forum Brainstorming+writing practice: Let's make a novel!
Started by @CopperQueen

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There's the sibling, I'm going with a guy becuase I motherfucking can. So, KN is a Fae from the northern regions and though Fae from that region almost never has any different appearance then the other regions, KN's family is different, him especially. Kn has pure white skin and blushes an ice blue, his eyes are pure black and his hair is another shade of blue. He is usually pretty cold, being the youngest of his family. He gets attachted very quickly to things however.


I had an idea for the witches characters and their dynamic but I should probably go back to sleep…
I'll just explain it in the morning if that's alright.


Also for the human, maybe that's why she is in the fantasy world to begin with!
Like she got kicked out and that's why she were strolling around in nothingness by herself and then when everyone thinks she's some kind of powerful god that's the first time since like forever that she feels appreciated and apart of the group, so she doesn't have the heart to tell them she's just a human

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That would be an awesome way to introduce the human! We should probably come up with a name for her…. Also, what if all the people in this world have really strange names and then the Human has either a really normal name or a name that she had been harrassed for and when she gets to the world she feels accepted.


What if it's something unusual like Taramy and when she introduces herself she looks down and is kind of embarrased but the witches are like:
"Taramy, cool. So by the way.." and just keep talking and she's like… so precious realizing she's normal here.

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I like that….
I have a name for the sibling…. Lunos.
I also drew him…. I have a teensy obsession


Right so for my idea about the Witches and their dynamic…
The human stumbles upon a small group of 2 or 3 witches, as they travel together for more safety in these times. However, this group seems like an outcast group more than anything, but they are still accepted by other witches for their craft. The Witches Association is most like a matriarchal society, where women hold more power and are respected. There are male witches, but they can never really hold a high place of power unless the High Witches grant him an exception, which is very rare and requires the Male witch to prove himself through a series of Trials that he can back out of at any point. Most Witches have darker skin complexions, due to their specific connection with magic. A pale/purely white Witch is regarded as having a weaker magic and are thrown into a career such as stitching clothes or caring for the animals.

  • Witch #1 is physically impaired in some way that makes moving difficult (amputated leg, blind, limp chronic pain, etc.). She is a very clever and sly genius, but still maintains compassion even in her intelligence. Her magic deals with the minds of others. She puts off a vibe that she can be physically controlled very easily, but one would never be able to break her mind. She is usually the brains of their whole group, but she still likes to include the other witches in her decision making.
  • Witch #2 has molded herself into the perfect vessel for her power by being tall, fit, and generally just strong. She has been looking after Witch #1 ever since they were kids, and made herself strong to make sure Witch #1 never feels like she is a burden because of her impairment. More stone-cold and closed off to others and still smart enough to follow the other witches trains of thought, at least most of the time. Her magic deals with overriding control of whatever object she touches (ex. Touches an enemy weapon, now that weapon goes to her and stays by her side until it breaks or she deactivates her power at that time. Kinda like specific telekinesis). She gives off a very intimidating and sarcastic vibe. Not much into giving or showing emotions. Most likely a closeted bisexual bean who's fallen for Witch #1, but knows how to keep it on the down low.
  • Witch #3 is a trans guy who is a newer addition to the other two, but was able to catch on to the dynamic really quickly. He has fully gone through his physical transformation and name change, though some still try to address him with his dead name. The other two witches in the group support him. He is a genuine softie who could murder someone if they hurt his newfound friends. He likes to call his magic "Chameleon", as his magic changes his outward appearance to look like someone or something else. He does have an enchanted weapon, a bow that never breaks, and is quite skilled at weilding it.

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With white skin and blue tinted blush,right?

Pretty much yeah, hes a Fae and not a witch…


Also, maybe the witches have darker complexion because magic (Especially northen magic) makes your skin lighter and the lack thereof is letting the witchees stay darkskinned


Also, maybe the witches have darker complexion because magic (Especially northen magic) makes your skin lighter and the lack thereof is letting the witchees stay darkskinned

That makes way more sense than my magic connection bullshittery lmao. So yes!

Adding on, so we have the Northern pale and blue Fae. We have the darker (mid-southern?) Witches. Humans to the east perhaps? And who's to the west?


Should we try and put the charachters in notebook?
If so what do we name the universe?

The only problem would be sharing information with everyone to stay on task. Of course we can share via links, but editing would be solely up to that person (for everything besides universes at least). We could use google docs, if everyone is alright with that. And if not, then maybe we can make a conjoined account on Notebook, sharing the account information in PMs so everyone who wants to can access and edit here in Notebook.


I have absolutely no writing skills so I'm just going to kinda watch over this project and maybe correct some spelling errors or give advice or maybe design a character or two I dunno I just really want to help with this even if it's something small