forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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and here we go yet again

ikr. I never know if I should try to step in or…

it’s probably best just stay quiet. No matter what gets said or doesn’t, the conversation’s not going to go anywhere. Best thing we can do is keep out of it so the people arguing don’t have anything else to respond to-

@HighPockets group

oh yeah let me just delete the whole thing rather than editing it like a normal human

Ahh, so now I'm not a normal human.
Imagine being such a bitch to everyone on the internet for no reason.
Kindly shut up, Emi.

As if you don't do that yourself, like when you flipped out at Baylee for no goddamn reason, or at me for suggesting that you call a suicide hotline instead of complaining online (over how you misinterpreted my post, nonetheless)
Emi can say whatever she wants

I don't 'flip out at Baylee??' And if you need the details of why I don't want to use a suicide hotline, I'll have you know that the ones I have past experiences with do not hold pleasant memories. And don't call it 'complaining.' There's a difference between being in a suicidal episode and 'complaining.'

You could have said that instead of freaking out at me. I gave you the location of one I know and trust and you refused to so much as acknowledge that I attempted to help you. You seem to have conveniently forgotten that I was in one as well.

I didn't freak out at you. Literally at all. I'm sorry for not being comfortable using a number I found online I guess?? Next time I'll respond with "no" I guess?? I don't remember you being online during a suicidal episode, because I don't think I was on any chats while that happened. But I certainly wouldn't have written that off as complaining.

You don't remember me stating that I was in a suicidal episode for the entire day leading up to yours? I was less than transparent about it.
And I'd certainly qualify the way you treated me, Lizzie, Eris, and everyone else who stepped in saying something you didn't want to hear as "flipping out".

Deleted user

oh yeah let me just delete the whole thing rather than editing it like a normal human

Ahh, so now I'm not a normal human.
Imagine being such a bitch to everyone on the internet for no reason.
Kindly shut up, Emi.

As if you don't do that yourself, like when you flipped out at Baylee for no goddamn reason, or at me for suggesting that you call a suicide hotline instead of complaining online (over how you misinterpreted my post, nonetheless)
Emi can say whatever she wants

I don't 'flip out at Baylee??' And if you need the details of why I don't want to use a suicide hotline, I'll have you know that the ones I have past experiences with do not hold pleasant memories. And don't call it 'complaining.' There's a difference between being in a suicidal episode and 'complaining.'

You could have said that instead of freaking out at me. I gave you the location of one I know and trust and you refused to so much as acknowledge that I attempted to help you. You seem to have conveniently forgotten that I was in one as well.

I didn't freak out at you. Literally at all. I'm sorry for not being comfortable using a number I found online I guess?? Next time I'll respond with "no" I guess?? I don't remember you being online during a suicidal episode, because I don't think I was on any chats while that happened. But I certainly wouldn't have written that off as complaining.

You don't remember me stating that I was in a suicidal episode for the entire day leading up to yours? I was less than transparent about it.

Well, sorry, don't remember. Sad you went through that, though.

And I'd certainly qualify the way you treated me, Lizzie, Eris, and everyone else who stepped in saying something you didn't want to hear as "flipping out".

Well, I wouldn't. Shrugs

@HighPockets group

I don’t think you’re respecting anyone by mocking them or insulting them :l

C-Can you read?
I specifically said I was not mocking Eva, and that I used the phrase 'your disorder' because it's what she used and I assumed she was comfortable with that.
This doesn't even involve you??

I wasn’t talking about Jyn.

I was talking about you mocking someone in general.

Yes, I think I can read, or else my eyes wouldn’t have to be subjected to the bullshit I’m reading right now.

I don't respect this person

At all

….and there it is. You do know that everyone deserves respect, right? And since you don't know them, what reason do you have to not respect them?


and here we go yet again

ikr. I never know if I should try to step in or…

it’s probably best just stay quiet. No matter what gets said or doesn’t, the conversation’s not going to go anywhere. Best thing we can do is keep out of it so the people arguing don’t have anything else to respond to-

will do but I really hate arguing and I know ya'll are such good human beans and my first instinct is to try and resolve things but I'll ignore it for now…

Deleted user

I don’t think you’re respecting anyone by mocking them or insulting them :l

C-Can you read?
I specifically said I was not mocking Eva, and that I used the phrase 'your disorder' because it's what she used and I assumed she was comfortable with that.
This doesn't even involve you??

I wasn’t talking about Jyn.

I was talking about you mocking someone in general.

Yes, I think I can read, or else my eyes wouldn’t have to be subjected to the bullshit I’m reading right now.

I don't respect this person

At all

….and there it is. You do know that everyone deserves respect, right? And since you don't know them, what reason do you have to not respect them?

I don't feel I owe people respect if they've done nothing worth respecting
My reason is that they identify as goddamn 'autismgender'

@HighPockets group

I don’t think you’re respecting anyone by mocking them or insulting them :l

C-Can you read?
I specifically said I was not mocking Eva, and that I used the phrase 'your disorder' because it's what she used and I assumed she was comfortable with that.
This doesn't even involve you??

I wasn’t talking about Jyn.

I was talking about you mocking someone in general.

Yes, I think I can read, or else my eyes wouldn’t have to be subjected to the bullshit I’m reading right now.

I don't respect this person

At all

….and there it is. You do know that everyone deserves respect, right? And since you don't know them, what reason do you have to not respect them?

