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@Pickles group

I think people get offended if someone makes a joke at their expense and they don't like it but as long as they aren't the one being hurt by it, they're fine with it
So if you don't want people to make jokes about your sexuality, don't make jokes about theirs, I guess?
Personally I couldn't give two craps unless you're telling me its not real

Deleted user

People need to grow spines and know that everyone is going to make a joke about everything on the planet.
Don't get offended, it's a waste of time

@HighPockets group

And then there's the (very few) people who insist you use the whole thing and get super offended if you say "lgbt" or "lgbtqia" instead of "lgbtqlmnopneumonultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis3.1415926antidisestablishmentarianism" or whatever it is now, I don't know, I don't keep track, I'm sorry

Have y'all ever heard of aUtIsMgEnDeR

On the other hand, Miriam's joke is not funny.

@Pickles group

And then there's the (very few) people who insist you use the whole thing and get super offended if you say "lgbt" or "lgbtqia" instead of "lgbtqlmnopneumonultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis3.1415926antidisestablishmentarianism" or whatever it is now, I don't know, I don't keep track, I'm sorry

yes and I don't understand why

Deleted user

It's not a joke??????
It's something people made up as an identity?
I'm not joking about autism lmao

Deleted user

It's, like, a term this person made up because they have autism and… Just watch the video ig

Deleted user

Lars, the one in the video, started it, but a few people joined in

@HighPockets group

It's not a joke??????
It's something people made up as an identity?
I'm not joking about autism lmao

Well, I perceived it as a joke bc of the alternating capitals, so…
Maybe think your words through?

Deleted user

It's not a joke??????
It's something people made up as an identity?
I'm not joking about autism lmao

Well, I perceived it as a joke bc of the alternating capitals, so…
Maybe think your words through?

How else am I supposed to word it?
Haveth thou caught word of so-called 'Autismgender?'
Because I can't even take myself seriously when saying the phrase "autismgender"
And yet, it is {to some people ig} 'a thing'

Deleted user

Heard about cloudgender, folks?

idk Cloudgender actually makes sense, but it could be captured in the queer section of LGBTQ so

@HighPockets group

It's not a joke??????
It's something people made up as an identity?
I'm not joking about autism lmao

Well, I perceived it as a joke bc of the alternating capitals, so…
Maybe think your words through?

How else am I supposed to word it?
Haveth thou caught word of so-called 'Autismgender?'
Because I can't even take myself seriously when saying the phrase "autismgender"
And yet, it is {to some people ig} 'a thing'

Hmmm, well, maybe you have literally anything better to do than mock someone for talking about how a disorder has impacted how they identify?
And for someone who gets all uppity whenever someone disagrees with the way you interpret someone else's post, you sure have an issue when someone does it to you :)

@HighPockets group

This could be an interesting debate topic:
Do things like no-spending months and buying bans actually help?
Or branching off of that, what sort of impact does "flex culture" have on people, and can it be tied to over/compulsive spending?