forum Come here if you need help... I don't care what it is... I'll see to it that I do all that I can for you...
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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So, hey, I'm Qxeenscryche but people call me Qxeen or Queen and this is my life…? I don't even know anymore. So, I was born into a family where everyone loved me, my life was great. Until I moved to America, my grades went down the drain, I couldn't focus on jack shit. It was like my family were robots or something, it's like they turned on anyone who dipped below the 'perfect' mark. Every single day, they would point of every single detail that was bad about me, my face, my body, everything. They did it. Every. Single. Day. On top of that they say that I'm supposed to act like a 'lady' which means that I'm supposed to sound 'innocent' instead of what I normally sound like, they say I apparently normally sound like a dog? They say I act like a man. So, now that I'm below the 'perfect' mark, I'm supposed to do all this stuff that is supposedly going to get me to be 'perfect' even though I'm perfectly fine not doing them. Then the time when my cousin was born…dear lord I hated that time. Everyone looked past me or through me like I was some ghost and I was supposed to act more 'mature' because I had to for my cousin. Now that she's growing, they use me as the person that you shouldn't be, like every time my aunt calls she always points at me and goes "Look at her, you shouldn't be like her. Why? Because she has dark skin, acne, her grades her terrible, and she's fat. Overall, she's ugly and useless." It's not exactly what she said but that's what she means. My parents think I'm this cold-hearted bitch that doesn't give a fuck about anyone unless they're keeping me alive. I found out my aunt has depression and they're trying to help her but now they're even meaner to me. By the way, on top of that. people in my school keep bullying me, a guy tried to throw food at me today and when we were doing an ALICE drill, he said I was the shooter even though I wasn't wearing a black hoodie, or blue jeans.

So, uhm, yea, sorry about the post. Just needed to talk to someone, I'm sorry.


Don't be sorry. It's fine.

We love you, Qxeen, and as long as you hsve at least one thing to be happy about, then I'm sure you have the fortitude to get out of that hellhole. You're perfect just the way you are, and don't take shit from anyone who says otherwise.

Deleted user

People can be assholes.
I guess it’s a way of life and it actually sucks. And the worst is when people call someone’s name that’s the same as yours and the instantly say “oh, sorry, not you.” It just hurts and it makes you feel more useless than you already are…
Like “oh i’m sorry bitch I would talk to you but you’re so ignorant and all you care about is yourself and your shitty little friends that feel like you’re on top of the world and when you get the smallest not-even-cosidered incopnvinience in life you say its ruined. I’ve endured harder shit far more than you will ever have in your entire life. And you’ll have to learn to cooperate with people who are considerably “worse” than you are.
Deal with it bitch.

My gosh… what happened?


So, hey, i'm Qxeenscryche but ppl call me Qxeen or Queen and this is my life…? Idek anymore. So, I was born into a family where everyone loved me, my life was great. Until I moved to America, my grades went down the drain, I couldn't focus on jack shit. It was like my family were robots or something, it's like they turned on anyone who dipped below the 'perfect' mark. Every single day, they would point of every single detail that was bad about me, my face, my body, everything. They did it. Every. Single. Day. On top of that they say that I'm supposed to act like a 'lady' which means that I'm supposed to sound 'innocent' instead of what I normally sound like, they say I apparently normally sound like a dog? They say I act like a man. So, now that I'm below the 'perfect' mark, I'm supposed to do all this stuff that is supposedly going to get me to be 'perfect' even though I'm perfectly fine not doing them. Then the time when my cousin was born…dear lord I hated that time. Everyone looked past me or through me like I was some ghost and I was supposed to act more 'mature' bc I had to for my cousin. Now that she's growing, they use me as the person that you shouldn't be, like every time my aunt calls she always points at me and goes "Look at her, you shouldn't be like her. Why? Because she has dark skin, acne, her grades her terrible, and she's fat. Overall, she's ugly and useless." It's not exactly what she said but that's what she means. My parents think I'm this cold-hearted bitch that doesn't give a fuck about anyone unless they're keeping me alive. I found out my aunt has depression and they're trying to help her but now they're even meaner to me. Btw, on top of that. ppl in my school keep bullying me, a guy tried to throw food at me today and when we were doing an ALICE drill, he said I was the shooter even though I wasn't wearing a black hoodie, or blue jeans.

