respond.
It was immature and triggering, even to yourself.
Learn to let idiotic internet things to roll off your back.

My word still stands.
Please leave this chat.

I have zero tolerance for the way you acted in response to Emi. It was uncalled for and completely disrespectful.

Deleted user


I understand I created my chat for rude venting, but please try not to take it out so harshly on others. Especially newbies.

Deleted user


I understand I created my chat for rude venting, but please try not to take it out so harshly on others. Especially newbies.

kk sorry Eris. I’ll try my best in the future to keep it to myself.


I was actually starting to become slightly happier from my horrific weekend where my relationships with my mother and stepfather as well as my current life fell to pieces. I was seconds from ending it all. I was starting to get a little better, have a better outlook on life. But hooooooo boy, am I not happy now. I'll remember this. An entire year on this site, and it's like all of the "friends" I've made, all the compassion that's been tossed around, feels like it's gone. Good day.

Deleted user

You dont have to go that far. Just chill a little, Emi.

mm ok

i promise I’ll tell all of you in depth the darkest secrets of my ire

lol no jk

Deleted user

Your apology is noted Spork, but your guilt tripping and petulance is not going to change my mind. You broke my number one rule and as I have stated, I have zero tolerance.

Please. The 'stop following' button is in the top right corner, click it.

Deleted user

yeah man i did

it was

“jk go fucking die” or something along the lines of

Deleted user

Yeah, I mean people tell everyone to kill themselves on the internet all the time. Doesn't mean much anymore.

text is hard to interpret and a lot of people have those sort of thoughts. you don’t know when or will someone will take it seriously.