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people_alt 109 followers

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I would also like to mention that soldiers who were brought against their will might be more trouble than a help.

unlikely. it's not like one would purposely fuck up a military operation where people could get killed and said soldier getting an dishonorable discharge/ worse punishment.

Maybe not exactly. But maybe hanging back and ruining things that way.

Deleted user

I have a very good debate subject

Should the research from the Holocaust experiments be released?

Deleted user

Right, but out of respect for the tortured victims, perhaps it shouldn't be.

@Mojack group

So I’ll start off this little essay I’m about to put down here by saying I’m somewhat neutral, but I’ll be doing some research about it that might change my opinion. I’ll also say that I do already have mixed feelings on it.

From a moral standpoint, as others have said: out of respect for the families and the victims, maybe not. And considering (while it may have provided some ground work for certain stuff later on, what happened outweighs this in my opinion) that not much was really learned from it, probably not. The problem with the experiments is that they weren’t really done on healthy people. The tortured victims were sick and often starved due to the conditions, so the experiments probably wouldn’t have served much of a purpose medically considering the results would’ve been different if you did it on a healthy person instead.

Adding to that, the manner of how the experiments were performed probably didn’t give rise to any useful data. And I also read up on that you could probably judge the legitimacy of the doctors doing the experiments; some of them may have not have been (qualified) doctors at all. There wasn’t a line between sadism or science for them.

I think we can settle with victims who (on their own choice of course) come out and explain what happened, or write books about it. There are some really good books out there written by victims of the holocaust, and you can find AMAs on reddit from the victims who answer questions on there quite well as well.

So I’d probably lean on no. There isn’t much we can really grasp from it, and there already is quite a bit of information about it already available, with survivor accounts and all.