forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers


  1. There’d be insufferable amounts of product placement, like watching an hour long ad
  2. Cereal mascots just aren’t enough material to base a whole movie off of. You try to make a movie with them and you’ll probably get just another Woody Woodpecker Movie-type thing, a long, hard to watch, live-action kids film with 2-dimensional characters, boring plotlines, unfunny humor, and cringey music. there’s nothing that makes me hate a movie more that that forced scene in the middle where the qUiRkY kiD wHo jUst iSn’T uNdeRsToOd picks up an instrument and starts singing a 5-minute long generic pop solo that some old guy in the basement that’s hip with the kids wrote in 5 minutes and then spilled a whole glass of chocolate milk on
  3. A plot centered around cereal just doesn’t even sound good, you’d have to have the best writers on earth to make anything out of that and even they’d fail
  4. No child is looking at their breakfast in the morning thinking “wow, I wish the dinosaur on this box would come to life and read me every single cereal ad ever created while on an adventure to save the world from evil Dr. Deforestation so we can reverse climate change using Cocoa Puffs”, and I guarantee you no adults are thinking that either, so there’s really no one to target the movie towards
  5. w h y


Also, I don’t know if this is unpopular or not but uhh…
Can we bring back 2D animated kids movies?
Why does everything have to be live-action or 3D?
It’s weird
I don’t like it as much
And I definitely didn’t as a child either

Deleted user

WAIT I MISCLICKED OHhhh I'm sorry, Nut Ella, i thought it would take me yo a different page, but I reported your post, I didn't realize! I'm sorry

@Moxie group

WAIT I MISCLICKED OHhhh I'm sorry, Nut Ella, i thought it would take me yo a different page, but I reported your post, I didn't realize! I'm sorry

It’s okay, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) will see that there’s nothing wrong with her post and that it was an accident

Deleted user

Oh, thank goodness. Okay, then it's okay? Sorry about that


WAIT I MISCLICKED OHhhh I'm sorry, Nut Ella, i thought it would take me yo a different page, but I reported your post, I didn't realize! I'm sorry

It’s okay! I do that sometimes.
All it’ll do is send andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) a notification to review it, and since it doesn’t contain anything bad he’ll probably let it be.
No need to worry.

Deleted user

Btw, I was really kidding with the cereal mascot movie, but I didn't really think of it in that direction, not at all centered around cereal at all, I was only thinking hand drawn animation of the characters, hand drawn is great

Deleted user

Also. Hi newbie. You seem decent based on the fact you are here. How old are you?


Cool. Nineteen.

Great. 8,643.