forum Come here if you need help... I don't care what it is... I'll see to it that I do all that I can for you...
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Because if you suddenly start taking care of yourself, then what do your parents have to worry about? If you're squeaky clean and fit as hell, then what the Hell do they have to worry about… You know, kill two birds with one stone.

Or.. If you love this site, then do it for all of us on here…


Shuri, just want to say thank you for making this chat. It is very kind of you to want to help and comfort people here:)

Don't thank me… I've always had a lot of stuff to deal with… I might as well help you all with yours.


Okay, here it goes.

I've just been feeling really…apathetic lately, and it's kind of freaking me out. Like, so much shit (Is it okay if I cuss?) has been happening and I literally can't bring myself to care. I haven't cried in moths and I know I should be sad about certain events that have happened but I can't. I can't and I know I should and it's just really been messing with my head because I don't feel normal. I feel, like, separate from my friends and family and… I don't know this got really rambly but I think I got the point across.

I know how you feel. Until very recently it's been years since I've cried, I used to be one cold fucker and I still am to an extent. I don't cry for family or friends, and I get it. But just hang in there. It gets better, even if it seems like it takes forever.

Deleted user

Okay, here it goes.

I've just been feeling really…apathetic lately, and it's kind of freaking me out. Like, so much shit (Is it okay if I cuss?) has been happening and I literally can't bring myself to care. I haven't cried in moths and I know I should be sad about certain events that have happened but I can't. I can't and I know I should and it's just really been messing with my head because I don't feel normal. I feel, like, separate from my friends and family and… I don't know this got really rambly but I think I got the point across.

I thought it was just me, every time something sad happens or something like that, I don't cry and my parents keep saying I'm a cold-hearted bitch that doesn't care about anyone.


I probably know what you're thinking @othyrword ,

You don't care… And you don't care that you don't care (does that make sense?). But you cared enough to come here… So that's gotta count for something.

Deleted user

I low-key may or may not already be typing since I found it before

@HighPockets group

If anyone needs to talk, hit me up on PM/DM/Whatever The Hell It's Called. I can't gurantee good advice, but I will listen to you and try my best to help.


I have like 15 different plots I REALLY want to write but I all ready writing 2 different books (One in which is on page 222), but these plots as sooo good and I don't know what to do now :''(

@HighPockets group

I have like 15 different plots I REALLY want to write but I all ready writing 2 different books (One in which is on page 222), but these plots as sooo good and I don't know what to do now :''(

Yeah same my dude.

Deleted user

If anyone needs to talk, hit me up on PM/DM/Whatever The Hell It's Called. I can't gurantee good advice, but I will listen to you and try my best to help.

I second that

@HighPockets group

Okay, here it goes.

I've just been feeling really…apathetic lately, and it's kind of freaking me out. Like, so much shit (Is it okay if I cuss?) has been happening and I literally can't bring myself to care. I haven't cried in moths and I know I should be sad about certain events that have happened but I can't. I can't and I know I should and it's just really been messing with my head because I don't feel normal. I feel, like, separate from my friends and family and… I don't know this got really rambly but I think I got the point across.

I thought it was just me, every time something sad happens or something like that, I don't cry and my parents keep saying I'm a cold-hearted bitch that doesn't care about anyone.

Yeah. It's like….I just don't feel sorrow? Like, I'm sad and all but I feel this overwhelming urge that I have to power through and keep going. I'm worried I'll end up losing my mind because of it eventually, and people already think I'm coldhearted because I don't cry when I'm sad. It makes me feel unhuman, to be honest. Like a kriffing robot or something like that.


I'll tell you what the secret to all of your problems is…


It's how I have gotten to the point where problems are things like "where's the nearest convenience store". And other minute shi t like that.

It's because I outlast everything…

I didn't really have shit going for me in the beginning, but I don't matter because this is about YOU! And I don't want to make your problems worse by possibly making you feel bad for me.

Anyway… I didn't have shit… But I have been blessed with adamantine willpower. It's the answer to my problems, and developing your own willpower might help you with yours.


Apathy is a symptom of extreme anxiety or depression. Your brain has felt those emotions for so long that in an attempt to heal itself, it also blocks other emotions. Yes there are extreme panic/anxiety attacks and yes there are days or even weeks when depression takes over and you can't even get out of bed.

But apathy?

Apathy is worse. It is worse than all those things. Apathy means that you have reached a certain point, a limit, a line in the sand, and crossed it. And when you cross that edge, you just… shut down. You shut down like a computer trying to restart itself because your brain is trying so desperately to fix the problem that it wiped everything else away in the process.

Deleted user

I just feel like there's a glass bubble around me and I'm on one side and most emotions are on the other. I know what they're like and I can see them around me, but they never reach me. Plus I don't have the energy to outright say I don't care.

It's like, I can see other people being sad, so I pretend to be sad, but I'm not. And I know if I'm not I shouldn't pretend to be, but when I don't it's just an endless stream of 'what's wrong with you?' that I almost never have the energy to put up with.


And I know if I'm not I shouldn't pretend to be, but when I don't it's just an endless stream of 'what's wrong with you?'

If you care enough to ask what is wrong with yourself, and to come here…

Isn't that a start?

Deleted user

I think that a good idea is to think of someone who you are fighting for. If you don't feel as confident about yourself, tell yourself that you can push through for that person, and that they are counting on you.

@HighPockets group

You're gonna need at least enough willpower to make an anime protagonist look weak-willed by comparison.

Now, who wants to snort some willpower with me?

I'd rather have willpowder brownies, but sure!