I don't feel I owe people respect if they've done nothing worth respecting
My reason is that they identify as goddamn 'autismgender'

So your excuse is ableism, got it.
Like I said, they have a condition that can effect the way they view themself and their gender. Since you're allistic, you have no basis to judge them on since you don't deal with what they do.


and here we go yet again

ikr. I never know if I should try to step in or…

it’s probably best just stay quiet. No matter what gets said or doesn’t, the conversation’s not going to go anywhere. Best thing we can do is keep out of it so the people arguing don’t have anything else to respond to-

will do but I really hate arguing and I know ya'll are such good human beans and my first instinct is to try and resolve things but I'll ignore it for now…

I get it… I always have a hard time staying out of it. these people are my friends, I can’t stand seeing them argue like this so often, it just tears me to shreds sometimes and I want it to stop, but I’ve found that the best way to make the arguing end is to give them nothing else to argue about. Even saying that you want them to stop could spark more problems and it’s just not worth it, most of the time…

Deleted user

I don’t think you’re respecting anyone by mocking them or insulting them :l

C-Can you read?
I specifically said I was not mocking Eva, and that I used the phrase 'your disorder' because it's what she used and I assumed she was comfortable with that.
This doesn't even involve you??

I wasn’t talking about Jyn.

I was talking about you mocking someone in general.

Yes, I think I can read, or else my eyes wouldn’t have to be subjected to the bullshit I’m reading right now.

I don't respect this person

At all

….and there it is. You do know that everyone deserves respect, right? And since you don't know them, what reason do you have to not respect them?

I don't feel I owe people respect if they've done nothing worth respecting
My reason is that they identify as goddamn 'autismgender'

So your excuse is ableism, got it.
Like I said, they have a condition that can effect the way they view themself and their gender. Since you're allistic, you have no basis to judge them on since you don't deal with what they do.

No, I do not agree with ableism
I am far from able-bodied myself, anyway

I don't respect people unless I feel they've done something worth respecting
It's that simple
This has nothing to do with the fact that this person has autism
This has to do with the fact that they haven't done anything I find worth respecting
And the fact that they consider autism part of their gender identity
I don't agree with it
End of story.

@Pickles group

big squishy Emi hug :)

many hugs love ya <3

very big hugs
Thanks you guys, I needed that <3

anytime Ella I'm always here for hugs

Ella have a hug from me too

Deleted user

Heard about cloudgender, folks?

idk Cloudgender actually makes sense, but it could be captured in the queer section of LGBTQ so

Did you mean this?

i mean…


Was I not supposed to? Was the small bit of research I did not good enough for structuring my opinion? If so I apologize, but the small bit I got did make a little sense.

@HighPockets group

I don’t think you’re respecting anyone by mocking them or insulting them :l

C-Can you read?
I specifically said I was not mocking Eva, and that I used the phrase 'your disorder' because it's what she used and I assumed she was comfortable with that.
This doesn't even involve you??

I wasn’t talking about Jyn.

I was talking about you mocking someone in general.

Yes, I think I can read, or else my eyes wouldn’t have to be subjected to the bullshit I’m reading right now.

I don't respect this person

At all

….and there it is. You do know that everyone deserves respect, right? And since you don't know them, what reason do you have to not respect them?

I don't feel I owe people respect if they've done nothing worth respecting
My reason is that they identify as goddamn 'autismgender'

So your excuse is ableism, got it.
Like I said, they have a condition that can effect the way they view themself and their gender. Since you're allistic, you have no basis to judge them on since you don't deal with what they do.

No, I do not agree with ableism
I am far from able-bodied myself, anyway

I don't respect people unless I feel they've done something worth respecting
It's that simple
This has nothing to do with the fact that this person has autism
This has to do with the fact that they haven't done anything I find worth respecting
And the fact that they consider autism part of their gender identity
I don't agree with it
End of story.

I literally just pointed out that their autism impacts the way they view the world, therefore impacting the way they view their gender. Literally who cares if they believe the two intertwine, their identity is none of your concern.
Fyi, "allistic" doesn't mean able-bodied, it means "person who is not autistic". Idk if that's what you meant by the subbed part, but whatever.
I'm done with this debate if you are.


and here we go yet again

ikr. I never know if I should try to step in or…

it’s probably best just stay quiet. No matter what gets said or doesn’t, the conversation’s not going to go anywhere. Best thing we can do is keep out of it so the people arguing don’t have anything else to respond to-

will do but I really hate arguing and I know ya'll are such good human beans and my first instinct is to try and resolve things but I'll ignore it for now…

I get it… I always have a hard time staying out of it. these people are my friends, I can’t stand seeing them argue like this so often, it just tears me to shreds sometimes and I want it to stop, but I’ve found that the best way to make the arguing end is to give them nothing else to argue about. Even saying that you want them to stop could spark more problems and it’s just not worth it, most of the time…

alright. Love ya Ella! You're such a great person and your the best moderator we could have on the Venting Chat.

@Pickles group

Wth did I even miss? I don't feel like reading it all.

the same structure for every Jynnie-Miri fight ever, basically. And Jay, Ella and I being uncomfy


Can someone please tell me what happened?

A few people were having a debate about autismgender but it kind of spun off into a different kind of argument and me and Ella are just chatting in the corner about not liking arguments

@HighPockets group

Idk if this is a boring debate topic, but I've been looking over my card and wondering thoughts on library fines.
Should they max out when they reach a certain amount?
Should a person be charged for any damage to a book? If not, where is the line drawn?
Is it fair to charge kids for overdue books since they can't go on their own free will?

This has nothing to do with my almost $8 fine, no way


Can someone please tell me what happened?

I read through the thing and I don’t even know
It started with something about the letters of lgbtqia+ and turned into what seems like a debate on whether or not autismgender is a valid thing