forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Twas pleasing to witness, Eris

you know what? you're pretty damn awesome Lee. I feel like you need to know that right now. I like you. :)


What the fuck did I just walk in to?
Sporks is goddamn lucky they left the chat before I kicked their ass, no one talks to Emi like that

Hit me


I swear to god I'm so late to this but Spork, don't join a rudeness chat if you can't handle people being rude to you?? Seems like common sense, and also, guilt tripping is one of my biggest pet peeves. Don't try to make people feel bad for using a chat the way it was intended by saying "well I'm gonna go cut myself now because you were mean in the mean chat >:(". Like, you can get over Emi's comment (because literally the point of this chat is to be rude), but dear fucking god don't go guilt tripping and telling people to kill themselves. That's past the line of rude. That's just being a prick ass bitch.
Aight there's my piece, hope y'all feeling good

I'm not guilt tripping you stupid twink. Don't assume, because you know nothing about me. I'm having some ungodly trouble with my life right now. It's entirely fucked. I'm not just saying shit for attention.

Deleted user

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand here we go again

I'mma just head over to a corner and cover my ears

Deleted user

Spork the exit is that way ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………^^^


Spork the exit is that way ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………^^^

No need to tell me twice, however I will be ignoring you this time. Sorry "bb"

Deleted user

I will not tell you again.

Exit. Now.

You are not welcome in this chat after your behavior.

@ElderGod-kirky group

My fucking god. You were told numerous times to get the fuck out of this chat. You aren't welcome here. You're making a huge deal out of something that is to be expected in this chat. This is not the place to be if you don't want negativity in your life, and thinking that you're going to find unicorns and rainbows here is completely asinine. You simply could've gone about your day, but no. You had to put more fuel into the fire. To me, that sounds like a pathetic cry for attention.

@HighPockets group

What the fuck did I just walk in to?
Sporks is goddamn lucky they left the chat before I kicked their ass, no one talks to Emi like that

Hit me

Listen up, you punk ass motherfucker.
If you can't handle rudeness, got off of the goddamn chat, and be a decent fucking human being. I'm an asshole and I'll freely admit it, it's mentioned in my fucking profile that I refer to myself as That Frankenstein Bitch because guess what! I'm a bitch! I'm rude! HOWEVER there is a HUGE ASS LINE between being harmlessly rude and TELLING SOMEONE TO KILL THEMSELF AND SAYING THAT YOU WILL COMMIT SUICIDE BECAUSE OF THEM!
THAT'S called BEING A MANIPULATIVE CONNIVING DICKWEED and I will NOT allow some douchecanoe rando to suicide bait my friend for telling someone not to make some pointless comment in an otherwise serious chat.
So in conclusion-


Whoo, I should chill here more often. I do love being a bitch.
Well, Spork, you could've just walked away when you were asked. But did you? No, you had to escalate the situation to ungodly proportions. You shouldn't have walked into the rudeness chat and not expect people to be rude for 'no reason'. You're being overly sensitive to a fly-by comment, and you starting a chat called 'Does anyone even care?' after you escalated a situation that didn't need to be escalated is definitely a cry for attention. And then saying you're leaving over it definitely seems like an over reaction. Again, this is the rudeness chat. You shouldn't be threatening to leave over a rude comment in this chat


I swear to god I'm so late to this but Spork, don't join a rudeness chat if you can't handle people being rude to you?? Seems like common sense, and also, guilt tripping is one of my biggest pet peeves. Don't try to make people feel bad for using a chat the way it was intended by saying "well I'm gonna go cut myself now because you were mean in the mean chat >:(". Like, you can get over Emi's comment (because literally the point of this chat is to be rude), but dear fucking god don't go guilt tripping and telling people to kill themselves. That's past the line of rude. That's just being a prick ass bitch.
Aight there's my piece, hope y'all feeling good

I'm not guilt tripping you stupid twink. Don't assume, because you know nothing about me. I'm having some ungodly trouble with my life right now. It's entirely fucked. I'm not just saying shit for attention.

Deadass, no one's assuming. It's all facts. Like the shit you're doing right now just proves it.

Deleted user

oh my god this is the exact definition of beating a dead horse I’m pretty sure, this just goes on and on and on- when will it stop

Перестань, блядь, приходить сюда

@The-Magician group

Spork, I understand that you have shit going on. We all do. If the situation calls for you to say something a little bitchy then fine, but NOTHING gives you the right to 1. Tell someone to kill themselves, and 2. Threaten someone with your own suicide. That is completely unacceptable. If suicidal tendencies is something that you are suffering with then you need to go somewhere where you can receive professional help rather than inflicting it onto people who neither want it nor need it. That kind of shit isn't something that people want, especially those who actually do have suicidal thoughts/tendencies.
For your sake, and for the wellbeing of others, kindly leave this chat or at least refrain from saying things that will obviously upset someone.

@HighPockets group

I swear to god I'm so late to this but Spork, don't join a rudeness chat if you can't handle people being rude to you?? Seems like common sense, and also, guilt tripping is one of my biggest pet peeves. Don't try to make people feel bad for using a chat the way it was intended by saying "well I'm gonna go cut myself now because you were mean in the mean chat >:(". Like, you can get over Emi's comment (because literally the point of this chat is to be rude), but dear fucking god don't go guilt tripping and telling people to kill themselves. That's past the line of rude. That's just being a prick ass bitch.
Aight there's my piece, hope y'all feeling good

I'm not guilt tripping you stupid twink. Don't assume, because you know nothing about me. I'm having some ungodly trouble with my life right now. It's entirely fucked. I'm not just saying shit for attention.

Deadass, no one's assuming. It's all facts. Like the shit you're doing right now just proves it.

Yeah, maybe get some help for you "ungodly problems" instead of lashing out at random people you don't even know, you utter prick.

@HighPockets group

Spork, I understand that you have shit going on. We all do. If the situation calls for you to say something a little bitchy then fine, but NOTHING gives you the right to 1. Tell someone to kill themselves, and 2. Threaten someone with your own suicide. That is completely unacceptable. If suicidal tendencies is something that you are suffering with then you need to go somewhere where you can receive professional help rather than inflicting it onto people who neither want it nor need it. That kind of shit isn't something that people want, especially those who actually do have suicidal thoughts/tendencies.
For your sake, and for the wellbeing of others, kindly leave this chat or at least refrain from saying things that with obviously upset someone.

Mark gave you an entire fucking list of suicide hotlines to call and yet you just wallow in self-pity "woe is me!!" bullshit instead. Suicide baiting is never okay and it's disgusting that anyone who is struggling with suicide would ever suggest that to someone else. You have the emotional range of a teaspoon. Fuck off and don't come back to this chat.

Deleted user

and now Im sad because my compliment to Lee got buried in all this bullshit. Will they ever see it? Who knows? Not me!