forum Come here if you need help... I don't care what it is... I'll see to it that I do all that I can for you...
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Thank you frens!!!
I appreciate your support!!
I’m glad I figured that out….

Deleted user

You’re welcome frens!

If you want, I guess, I can open a thread with all my stories (posted, maybe no links for google docs and all that mess) from the monthly prompt thing.

@Becfromthedead group

Okay, so I guess I'll finally come here and talk about my problems. Everything's been going pretty okay for the most part lately, but today just kind of turned everything around.
First of all, there's this girl who's weaseling her way into all of my social groups. And I don't like her. I'm a very tolerant person most of the time, but she's so rude to everyone and has no filter, and my friends for the most part agree. She knows that she's a pain and an absolute jerk, but she makes no effort to do better. I don't want to waste my time and energy on such a toxic person. She makes it SO HARD to do social things because she intrudes on everything we do now. It's even worse because the rest of my friend group is super chill and no one wants to confront her, and of course, no one ever wants to have to tell anyone they're not wanted somewhere. The easy thing to do would obviously be to ignore her, right? But that doesn't work, because when you ignore her, she'll keep pestering you until you pay her attention. I knew it was a growing problem, but she got added to a group chat I'm in today, and she's now "befriending" other friends of mine. I'm all for kill 'em with kindness, but boy does she make it hard.
Next, I decided to come home from school this weekend, and I really hate being around my family aside from my dad. My mom's the type who nags all the time. She dotes on my brother too much, and he's horrible because of it. I try to be a good sister and have conversations with him sometimes, but usually he ignores me. My parents fight. It stresses me out a lot. It's been happening for over ten years. Those are the lingering stresses at home.
What sent me absolutely over the edge was something my mom said to me tonight. We have very opposite personalities to begin with (I'm a good bit more cynical.) She brought something up about some charity that's known to be inefficient and doesn't allocate money properly. I told her that and she got angry, asking me why I was talking like a liberal (which she uses as a literal insult??? And that makes me so mad), and who I'd been talking to or what I'd been reading. I asked her why she thought I had a single source for all of this, and she told me that I shouldn't believe everything I read, which makes her a total hypocrite, because all she watches is FOX news, and she believes every word of it, even though it, like other sources, is biased. Idk man. I kept my cool, but I'm still so angry. People who use political stances as insults are just… wrong. Also I'm an adult, and I'm more educated in current politics than she is, so she has no grounds to say those things. To make things worse, about two weeks ago, she and her parents literally SAT ME DOWN AND TOLD ME WHO TO VOTE FOR!!! I honestly don't care what her political stance is, as long as she doesn't interfere with my life by forcing things down my throat, but that line's been crossed.
Oh, and before that? She was talking about a transgender student at the school she works at, how he's too young to be doing all this (this is middle school, 8th grade I think) while also referring to him by the wrong pronouns. It just aggravates me. I have a few friends who are transgender too and have these same struggles of being misgendered, so idk, I just feel really frustrated and aggravated for all of the people who have to deal with this. It's not hard to refer to someone by proper pronouns and the name they choose.

@Rvan group

Oof, that really sucks. I’m super sorry you have to deal with that. People just shouldn’t weasel their way into friend groups, it’s just wrong. I also hate getting shoved things down my throat too, I wish people could just not be so politically biased some times, ya know? And frankly, I feel like people just need to understand each other better with LGBT+ community, times are changing and I feel like people just can’t accept that.


I know how you feel. I'm very grunge, though, so if someone thinks they can cause trouble they'd better guess again. I guess the best thing you can do is let this girl work her way out of this phase she's going through.
As for that politics thing, well I'm moderate, and I know people who are extremely heavy into the Left and Right, but save for when I'm joking I would NEVER use political stance as an insult. I'm guessing you're pretty liberal, and I get it, you can come here. Most of us on notebook are either liberal or liberal-leaning moderates (like me), and we'll support your decisions.
And hey, if they're trying to take away your free will to vote, maybe tell them that that stands against everything that they're for as Conservatives, because for better or worse, Conservatives will always support freedom, no matter how bad it gets.

We love you Bec!

@Becfromthedead group

Thanks, you guys. I really needed to vent. (Also I’m moderate, too. My mom just thinks any view that isn’t her own is liberal.) And Yeah… I’ll just kind of have to see how the whole other thing pans out. I’ll try not to do too much at the moment unless things get bad.

@Rvan group

I'm guessing you're pretty liberal, and I get it, you can come here. Most of us on notebook are either liberal or liberal-leaning moderates (like me), and we'll support your decisions.

Just would like to add that even right-leaning people on notebook will support your decisions too!
And at least your vote will always be your vote, no one can influence you in the voting box.

@Becfromthedead group

Idek who to vote for yet, but I’ll of course do my research before picking anyone. Thanks for being supportive. (Ignore the fact George Washington himself said political parties were a bad idea)