forum Come here if you need help... I don't care what it is... I'll see to it that I do all that I can for you...
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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I just hate when you can’t undo anything
From the biggest to the smallest things
YYYDslidhcfsiwcanjlscdibksdvcqeibs k Srry keaboard massage breakout

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I don’t know where to go with that honestly
The worst was when an old campsite next to our house (I live in the country) was bought out by some rich guy and they built this monstrosity of a house, but they got rid of all the brush in a small wooded area between houses and it makes me angry because….
I always loved the woods

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But his house looks nice….
Yet my favorite part of the property were these weird coniferous trees
And now they’re just— gone


I struggle with OCD symptoms. I can't write, walk normally, just live life because of it. It causes panic attacks and sometimes harm to myself and others during a panic. Nobody understands. Many people self-diagnose it because everyone has their own little kinks, but even they don't understand. It isn't something that is a little bother that can be solved by looking away. It controls you and consumes you. I can't live life without it overshadowing. My quality and outlook of life is down. I have become sad and lost. I force myself to try in school, but the point has vanished because so has my future. A 504 cannot carry on to your career. Could I end up unemployable? I am busy keeping people around me from committing suicide. I tell them that they can get through it, but I don't even believe in myself, so how can I help them? I take it too hard on myself when people are sad and the phrase I use most frequently is "I'm sorry". I'm sorry about a lot of things. I can't stand to look at myself in the mirror because I am ugly and don't even know myself. I am constantly worried about being to fat and skip meals. Figuratively, I wear a mask everywhere and can't vent to my friends because I want them to think I am happy. I'm sorry about my pointless complaining, while others have it worse.

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And trees take YEARS to grow! And… ugh… they (not the dude with the massive-ass house) cut all the tree branches too close to powerlines, and now they look butt-ugly.
I know its like some kind of law now, but why? They had top cut an entire tree down! I love trees! Without trees, we’d all be dead!


I don’t know where to go with that honestly
The worst was when an old campsite next to our house (I live in the country) was bought out by some rich guy and they built this monstrosity of a house, but they got rid of all the brush in a small wooded area between houses and it makes me angry because….
I always loved the woods

I'm sorry. Can I help you with a picture of the woods?:

Deleted user

I don’t know where to go with that honestly
The worst was when an old campsite next to our house (I live in the country) was bought out by some rich guy and they built this monstrosity of a house, but they got rid of all the brush in a small wooded area between houses and it makes me angry because….
I always loved the woods

I'm sorry. Can I help you with a picture of the woods?:

Luckily I have photos from before the whole process that I might share….
Is there a national tree appreciation day somewhere on the calendar?
That google image is very close to what it was like, but had more brush and bushes and stuff


I don’t know where to go with that honestly
The worst was when an old campsite next to our house (I live in the country) was bought out by some rich guy and they built this monstrosity of a house, but they got rid of all the brush in a small wooded area between houses and it makes me angry because….
I always loved the woods

I'm sorry. Can I help you with a picture of the woods?:

Luckily I have photos from before the whole process that I might share….
Is there a national tree appreciation day somewhere on the calendar?
That google image is very close to what it was like, but had more brush and bushes and stuff

That's good. I'd recommend taking a hike in Red River Gorge. It's my favorite backpacking spot. Is there any other way to help?


@"MidnightSpook13/Midnight bot"
I get it… OCD is a major pain in the ass, honestly. It's a part of your life and you have to endure it, but you'll get more adept at it as you live with it, so hang in there.

Also, I get the panic attacks. I know people who have them… But as far as I know you seem pretty mellow!

As for your quality and outlook on life, well, I'll be here to help you if you need.

And as for you ending up unemployable… Well… I used to think that about myself… Well, nowadays my job is basically to play with cats, so try your hardest, and you'll make it! I believe in you!

And I'll let you in on a little secret… You don't need to believe in yourself to help others… Trust me I'd know… I'm doing it right now…

You're perfect just the way you are, no matter what anyone else says…

And I can relate to the mask thing.


@"MidnightSpook13/Midnight bot"
I get it… OCD is a major pain in the ass, honestly. It's a part of your life and you have to endure it, but you'll get more adept at it as you live with it, so hang in there.

Also, I get the panic attacks. I know people who have them… But as far as I know you seem pretty mellow!

As for your quality and outlook on life, well, I'll be here to help you if you need.

And as for you ending up unemployable… Well… I used to think that about myself… Well, nowadays my job is basically to play with cats, so try your hardest, and you'll make it! I believe in you!

And I'll let you in on a little secret… You don't need to believe in yourself to help others… Trust me I'd know… I'm doing it right now…

You're perfect just the way you are, no matter what anyone else says…

And I can relate to the mask thing.

Thank you so much! I'm sorry for being a burden. (You get to play with cats?! Lucky! What job do you have?)

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I had a question…..
And no one answered
am I really that insignificant?