forum Brainstorming+writing practice: Let's make a novel!
Started by @CopperQueen

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I left for 1 hour what happened here….

I may have created another cult following is what happened. Sorry about that.

Fantasy it is, yeah?


Hmm… is anyone opposed to pulling some ideas from writing prompts? I have a few ideas myself in case anyone doesn't want to use writing prompts for ideas


  • Magma mermaids.
  • Spirits being the physical embodiment of souls that died but haven't moved on. (Ex. A water spirit would be somone who died drowning in that water and now haunt said water until they can be put to peace.)
  • Biting does not mean instantly being turned into whatever bit the person. Both parties must consent and go though a ritual in order to be turned.
  • Main Characters first meet each other in some unlikely places, and peg each other as a different type of person because of it. Leads to some shenanigans later.
  • Don't be afraid to kill off Main Character(s) if it furthers the plot and allows character development of others.
  • Much diversity in Characters and representation.
  • Gods/Goddesses perhaps?
  • An occult following captures and kills only certain types of rare, secluded fae folk to appease their "God" and M.C.(s) must stop it before it turns into a mass genocide and possible extinction.
  • Elders and children are also important to have as main characters, for both wisdom and vitality.
  • Drug Ring in the capital planning to assassinate the Heir(ess) of a Kingdom.
  • Mercenary paid by the Prince(ss) to kill the Prince(ss) to distribute power and wealth to citizens. Mercenary thinks this is a bit fucked up and tries to find another way around the issue.
  • A possible war being set up by a sabotaging third party?
  • Werewolves gain control through experience and practice.
  • Witches are actually really nice if you don't burn their house down.
  • Main Villain has a change of heart once listening to the heros. Villain's subordinates rise up to oppose.
  • Villain accidentally creates an even worse Villain 2.0

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An occult following captures and kills only certain types of rare, secluded fae folk to appease their "God" and M.C.(s) must stop it before it turns into a mass genocide and possible extinction.

I think I like this one the best, I have a Fae character that would probably just go: "Fuck you, you little fucking shitbags." To the entire cult…

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I have decided that if we do that, the Fae boi will be the slip unsettling boi I drew.


Oh-oh-oh this is great can we do like, a magic universe where there's a general hate for witches (people who use tools for magic) instead of being born with the powers like the rest of them so witchcraft is illegal but the witches are really nice and just want to help people so they try to get witchcraft legal and stuff and then there's an epic quest™ in a magic world with a bunch of diverse protaganists and it can be a cool metaphor because they're just trying to be normal but people hate the way they were born.
+We get to make a stupid government.

Just an idea.
Otherwise we could do a classic "I am a human in a magic world" exept the human is totally useless and all the magical creatures are like "Why must we help you human can't you do anything yourself no waIT DONT TOUCH THE MAGMA MERMAID"

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I just wanna use my Lumo child… The creepy fae that looks about to slap you.


Oh-oh-oh this is great can we do like, a magic universe where there's a general hate for witches (people who use tools for magic) instead of being born with the powers like the rest of them so witchcraft is illegal but the witches are really nice and just want to help people so they try to get witchcraft legal and stuff and then there's an epic quest™ in a magic world with a bunch of diverse protaganists and it can be a cool metaphor because they're just trying to be normal but people hate the way they were born.
+We get to make a stupid government.

Just an idea.
Otherwise we could do a classic "I am a human in a magic world" exept the human is totally useless and all the magical creatures are like "Why must we help you human can't you do anything yourself no waIT DONT TOUCH THE MAGMA MERMAID"

This sounds awesome! And what if we mash those two together? Like, the witches run into a completely powerless human but decide to keep the human around because they are a very nice and kind Cinnamon Roll human who wants to help, but is absolutely clueless when it comes to dealing with magic and creatures of the like.

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Pretty much, I litterly just drew some random shit and came up with him, Lee helped with the name.


@WarmOregenoTea™ Show us the child!

Also yeah @Lee-The-Bleeding-Heart mashing together is a good idea!
Also can we make some cool "Mythical creatures" that aren't as you expect them, just turn the entire view on every fictional thing ever upside down because I think it would be neat.