forum 10 Things Game
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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@saor_illust school

One person who made a big impact on you by an offhand kind act. Someone who probably doesn't even remember you exist.
Well, um, I'm not even that old yet, I respectfully decline answering this.
Do you thing God loves everyone?
I don't want to anger anyone, but no, that is not my belief. If this next part is offensive to you or your religion in anyway, I'm sorry, but this is just my honest opinion. Over the summer, my dad played the Psalms or something from the bible in the car, and from what I heard, I now wholly believe that God is a dictator. Again, sorry if this offends anyone.
What do think about death?
I don't know, I haven't really thought about it. I guess it's just a finality to life?

~I can't answer the rest right now, I have to go! Can someone remind me to answer them this afternoon? Perhaps at 8pm PST?~
What do you do when your world is falling to pieces?
What material thing did you long for as a child?
What fantasies did you imagine then?
If you were to die in two months, what would you do?
Have you ever kept a friendship from starting? If so, why?
What are the daydreams that still refuse to fly away?
Do you think love and hate are mutually exclusive?

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

10 Things About Me

  1. I'm left handed.
  2. I'm ambiverted.
  3. I'm addicted to Supernatural.
  4. I enjoy reading Stephen King.
  5. I'm family-oriented.
  6. I come from a large family.
  7. I want to be an author.
  8. I love listening to Panic! At The Disco.
  9. I'm an insomniac.
  10. I like puzzle games.

Answers To Questions Given

  1. Meme you quote the most?
    • I don't quote memes.
  2. Do you like to draw?
    • Yes, in fact, I drew my profile pic!
  3. Favorite rp/discussion you are in right now?
  4. Did you know avocados are berries?
    • Nope!
  5. Are you messy or tidy when it comes to your room?
    • It's a mixture….
  6. If you could be an animal, what would you be?
    • Wolf.
  7. Zodiac sign?
    • Leo
  8. OwO or UwU?
    • Neither.
  9. Can you tolerate profane language? (please don't reply with a bunch of cussing qwq)
    • Fuck yeah! Lol
  10. When is your birthday (DO NOT SHARE THE YEAR, JUST THE DAY)
    • August

Bonus Answers

  1. Darkness or light?
    • Both
  2. A fear you have?
    • Blood (in large amounts and bleeding)

Answers To Questions Given

  1. What type of butterfly would you be?
    • Monarch
  2. Iceskating or Rollerblading?
    • Neither
  3. Have a crush/SO? Describe them.
  4. Favorite cover of a song?
  5. Favorite artist?
    Hmmm…. Does myself count? If not I don't actually have one…. Musically its a tie between Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco.
  6. Personality alignment?
    I'm not sure. I don't really keep track of that.
  7. If you had powers, what would it be?
    Flight and super strength
  8. Favorite meme? Post it.
    I don't have one; I think memes are stupid
  9. Current fandom you're entrenched in?
  10. Favorite comedy routine?
    Jeff Dunham

Answers to questions given

  1. Favorite book series or book?
    The Supernatural tie-in novels/The Count of Monte Cristo
  2. Favorite junk food?
    Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
  3. Eye color?
  4. Favorite animal?
    5.Would you rather be too lonely or surrounded by too many people?
    I'm an ambivert, so….
    6.Favorite name?
    7.Native language?
    8.What is your dream car?
    Black 1967 Chevy Impala! 😍❤
  5. Tv show or movie?
  6. Dogs or cats?

My Questions

  1. Favorite time of the year?
  2. What is the first thing you notice about someone?
  3. Are you afraid of clowns?
  4. Have you read any Stephen King books?
  5. Did you know that there's Supernatural tie-in novels?
  6. Are you having fun doing this?
  7. Are you getting to know people better?
  8. What's one of your go-to snack foods?
  9. Favorite memory?
  10. Morning or afternoon?