So, uhm, ye, sorry about the post. Just needed to talk to someone, I'm srry.

I'm sorry. I promise that in my eyes you go above and beyond the perfect mark. Don't listen to you parents- they don't know what they are talking about. We all love you!

@Rvan group

People can be assholes.
I guess it’s a way of life and it actually sucks. And the worst is when people call someone’s name that’s the same as yours and the instantly say “oh, sorry, not you.” It just hurts and it makes you feel more useless than you already are…
Like “oh i’m sorry bitch I would talk to you but you’re so ignorant and all you care about is yourself and your shitty little friends that feel like you’re on top of the world and when you get the smallest not-even-cosidered incopnvinience in life you say its ruined. I’ve endured harder shit far more than you will ever have in your entire life. And you’ll have to learn to cooperate with people who are considerably “worse” than you are.
Deal with it bitch.

My gosh… what happened?

Tiramisu, I can guarantee that whenever I say your name, I’ll always be talking to you. You are literally one of the best persons I’ve ever met. You have always been such a great friend to me and I love you so much (in a friendly way lol) I just wanted to say I’m WE are always here for you and all you have to do is say the word and I’m willing to pummel someone for you


That's damned right @TiramisuGrenouille. If I call someone, I'm gonna at LEAST do my damned best to show them who it is I'm talking to. We love you so much. We support you so much. Now what I want you to do next is kick some ass out there in your real life, because I know you can!!! Have a wonderful day, and remember, you mean a lot to us! You're awesome! Seriously, much respect my friend!!!

Deleted user

Thank you so much my good awesome frens!
You’ve been good amazing the darn diggity best there has been, is, and ever will be.
Also, I want you to read this thing and tell me what you think (Rvan already has it, and it does include some scary stuff, I hope. The story starts after the little intro thingie, and… uh… yeah. It links with something else, so the beginning might not make sense, just a warning.)

I’m so proud of it.


Thank you so much my good awesome frens!
You’ve been good amazing the darn diggity best there has been, is, and ever will be.
Also, I want you to read this thing and tell me what you think (Rvan already has it, and it does include some scary stuff, I hope. The story starts after the little intro thingie, and… uh… yeah. It links with something else, so the beginning might not make sense, just a warning.)

I’m so proud of it.

I need permission to access it, but I'm sure it's great!

Deleted user

Maybe this will be more helpful. My user and PFP is the same, so…. yeah. Just look for the small frog and my name.

Deleted user

Try using a different device (I DUNNO WHAT ELSE TO DOOOOOOOOO@!!!!!!!!)
Also… nothing like ruining your art AGAIN!!!!!

Deleted user

I’ll probably get to the sharing issues after school.
If you want to view it click it so I can get a notification and I’ll allow you to access it.
It’s the least I can do unfortunately :/

