forum Come here if you need help... I don't care what it is... I'll see to it that I do all that I can for you...
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

people_alt 44 followers

@Becfromthedead group

So update:
My friend group finally decided to tell that girl that she was making us uncomfortable. She claims she didn't know (which I don't believe for reasons), and now I feel really weird about the whole thing. I mean, she's stopped hanging out with us, but it was all pretty quiet. Yet I still don't believe she didn't know. When you have to ask someone "hey, am I an asshole?" then you probably are… I still think the whole thing is really sketchy and yeah, I'm glad she's stopped bothering us, but I feel slightly guilty, partially because I'm very prone to guilt. I'm not even the one who spoke up to her directly (we decided to delegate that to the calmest, least aggressive person in the group), but she has to know I'm in on it, and it kind of feels bad. I'm still utterly shocked though. I didn't think this type of BS would happen in college.
Idk. Should I do anything, or just try to let it go? I have no intentions of apologizing to someone for disliking their rudeness.

@Becfromthedead group

I mean, not really. I just needed a little reassurance, I guess. A second opinion. I've been extremely stressed lately, so this weighing on my mind was just another thing to worry about, you know?



Don't worry darling… It's not your fault… Just because you're annoyed with her doesn't mean you have to feel like it was your fault. In fact I would go so far as to say thst you're one of the most virtuous people on this site… Whuch is saying something because we're all pretty upstanding…

Deleted user

It’s coz Shuri doesn't have an @. You can PM me instead, if you’d like.