Bonus Questions

  1. Book or movie?
  2. Something you hate?

10 People
Leaving this open to anyone who wants to do this.

Here you go @BecInMYday

@Becfromthedead group

  1. Favorite time of the year?
    Fall, I answered this one on my last thing I think
  2. What is the first thing you notice about someone?
    What kind of vibe they give off. I know before anyone even opens their mouth if they make me uncomfortable or welcome, or something entirely different. Physically? I tend to notice their general style.
  3. Are you afraid of clowns?
    Not really. Creepy clowns are a little gross though. (My girlfriend has the biggest clown energy- she juggles and is trying to learn unicycle and other clown skills. So I’ve kind of got a new appreciation for them.)
  4. Have you read any Stephen King books?
    No, but I’d be interested to
  5. Did you know that there's Supernatural tie-in novels?
  6. Are you having fun doing this?
    Yeah, answering questions is fun tbh
  7. Are you getting to know people better?
    Yup, people are leaving some interesting facts here
  8. What's one of your go-to snack foods?
    Cheez-its (idk if I spelled that right). Also I sometimes just drink chocolate or strawberry milk instead of eating a snack
  9. Favorite memory?
    Idk if there’s just one, but getting caught in the pouring rain while out with my friends and all of us getting soaked to the bone. But once we got back to the car we were all laughing so hard because there’s really no bonding experience quite like being caught in the rain.
  10. Morning or afternoon?
    Afternoon. I’m not a morning person

Bonus Questions

  1. Book or movie?
    Tough choice. I’ve come to like movies a lot more lately, but I do like both
  2. Something you hate?
    Spiders I guess

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

  1. One person who made a big impact on you by an offhand kind act. Someone who probably doesn't even remember you exist.
  2. Do you thing God loves everyone?
  3. What do think about death?
  4. What do you do when your world is falling to pieces?
  5. What material thing did you long for as a child?
  6. What fantasies did you imagine then?
  7. If you were to die in two months, what would you do?
  8. Have you ever kept a friendship from starting? If so, why?
  9. What are the daydreams that still refuse to fly away?
  10. Do you think love and hate are mutually exclusive?
  1. Some attractive dude that bought my food at McDonald's.
  2. As a Christian, of course I do!
  3. I believe that there is Heaven and Hell, and that those who are in Heaven have the ability to visit the living.
  4. Get stressed out, break down and cry, read, and talk to my friends.
  5. Transformers toys.
  6. I once believed that I was a werewolf! Lol
  7. Spend as much time with my loved ones as possible!
  8. Not that I know of.
  9. I daydream about some of my favorite memories, such as doing a Dragon Ball Z "LARP" with one of my friends.
  10. You can either love someone, or hate them…. Sometimes you can hate and love a person at the same time.

@saor_illust school

Reposting this part because I want to see answers. Ignore if you want.

  1. One person who made a big impact on you by an offhand kind act. Someone who probably doesn't even remember you exist.
  2. Do you thing God loves everyone?
  3. What do think about death?
  4. What do you do when your world is falling to pieces?
  5. What material thing did you long for as a child?
  6. What fantasies did you imagine then?
  7. If you were to die in two months, what would you do?
  8. Have you ever kept a friendship from starting? If so, why?
  9. What are the daydreams that still refuse to fly away?
  10. Do you think love and hate are mutually exclusive?

@KunoichiEris @NutEllaDraws-Is-A-Big-Ball-Of-Happy @MontJyn @Moonchild-is-Off-Crutches [Oof I just realized I'm not mentioned in here but I already started answering them during school so]

  1. One person who made a big impact on you by an offhand kind act. Someone who probably doesn't even remember you exist.
    A: Well, um, I'm not even that old yet, I respectfully decline answering this.
  2. Do you thing God loves everyone?
    A: I don't want to anger anyone, but no, that is not my belief. If this next part is offensive to you or your religion in anyway, I'm sorry, but this is just my honest opinion. Over the summer, my dad played the Psalms or something from the bible in the car, and from what I heard, I now wholly believe that God is a dictator. Again, sorry if this offends anyone.
  3. What do think about death?
    A: I don't know, I haven't really thought about it. I guess it's just a finality to life?
  4. What do you do when your world is falling to pieces?
    A: When my world is falling to pieces… hm… I curl up into a little ball and wait it out, sheltering myself from everything.
  5. What material thing did you long for as a child?
    A: I honestly don't know, I don't remember much of my childhood.
  6. What fantasies did you imagine then?
    A: I think at one point I wanted to be a mermaid lol and I watched so many mermaid videos and stuff
  7. If you were to die in two months, what would you do?
    A: I would a) panic, b) do stuff I normally wouldn't do, c) tell everyone I know about my, uh, situation, and d) panic some more
  8. Have you ever kept a friendship from starting? If so, why?
    A: I don't think so. The only times I can remember that are remotely similar were toxic friends where we grew out of touch, I moved schools and we lost touch, or the person who's my mortal enemy tried to invite me into her friend group so she could rule over me. Of course, I declined. I don't want a ruler, I just want to be me.
  9. What are the daydreams that still refuse to fly away?
    A: I want a giant house that I can fill with barn cats and they can go in and out and have fun. That has always been my childhood dream and still is lol
  10. Do you think love and hate are mutually exclusive?
    A: Mutually exclusive? No, not in my opinion. They are two separate things, and they cannot coincide and both be true at the same time. Feelings of what writers sometimes describe as "loving and hating" a person at the same time, can only be a feeling of conflicted love, where one's feelings of love conflict with their thoughts or memories, in my opinion.

