forum Brainstorming+writing practice: Let's make a novel!
Started by @CopperQueen

people_alt 39 followers


Hello, sorry for not saying anything. I just wanted to catch up on what's happened so far and also I've been at a friends house =P


Also, if it's not too much to ask for, could one of you PM me the the account details? If you guys think that there's too many people you don't have to add me =)


I was playing Starbound and one of the random character names was Abellai and I think that world be a really cute name for one of the characters in this =)


I got chu guys, Huxley and Stark. However, Stark, I can't send you a PM since you have odd characters in your username, like parenthesis and such.


I was playing Starbound and one of the random character names was Abellai and I think that world be a really cute name for one of the characters in this =)

Abellai sounds like a cute name for a magma mermaid perhaps…? wink wink, nudge nudge


Hi, just in case anyone was curious, I added a clothing pannel to make clothing customization a bit easier. =P


Hi, just in case anyone was curious, I added a clothing pannel to make clothing customization a bit easier. =P

Oh thank goodness lmao I thought I was going crazy when I couldn't figure out how to do it.
Turns out I needed to take a nap.~ sleep deprivation is wonderful~

Deleted user

Are the witches going to have familiars and such?
Cause I have a spark of an idea.