Deleted user

I don’t know. I give up. Here it is.
Title: Spirit of a Cannibal
“Jeff… Wake up! This’s urgent!”
Everything fizzled down to pure darkness, and I was left unable to see anything: not even the nose in front of my own eyes. As I was shook again, I merely pried my eyes open to more of the darkness I didn’t want to see.
“Jeff, get up! Something’s wrong!” Tony whined.
“What… I’m trying to sleep…” I craned my neck over and barely saw his panicking face and his stress-creased brow. ‘Don’t tell me he wants me to turn the light on for him…’
“I… I think the bathroom nightlight burnt out…” He whimpered, drawing his hand away. “Can you… um…” He quietly stammered. “Turn it on for me?”
‘What more can I suspect?’ I kicked the covers down to the foot of my bed and shuffled over to the other room with my eyes still half closed. “You said the nightlight, right?” I asked.
He got behind me, breathing down my neck in anticipation. “I think….”
I reached over to the main light and flicked at it. The brightness and intensity came at me all at once, and I was forced to hide my hiss in the back of my throat. Everything was also incredibly blurry, and it didn’t aid me very much.
I stretched my hand out to get ahold of the tiny dead bulb from behind the shade, and in an instant, the entire bathroom disappeared into pitch.
Tony’s voice wailed, a shrill, bloodcurdling ring that stabbed in my ear. My eyes widened to attempt to capture the light that was never there, and I struggled to maintain the calmness I had nearly in the exact same environment just seconds before.
A cold hand slapped my shoulder and I stumbled to slap it, heart barely on the brink of pumping itself up my throat.
“Jeff! Stop!” Tony cried, sniffling. “….It’s just me.”
I clutched my spazzing chest and breathed a sigh of brief relief. “Thanks for letting me know… But where’d you put the flashlight?”
He left me and wandered away. “Um… maybe it’s in the nightstand drawer…?” Bedsprings squeaked and his covers shuffled before a drawer was opened. “Uh… hang on….”
I stayed exactly where I was and pivoted around. “Is it in there?”
“U-umm… Maybe?” Tony’s bed creaked. “I-I-I can’t find it in here.”
I rolled my eyes. “Alright, let me look….” I didn’t get three feet from the doorway before I managed to jam my toe into the bed leg. It throbbed strong like stone to glass, pain stabbing through my foot in no time.
“Are you o-okay?” Tony stuttered, still frantically fluffing around. “I heard a th-thump over there…”
I sucked in the major inconvenience and stepped far from the general area of the entire bed before trying to locate the nightstand. “Can you at least check the other drawers?”
“I’m trying!” He whimpered helplessly. “Or… or is it in th-the bathroom?”
“No,” I growled with stern assertion. “It’s for sure in the nightstand.” I felt around in the air for its edge, being careful as to not stub my fingers either. I stepped forward and barely let my aching toe graze the edge of the bottom.
I reached along the top to feel for my glasses before they got accidentally broken, putting them upon my nose. “Like I said, did you check the other drawers?”
“N-Not yet…” He uttered. “But…” A panicked breath escaped his lip. “I’m s-starting to wonder something….”
I only had my hand around the handle when he said so, and I froze. “…What’s that?”
“If it ain’t r-raining out, then….” Tony reached for my wrist with his cold hand. “Why is the power out?”
I shrugged my shoulder and brushed his hand off. “I don’t know, but they better find out soon…” I opened it up and felt around. I came across a couple things I didn’t remember using in a while, but once I stumbled upon a steel-cold rod, I knew immediately it was the right thing. “I found it…”
Tony sighed relief too soon and fell back onto his bed. “That g-gave me a scare… can you turn it on?”
I stroked my thumb around until it ran over the switch. ‘Before I jinx this, please let it have good batteries….’ I turned it on, and my heart swelled with too much destress to contain. A nice, yet dim circle of light appeared on the ceiling at the dormant ceiling lamp.
He stifled out another sigh. “At least it actually works now that we need it….”
I looked around, passing by the window, nightstand and the bathroom before finally revealing the door to the hallway. “Do you think we should go down to the lobby?”
“W-We should stay right here,” He muttered, hardly audible.
A firm disturbance stirred up in my gut, putting me in a queasy state. It was something about the way he said what he did— he constantly seemed the wimpy type, but it was a different level of stress emitting from his state of mind. I aimed the light near his feet and had no choice but to ask him, “Tony…. Are you alright…?”
“Well…. L-Let’s see… the power’s out…. And if they didn’t announce it, and it’s a clear night…..” He sat up with the help of his headboard. “Then why?”
“Why… what?”
He snapped his neck around and glared at me, the whites of his eyes too bright. “What do you think!?”