Deleted user

Reposting this part because I want to see answers. Ignore if you want.

  1. One person who made a big impact on you by an offhand kind act. Someone who probably doesn't even remember you exist.
  2. Do you thing God loves everyone?
  3. What do think about death?
  4. What do you do when your world is falling to pieces?
  5. What material thing did you long for as a child?
  6. What fantasies did you imagine then?
  7. If you were to die in two months, what would you do?
  8. Have you ever kept a friendship from starting? If so, why?
  9. What are the daydreams that still refuse to fly away?
  10. Do you think love and hate are mutually exclusive?

@KunoichiEris @NutEllaDraws-Is-A-Big-Ball-Of-Happy @MontJyn @Moonchild-is-Off-Crutches

  1. Hm… Um, one time when I was really little I accidentally shot my hairtie into the aisle of a church and couldn't grab it because mass was in session. Then this woman walked out of her seat and gave it back to me lol.
  2. Yes. Absolutely.
  3. I don't really know. I like to think something comes after it, but to be honest… I have my doubts.
  4. Hug my cat. Write poems. Remember this:
  5. An ipod XD
  6. As a child? Listening to music while I ran– Which I already had a love for.
  7. Travel everywhere. Buy tickets to concerts for every musician I like. Roadtrip around my state, Wisconsin {it's one of the most interesting places out there.}
  8. To be honest… I don't think so lol
  9. Oh God… I'll sound like a psychopath, so we're gonna pass on that one lol
  10. Uh… I'm not smart enough to answer that lol

@HighPockets group

Reposting this part because I want to see answers. Ignore if you want.

  1. One person who made a big impact on you by an offhand kind act. Someone who probably doesn't even remember you exist.
  2. Do you thing God loves everyone?
  3. What do think about death?
  4. What do you do when your world is falling to pieces?
  5. What material thing did you long for as a child?
  6. What fantasies did you imagine then?
  7. If you were to die in two months, what would you do?
  8. Have you ever kept a friendship from starting? If so, why?
  9. What are the daydreams that still refuse to fly away?
  10. Do you think love and hate are mutually exclusive?
  1. Some YouTubers I watch did some livestreams that were really interactive so I just got to joke around with them for a few hours and it was great, one channel gave really good advice and had some great comic moments and the other was just a really chill and fun stream.
  2. Yes
  3. We all die someday, so make the most of your life while you can
  4. Listen to music and isolate myself
  5. I never wanted a pony, but I did really want a puppy. Until I was 10, the only dog I had was really old and grumpy.
  6. Being rich I guess. I wanted a lot of things lol
  7. Speedrun everything I wanna do. Also ask to see TROS and TCW S7 early
  8. Yeah, the guy in question was obnoxious and creepy
  9. Book related ones
  10. To an extent, no.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'll do it too because why not?

