forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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Deleted user

Paradise Lost and Inferno are the Fanfiction.

This straight up slayed me.

Deleted user

Ahh that list forgot "trekkies, set your phasers to stun!"

Deleted user

Guys have you ever realized that Religions are basically really big, ancient fandoms?

Christians, grab your bibles!

But that's great

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Guys have you ever realized that Religions are basically really big, ancient fandoms?

I hate to crush your most amusing statement, but I disagree. Fandoms (I don’t think) ever are supposed to change the essence of a person’s life. It could be argued (mostly because I don’t actually know the religious aspects of most older religions) that only newer religions are like this, but I doubt it.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Guys have you ever realized that Religions are basically really big, ancient fandoms?

But surely we cannot all unsheathe Sting. That’s preposterous. Perhaps a more suitable cry would be ‘Sing with Eru Iluvitar’ or more likely ‘Ride against the forces of Melkor’.
Also Potterheads were mentioned twice. Kids with their pop fandoms. Humph. The best fandom is of Tolkien. Old and grand as the mountains.

Deleted user

Should nonbinary be included in the transgender community?

@HighPockets group

Disclaimer: I'm not trans, so take this with a pinch of salt
Technically speaking, nonbinary is under the trans umbrella, which is a catch-all of "identifies as a gender they were not assigned at birth". Since nonbinary people fall under that, I say yes.


Disclaimer: I'm not trans, so take this with a pinch of salt
Technically speaking, nonbinary is under the trans umbrella, which is a catch-all of "identifies as a gender they were not assigned at birth". Since nonbinary people fall under that, I say yes.

As a person who is the typical definition of trans…

I agree with Jyn. Trans isn't specific, it's an umbrella that encompasses literally anyone who has a different gender from their physical sex. Even Non-Binary is an umbrella.

I include them.

Deleted user

The logic is sound.
I honestly had no idea that people argued against that

@HighPockets group

The only reason I could see for arguing it is if people wanted N to be added to the acronym, which wouldn't really work because other umbrellas are included (pan and poly fall under the bi umbrella, hence the lack of a P, and demi, grey, etc. fall under the aromantic and asexual umbrella, so they don't get letters either)

Deleted user

might as well just make it the whole damn alphabet at this point. Jesus Christ that's so annoying.

Deleted user

might as well just make it the whole damn alphabet at this point. Jesus Christ that's so annoying.



And then there's the (very few) people who insist you use the whole thing and get super offended if you say "lgbt" or "lgbtqia" instead of "lgbtqlmnopneumonultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis3.1415926antidisestablishmentarianism" or whatever it is now, I don't know, I don't keep track, I'm sorry

Deleted user

And then there's the (very few) people who insist you use the whole thing and get super offended if you say "lgbt" or "lgbtqia" instead of "lgbtqlmnopneumonultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis3.1415926antidisestablishmentarianism" or whatever it is now, I don't know, I don't keep track, I'm sorry

Have y'all ever heard of aUtIsMgEnDeR


Ok, but is it offensive to use jokes about sexualities?
Like, my friend got offended about a joke about asexuality (it was the asexuals are attracted to a's one) but she also uses the as straight as a circle or uncooked spaghetti joke so like…