forum Brainstorming+writing practice: Let's make a novel!
Started by @CopperQueen

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What you say: Human cinnamon bun with purple hair
What I see: Zooms into your profile picture

Also, I motherfucking fucked it up.
So I blacked it out

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Colored hair should be a sign of great power… Like the human appears in the world with dyed hair and everyone thinks she/he is a gift from their gods and they start to worship them or something till they realize that this human is a powerles idiot.


YES YES YES and the human just rolls with it but then their roots starts grow out and all the witches are like:
"Bitch we thought you had powers"

Deleted user

And then! Someone kidnaps human and the witches are like: "No, thats our idiot! Get the fuck away from them!" And then the person who kidnaps the human just makes friends with human and the witches come in on the kidnapper and the human drinking coffee and gossiping.

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Plot twist: The kidnapper is just Remy.
Kodus to those who know what I'm talking about

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The villain is the kidnappers older brother/sister and the villain sent the kidnapper to go kidnap this new "God" then KN (Kidnapper) is like: "Ya know what, bitch, this is my new friend and Imma run away with them and take over the world." And the human just goes with it.


Alright so current charachter lineup:

Clueless human
Sweet witch association
Unspecified cryptid twin villians
Little sibling of twin villians

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I wanna be the villain sibling!
I have a weird ass kinda villain.

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So, the idiot is this really chill and happy girl with purple shoulder-length hair and bangs. She has light blue eyes and is always smiling, however(becuase ya gotta get angst in there somewhere) she is always happy as a defense mechanism from being verbally abused, maybe she was LGBT+ and her parents kicked her out or they constantly abused her verbally.