forum Come here if you need help... I don't care what it is... I'll see to it that I do all that I can for you...
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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@faltering-through pets

Me? Well uhh I'm not completely failing my classes but we're getting there lmao I know that's not a good thing but I'm working on getting everything turned in and health-wise I'm crumbling like a dry piece of bread lol but yea I got some friends and it's pretty great. Overall I'm just chilling, watching all my friends crash and burn with their grades like me and honestly I think it's pretty hilarious

@faltering-through pets

Will do Shuri and actually, I was gonna take advantage of your offer to help me with my homework (not exactly homework just studying an' stuff). See, I got this vocabulary quiz going on one of these days and I need practice bad and I was just wonderin' if like you'd help me study them, you write down a word (I would send you the list with the definitions) and I would try to define it as best of my abilities but I wanna know if you actually wanna do it? But probably not today maybe tomorrow??


Will do Shuri and actually, I was gonna take advantage of your offer to help me with my homework (not exactly homework just studying an' stuff). See, I got this vocabulary quiz going on one of these days and I need practice bad and I was just wonderin' if like you'd help me study them, you write down a word (I would send you the list with the definitions) and I would try to define it as best of my abilities but I wanna know if you actually wanna do it? But probably not today maybe tomorrow??


@faltering-through pets

lmao, yea midnight but even if you could I wouldn't abuse you with all my homework lol it's tough stuff my dude and great! I'll pm you tomorrow so we can have a go at that Shuri~


lmao, yea midnight but even if you could I wouldn't abuse you with all my homework lol it's tough stuff my dude and great! I'll pm you tomorrow so we can have a go at that Shuri~

Midnight is my student… She needs all the experience she can get… But go easy… She is younger so her work isn't like ours…

@faltering-through pets

lmao, yea midnight but even if you could I wouldn't abuse you with all my homework lol it's tough stuff my dude and great! I'll pm you tomorrow so we can have a go at that Shuri~

Midnight is my student… She needs all the experience she can get… But go easy… She is younger so her work isn't like ours…

ah, I see. If ya'll don't mind me asking, how old are ya'll?

@Becfromthedead group

Oh cool! Happy early birthday!
Also can I just scream for a minute? My neighbors woke me up at 4 am with loud laughter and talking, and I have a final today, as do some other people. Needless to say, I am furious. Finally made that phone call to the RA (AT 4 AM). Hopefully she’ll do something about it…

@Becfromthedead group

Oh well… now all I can do is wait, and keep complaining if nothing is done. Only problem is, if they’re confronted, they’re probably going to know I made the phone call, because I got up to “go to the bathroom” when I was actually getting the number to make the call, and the walls are paper-thin and I’m sure they heard me call… But you know what? At the end of the day, I don’t care. They can fight it. Call me a snitch or whatever. They can confront me. I know my reasoning is better, and that they’re just extremely inconsiderate people.


Even in college people are petty and childish… I guess I was wrong thinking that it's something you outgrow… I guess certain people like you and others here are just more mature…