forum Come here if you need help... I don't care what it is... I'll see to it that I do all that I can for you...
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Alright, so… I've noticed the waves of depression and pain wracking this site firsthand.

So I'm making this to ease as much of your personal pain as possible. It's you guys before even myself, especially nowadays… So come here…

If you're feeling depressed, suicidal, hurt, exhausted, whatever you need, we'll talk. I wholeheartedly love each and every one of you brilliant souls and I won't stand to see you in pain…

Deleted user

I just… don't feel so good ya know?
I get yelled at a lot becuase i'm not the "Perfect daughter" and everytime i get yelled at i just… die a little bit.
I feel like cutting but I know that I shouldnt
but, it just hurts


Don't you feel bad Macy.

We love you. We can see how much you are worth. I dunno what I can do to help here… I'm honesty at a loss for ideas which is strange, but I've seen that you're a good person.

It streams from.every fiber of your being, and I can't imagine how you feel. But I know you're good.

Deleted user

You too Qxeen…

Thx, I'll do it after I get my hw done so my mom can stop annoying me

Deleted user

slight nervous grin

Okay this is really recent so just hang on.

So I’ve realized that I’ve been eating a lot. Like

A lot.

And I’m really afraid that I’m putting on weight and setting down a path for myself that is… v bad. My family’s background is super bad and I have really poor eating habits. To continue I’m hardly taking care of myself at all. I’m not doing homework, I’m not brushing my teeth nor showering (please don’t wince as people do when I tell them), and I’m not doing laundry. I’m afraid of when my parents will figure this out and just lash out for it… but there’s also my parents and the looming threat of them finding this account and deleting it (I’m not supposed to be on this site).
People are also constantly turing to me for assistance for their depression, suicidal thoughts, etc. but I’m always so worried I’ll say the wrong thing and make them worse.

I’m a mess. I really am.

What I’m most worried about is the eating and no hygiene thing, though…

Deleted user

Peeks around a corner

Uh, is it okay if I ask for some help?


Then you need to use this account as motivation to do that stuff…

Do you like this site?

Then you prove your parents wrong. You prove to them that this site is helping you, and not hindering you… You get up every morning, shower, brush your teeth, and do your laundry, you control yourself.

Download myfitnesspal, and you can cone to me for workout advice even. I will do it too, since I have been slacking myself, as well.

Sound like a plan?

Deleted user

But I legit have no motivation to take care of myself. I don’t care what happens to my body. It can do it’s own thing, I truly don’t care about myself.

Deleted user

Then you need to use this account as motivation to do that stuff…

Do you like this site?

Then you prove your parents wrong. You prove to them that this site is helping you, and not hindering you… You get up every morning, shower, brush your teeth, and do your laundry, you control yourself.

Download myfitnesspal, and you can cone to me for workout advice even. I will do it too, since I have been slacking myself, as well.

Sound like a plan?

Also, to everyone, there are lots of people on this site who would be happy to listen to you can comfort you. We've all been through crap at some point, and we want to help you through it too.

Deleted user

But you care about this site, correct Emi?

Yes? But how’s that going to convince me to do laundry, take care of myself etc.?

Deleted user

Okay, here it goes.

I've just been feeling really…apathetic lately, and it's kind of freaking me out. Like, so much shit (Is it okay if I cuss?) has been happening and I literally can't bring myself to care. I haven't cried in moths and I know I should be sad about certain events that have happened but I can't. I can't and I know I should and it's just really been messing with my head because I don't feel normal. I feel, like, separate from my friends and family and… I don't know this got really rambly but I think I got the point across.

Deleted user

Shuri, just want to say thank you for making this chat. It is very kind of you to want to help and comfort people here:)