  1. One person who made a big impact on you by an offhand kind act. Someone who probably doesn't even remember you exist.
  2. Do you thing God loves everyone?
  3. What do think about death?
  4. What do you do when your world is falling to pieces?
  5. What material thing did you long for as a child?
  6. What fantasies did you imagine then?
  7. If you were to die in two months, what would you do?
  8. Have you ever kept a friendship from starting? If so, why?
  9. What are the daydreams that still refuse to fly away?
  10. Do you think love and hate are mutually exclusive?
  1. I remember this highschooler. Gosh he was younger than I am. I was a kindergartener. I barely ever noticed the older kids (except for the girls who thought I was adorable.) We lived in separate worlds. I don't even understand how this came to be. I was five. I had brought this sandwich with me and clumsy me, left an opened waterbottle on top of the thing. Come lunch the sandwich was soaked and I was -well not quite miserable, but I wasn't anywhere near feeling good. So there I was, feeling sad, when this random highschool guy gives me this, like, trail mix thing (It had M&Ms!) he had bought from the cafeteria. How did he even notice me? Why did he care so much? I have no idea, but I will remember that kid fondly until the day I die.
  2. I think so. I also think God is the most sympathetic being there is, because he can see all the reasons why we fail.
  3. I don't like it exactly? But I wouldn't mind dying except for the effect it would have on the living. I don't want to go while others still need me. And I want to stick around until the really good bits happen.
  4. Hahahaha. I cry. A lot. Sometimes I talk to myself and let all the clamoring voices have their say. Some are really destructive, but others are alright. At least one is really helpful and talks me back into an okay spot again. Well that took a turn. Now we're talking about my weird sort of multiple personalities.
  5. Video games. Man they were the thing when I was a kid. My parents never bought them and I coveted those things. Thinking back, like many other things, I'm glad my parents did what they did.
  6. I was the prince of a magic jungle. We were all animals. I was a cheetah. And the trees grew candy and we slept inside giant pots lined with round mattresses.
  7. Try to prepare people as much as I could. I probably would hurry on my books but I wouldn't finish them. I'd try to have the best time ever with all my friends until I had to go.
  8. I have. I think friends are a serious commitment and I shouldn't have friendships if I don't do the maintenance required.
  9. Being a writer and having my dream job. It is both unlikely and plausible so I am torn on the matter and don't want to let go.
  10. I still don't know. There are people that sometimes I abhor. Yet I do love them.


(ik i wasn't tagged but i like these questions)

  • One person who made a big impact on you by an offhand kind act. Someone who probably doesn't even remember you exist.

Uhm well, a lot of people have complimented me before, and the first half of this year was fairly rough so every compliment from strangers and friends alike were always a lot. Even if I don't know how to take compliments or believe them, the fact that the thought had crossed someone's mind is sometimes comforting.

  • Do you think God loves everyone?


  • What do think about death?

Inevitable, obviously. And I'm scared of it, but I think most people are, and if you're not, you're lying at least a little bit

  • What do you do when your world is falling to pieces?

Mostly numb myself out and bury myself in as many other things as possible. It's not the healthiest but,,,

  • What material thing did you long for as a child?

A lot of toys and a pet mostly

  • What fantasies did you imagine then?

Dragons! I always thought dragons secretly existed somewhere and they were being hidden,

  • If you were to die in two months, what would you do?

Travel. Say hey to all my internet friends if I could. Hang out with the people I love

  • Have you ever kept a friendship from starting? If so, why?

Uhhh not really. More like I kept trying to stop a friendship after it started but then I realized how great the person actually was

  • What are the daydreams that still refuse to fly away?

Dragons… still obsessed with those.

  • Do you think love and hate are mutually exclusive?

No. They coexist and they always will. Like light and dark, love and hate are codependent on each other. I remember someone once said that hate is just an absence of love and i kinda dig that so

@Becfromthedead group

I wasn’t tagged, but I agree that these are really interesting and thought-provoking

  1. One person who made a big impact on you by an offhand kind act. Someone who probably doesn't even remember you exist.
    I can’t really think of one actually??? Which is kind of sad, but oh well.
  2. Do you thing God loves everyone?
    If God actually exists, no. Why are some people dealt such a bad hand in life if god controls everything? To test? I don’t believe in that at all. That’s just not love. You don’t let people you love suffer when they did nothing wrong (which yeah, Adam and Eve or whatever, but I’m more talking about being dealt disproportionally bad problems based on their birth alone.) I’ve actually been studying religion this semester and with all the in-depth readings I’ve been doing, I’ve been finding God less and less merciful and loving.
  3. What do think about death?
    It’s just death, you know? I’m super scared of dying before I’ve accomplished what I want on this earth, but it’ll happen, so whatever I guess. Also the idea that there may be nothing after death is a little spooky, but it’s fine. (Just hoping for reincarnation tbh)
  4. What do you do when your world is falling to pieces?
    I tend to dwell a lot. Go through a lot of vicious cycles of guilt. Lots of lying in bed, feeling isolated. I worry that I overshare my problems.
  5. What material thing did you long for as a child?
    I can’t think of anything specific, but I did always love getting books.
  6. What fantasies did you imagine then?
    I was already making OCs and stories in my head lol
  7. If you were to die in two months, what would you do?
    I honestly have no idea. I need years before I can even start to make my impact as I intended. I’d probably just distance myself from other things, wrap up loose ends with people, and die.
  8. Have you ever kept a friendship from starting? If so, why?
    Probably. Based on bad vibes from the other person. However, I’m usually right, so I don’t feel too bad about those. And there are others where I just have trouble initiating and later I think about what could have been.
  9. What are the daydreams that still refuse to fly away?
    Literally all of my daydreams have always been making up stories and stuff in my head. Not much has changed.
  10. Do you think love and hate are mutually exclusive?
    Nah. In fact, in my experience, familial love has had a lot of hate mixed in. Or perhaps familial love that people describe isn’t always real love. Sometimes it might just be obligation.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