The energy of his stature blew me back, and I staggered with a stressful heart. “Well, I—”
Tony threw himself from the bed and got ahold of my pajama collar, crazier than one could ever be. “Are you not scared to death??” His face came so close as to see the blood-red veins in the corner of his eyes and the jitteriness of his flighty demeanor. “Surely… something’s goin’ on in your head!” He shook me until my teeth rattled and my glasses were knocked crooked. “You have to be insane to think nothing of this!!!”
I had enough and slapped his shoulders to steady his vibrating body. “Get ahold of yourself! We’re going to be fine as long as we can see and be smart about it!”
A harsh knock on the door made us both think about what just happened; with the calamity spiking, we were sure to run into something.
Tony forgot everything he was trying to tell me and clutched onto me for dear life. “Who is it?” He whispered in my ear.
I didn’t answer.
“Hello? You doing okay in there?” His voice said, obstructed by the dead-bolted door. “Jeff? Tony? Can you answer me? I can see that light— er, flashlight goin’ around in there.”
I turned to get the door into view.
“C’mon!” He banged at it, and we both flinched out of reflex. “It’s Maxwell! Open up! I got stuff to tell you regarding this!”
Before much more was done, I shuffled on over, stiffer than I remembered myself being, and opened up. Like the voice said, Maxwell was standing there with a hefty lantern weighing his hand down. “Well… I’m glad you responded.”
I caught a glimpse of the fading ends of the hallway and I swallowed the lump that dwelled in my throat for so long. “What’s the news you begged to tell us?” All I truly wanted was to go back to bed without encountering something nasty.
“Um…. Alright….” Maxwell shifted around as if to be casual. “It turns out something completely destroyed the breaker down in the basement, so that’s great.”
My brow scrunched up. “The breaker?”
He nodded. “And it’ll be weeks before we can get professionals— and I repeat, professionals— to come all the way out here and fix it.”
“D—” I cleared my throat, hiding my genuine emotion. “Do you know what happened to the breaker?”
“It…. To my surprise….” Even Maxwell got a small chill. “It looked like something slashed at it…. Like with a—”
“You don’t need to elaborate!” Tony barked, clutching my shoulder. “I’m already on the brink of insanity of this whole issue!”
He stopped, and turned oddly sheepish. “Alright then, no further explanation’s necessary anyway…. However, I guess the best we can do is just go back to bed and go on with business as usual…”
“I can’t sleep in the dark!” Tony whimpered, letting me go. “I’ll drive Jeff and everyone else crazy.”
“Alright, I’ll give you this then,” Maxwell lifted the lantern up and into my partially full hands, the circle of light jittering a bit. “It’s solar-powered, so it should recharge on its own when you put it in the window.”
I nodded, trying to keep my cool in the midst of the somewhat darkened hallway. “Sure….” Before I even took another breath, Tony snatched it from me and held it himself like his entire life depended on it.
“Well, I guess I should get going back down to the lobby…” He sighed restlessly. “However, I suppose you could lend me your flashlight if you’re using my lantern, then….” He looked at me and held out his hand, curling his fingers dauntingly.
I shook my head. “I can’t give you the flashlight.”
“Why not? I’m going to be the one in the dark!” Maxwell practically begged for it, arguing that he gave us the lantern out of the goodness in his heart. “I’ll give it back in the morning! I promise!”
“Alright, alright,” I slapped it in his shaking hands. “Here you go. Make sure everyone else knows just to go back to their rooms, too.”
As he meandered away, he gave me a wave. “I will. I promise—” He was cut off when he turned to the stairs, and I waited just a second to see if he was really going down there. “W— What is that down there? A… a white and black….? Strange….” He disappeared and went on down.
“Huh….” I frowned. “Must be something on the stairs.”
But as I was swiveling around to retire back to my room, a bloodcurdling scream echoed up the hallway, ringing violently in my ears until it was all I heard, and all I thought about. Some stick-stiff, ice-cold chill inched down my shivering spine, my hands turning blue after the blood was too scared to leave the pounding heart breaking my ribs.
I glared down towards the stairwell, eyes stinging with stars. I barely summoned the ability out of fear to part my jaw and emit a call to my friend; “M-Maxwell?” A hefty step brought me inches closer to what I thought was the scene. I was surprised that I was willing to get myself to approach the stairs just after what my ears suffered, and I thought I was crazy myself.
I reached down and grabbed the flashlight, bringing it out of a dark puddle of something. “What the….” My heart nearly ruptured as I regretfully shined it back down to see myself sole deep in a wide, unearthly puddle of glistening ruby-red blood, fresh enough for its heat to radiate through my shoes.