  1. Do you thing God loves everyone?
    If God actually exists, no. Why are some people dealt such a bad hand in life if god controls everything? To test? I don’t believe in that at all. That’s just not love. You don’t let people you love suffer when they did nothing wrong (which yeah, Adam and Eve or whatever, but I’m more talking about being dealt disproportionally bad problems based on their birth alone.) I’ve actually been studying religion this semester and with all the in-depth readings I’ve been doing, I’ve been finding God less and less merciful and loving.

Why do you think God controls everything? (Though I suppose this is more of a hypothetical in your case.)

@Becfromthedead group

I guess more precisely, He exerted control over things that were put here and creates individuals.
But so much of the stuff I grew up hearing in the church was very much “our lives are in his hands” and “god will take care of x for you if you continue to have faith and pray.” So it might vary by denomination, but that’s what I grew up with. God has at least some capacity to control what’s going on here. Obviously He can’t just, poof, fix climate change, but idk, miracles supposedly exist. They’re on a smaller scale.
So you could argue that many bad cards are a social construct or made bad by society, like economic class, race, gender, sexual orientation.
But surely God has some control over things of truly biological or natural origin like disease and natural disaster. So making some places on earth very dangerous because of earthquakes or flooding, etc? And then people being born with defects and diseases that were purely by chance. Depending on what it is, the people affected may never be able to function even remotely like people who are able-bodied, and life can be very difficult or even shortened.
I just can’t wrap my mind around the idea of intentionally having some people suffer more than others.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

This is what I learned. God created free will. This means all can go to hell. At least figuratively. All this crap happened because of a choice against good. It’s said that at the fall of man all creation fell.
What you were taught in your church is not necessary incorrect. If you pray, God can intervene. He might not, for whatever reason. I don’t know. You’re not the only one to not receive what was begged for. But evil moves by itself. It reminds me of the saying by Edmund Burke “All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” I think the same concept applies. Evil things will move unless impeded.
So if I am correct, it’s not God being cruel. It is God not stopping the cruelty that naturally grows in the world . One could argue that this in itself is cruelty as well. But consider, if there were never evil consequences to evil actions, why would anyone stop committing evil?


10 things about me

  1. I'm probably a psychopath
  2. I really like sushi, but only crab sushi. I've never had raw fish sushi
  3. I’m a Slytherin
  4. I have two dogs and two turtles
  5. I work at an ice cream place
  6. I have p bad anxiety
  7. Crippling fear of public bathrooms
  8. I'm opening commissions soon
  9. Continuation of #8, I draw a lot
  10. I'm 15

Answers to questions given

  1. I like drawing and roleplaying on here, mostly
  2. INFP and INTP (there's kinda like, two voices in my head?? One is INFP and the other is INTP)
  3. I like fall because it's (usually) nice weather and very pretty
  4. Eh, I kinda feel like going to Switzerland. They have good chocolate and it seems like a nice place
  5. Peter Hollens probably
  6. Bob Ross
  7. Caramel Churro
  8. I like wearing hoodies for being comfortable, and for actually leaving my house I wear off the shoulder, form fitting tops and short shorts
  9. I wore a fox costume once I think
  10. Idk if this is the correct way to answer this question, but I don't like it when girls in movies/books are all like "No! He's mine!" Like let him make his own damn decisions

My questions

  1. What is your dream job?
  2. What sea creature intrigues you the most?
  3. Who is your celebrity crush?
  4. What's your favorite board game?
  5. What's your favorite video game?
  6. What is/was your best subject in school? Your worst?
  7. What is your favorite appetizer at restaurants?
  8. What kind of colors do you think look nice? (together or alone)
  9. What genre of music do you like listening to?
  10. What is your dream pet? (fictional or real)

10 people

  1. @Fenris-has-some-violent-tendencies
  2. @Rvan
  3. @Magical_Lucifer
  4. @Emi-Has-a-Screw-Loose
  5. @Sparky_Is_SQUIP
  6. @ren-is-here-and-queer
  7. @izzyandviolins
  8. @brightly-colored-bones
  9. @callycat
  10. @Shadow_Knight!!!!!