I retracted myself out of it, shaking too violently to even think about how it got there. “I gotta get out of here,” I uttered under cold breath. “This is no place to be putzing around….” I backed up, refusing to take my horrid eyes off the liquified terror at the stairwell, my skin tingling with the fear of being slapped by a cold gray hand.
As I approached with my back to the door, Tony grabbed me in a choking hold and dragged me recklessly back into our room, slamming it shut before shoving me into the wall. “What on earth were you doing out there!?” He snapped wickedly. “You could’ve gotten killed by it, had you not come back here in time!”
“Y— You mean….” I stammered and lost my words.
“Yeah….” A regretful tear shined down his flushed cheek. “Maxwell’s dead.”
The weight of everything got heavier significantly, and in such speed that I couldn’t have begun to even think about what I was going to do to keep myself safe. “How… I don’t understand. T-there was no crack of a gun or anything…. He wasn’t even there….”
“Perhaps you didn’t look high enough,” He glared at me, eyes red and stinging. “But he’s dead alright.”
I opened my quivering mouth to say a word to get him to say at least something about it, when my shoulders became heavy with an unexplainable hunch, and my ears pounded with red-hot blood, hearing nothing but the beating my own heartbeat and the sizzling static of the silent room.
And an echoing voice.
“I…. I….. I…. C….. a….. n….. s…s…smell….. them….. h….. here…..”
Hearing the words raspy and beastly beyond any recognition, my numbing hands crushed the blood-spattered flashlight in a tight grasp, hanging on to what was between partial life and absolute death. A lump of realization clogged my throat, and not even the hardest swallow could push it away down to my empty gut.
“I….. I….. am…… the….. w…..…. w..…..”
It was fuzzy and too blurry in my mind to see what I was up against, but there was no doubt it wasn’t pretty. “Tony….” I muttered, my bones trembling.
“Y-Y…. Yes, Jeff……?” Even he knew what was in store for his collapsing body.
“Do you happen t-to have my gun?….”
He shoved it into my hands while managing to keep it from going off. “Here you go. I-I was tempted to use it myself, a-a-although….”
I ignored him and focused on keeping us alive while the monstrous horror stalked us at that very instance. I even forced my ears to listen to its gritty, decaying voice I longed to turn against.
I cocked and loaded it.
Tony hung on to my wrist.
My heart broke my bones.
Everything resorted to darkness, and the black hole in the hallway cracked open.
The voice stung at my ears, grinding at the static of silence that I longed for.
It was cut short, and my heart stopped so sudden as to kill me. My mind was racing too fast to catch, and I shined the mere helpless circle of remaining light up above the bed at a tall body that nearly camouflaged itself with the evil air, if for not the decaying whiteness of its jutting ribs outside its abdomen.
My eyes craved more, but my mind already had enough.
Its shoulders were broad, skin clinging to the mere bones that made up its tall stature, and resting on them was a crooked, craned neck far longer than any I’ve seen in my entire life. Its head was a dusty, blade-etched skull with a long snout, splattered with both faded and fresh blood, dripping down its nose; its eyes dark and soulless, being the deepest void one would ever witness, piercing my eyes like a needle in a pincushion. Its tar-black, wickedly twisted antlers pushed it closer and closer to being an absolute reincarnation that of a demon out of hell.
“Y-You wouldn’t d-dare….” I stammered, struggling to think. I brought my gun up, the barrel to its scarred marrow head. My mind grew numb, and my arms melted to a puddle.
Tony uttered, fighting to restrain himself, “W-W-What is that….. th-thing….?” It was too obvious he was scared stock-stiff.
Its broken chest heaved, its jaws barely opened as to breathe a rasping gasp through its decaying lungs. “Bu…. But I…. I….. I did….” It snapped its head, the cracking ringing in my ear. “A…..a…. And now….”
My stinging finger pulled the trigger, and with a deafening crackle, the bright laser streamlined through the air, and drilled the monster right in the center of its forehead, yet left nothing— not even a mere scratch scathed its hard skull.
“P…..per….perhaps you didn’t….. know…..” It moved itself with heavy steps, each violently shaking the floor with its top-heavy weighting. “I….I…. I am….. not…. Like…… y….. you….” Its jaws opened wide, a horrific red-stained tongue that matched nearly the rest of his awful demeanor slithered out, with every intention to kill.
My heart stopped, my veins becoming thirsty that of what it craved the most out of anything. Everything turned cold, the beast’s visage fading from existence as the world and all that was before me melted through my hands.
“I…. Can’t…. Finish…… a….a….a….. a meal without dessert….. can I?”