forum 10 Things Game
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

people_alt 94 followers

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group


  1. Tell 10 things about yourself.
  2. Ask 10 questions.
  3. Tag 10 people.
  4. They have to answer the questions that the person that tagged them asked. (Copy the question then answer it.)
  5. Wait for those 10 to answer.
  6. You can ask 2 bonus questions.
  7. Wait 48 hrs (that sounds reasonable). If nobody has answered, do your post.
  8. If you've been tagged multiple times, start from where you were first tagged.

People That Are Safe toTag

  • @SupernaturalSyGuy (Me!) :-D

10 Things About Me

Answers To Questions Given

My Questions

Bonus Questions

10 People

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

10 Things About Me

  1. I'm the tallest person in my family.
  2. I'm the youngest in my family.
  3. I have a very minor case of autism.
  4. I have two sisters, and one brother.
  5. I believe in past lives.
  6. I believe in ghosts.
  7. I once believed that I was a werewolf.
  8. I'm a Christian.
  9. I'm in my mid 20s.
  10. It's very difficult to anger me, but if I am angry, I suggest that you leave me alone.


  1. Have you seen a ghost before?
  2. What kind of stories do you like to read?
  3. What was the last book you've read?
  4. What are you reading now?
  5. What are you planning on reading next?
  6. What type of music do you like/listen to the most?
  7. If you could be anyone from any piece of fiction, who would you be?
  8. Why?
  9. What's your favorite colour?
  10. How did you find out about Notebook?

Bonus Questions

  1. Did you learn anything about me?
  2. Anything interesting?

10 People

  1. @Emi-Has-a-Screw-Loose
  2. @rubylsmithh
  3. @FanfictionFanatic
  4. @Shuri-the-very-very-extremely-gay-boi
  5. @Icefire
  6. @Pickles-Is-A-Mess-Too
  7. @izzyandviolins
  8. @ninja_violinist
  9. @amber_demeter_is_burnt_out
  10. @crocssant-has-a-date


10 Things about Me

  1. I have three brothers
  2. I have mild ADHD
  3. I'm short as fuck
  4. Fantasy is my jam. Fantasy anything
  5. When I want to write something but don't actually wanna write it, I make it into an RP and post it on here
  6. I have had a cold for four weeks now and I don't think it's going away anytime soon
  7. My age is a secret ;)
  8. I used to live in Alaska, and it is the prettiest state, hands down, no argument allowed
  9. I've had my account on here for over a year, but only started using the forums a few months ago
  10. NaNaWriMo is like my only motivation to write rn, because…writers block.

Answers to Questions Given

  1. Nope, but I still think I saw a dragon once
  2. F A N T A S Y. Also sci fi. Or fairytale retellings. And Steampunk
  3. Girl with the Clockwork Heart, by Kady Cross. Absolutely amazing book, definitely recommend the series to those who enjoy Steampunk
  4. Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
  5. Torch against the Night by Sabaa Tahir
  6. Indie/alternate, Dark/alternative, uhm… I'm not exactly sure 😅
  7. Gahhhh…Gandalf. Or like…idk to be honest
  8. See above. Idk
  9. Blue
  10. Pinterest lol

My Questions

  1. Favorite Author?
  2. Why?
  3. Favorite character archetype?
  4. Would you rather have a tragic villain or a tragic hero?
  5. Why?
  6. Favorite food?
  7. Least favorite animal?
  8. Favorite ghost story?
  9. Favorite emoji?
  10. Do you have any nicknames?

Bonus Questions

  1. Favorite song?
  2. Favorite music artist?

10 People

  1. @Echeveria_Rose
  2. @_Write_Where_I_Wanna_Be
  3. @Elliott_is_depressed
  4. @Anxiety
  5. @Trix
  6. @Painted-Iris
  7. @Loki_Lyakuya
  8. @UnseelieKing
  9. My links stopped working. So. Eight it is lol. Sorry

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

10 Things About Me

  1. I'm the tallest person in my family.
  2. I'm the youngest in my family.
  3. I have a very minor case of autism.
  4. I have two sisters, and one brother.
  5. I believe in past lives.
  6. I believe in ghosts.
  7. I once believed that I was a werewolf.
  8. I'm a Christian.
  9. I'm in my mid 20s.
  10. It's very difficult to anger me, but if I am angry, I suggest that you leave me alone.


  1. Have you seen a ghost before?
  2. What kind of stories do you like to read?
  3. What was the last book you've read?
  4. What are you reading now?
  5. What are you planning on reading next?
  6. What type of music do you like/listen to the most?
  7. If you could be anyone from any piece of fiction, who would you be?
  8. Why?
  9. What's your favorite colour?
  10. How did you find out about Notebook?

Bonus Questions

  1. Did you learn anything about me?
  2. Anything interesting?

10 Things About Me

  1. I'm the oldest sister with two younger sisters.
  2. I have a part-time job that sucks.
  3. I’m taller than almost everyone in my family.
  4. I just got my dream truck this month.
  5. I'm a Messianic Jew.
  6. I own contacts but prefer to wear my glasses.
  7. My mind goes a thousand different directions at a hundred miles an hour all at once.
  8. I’m a Hufflepuff.
  9. I’m a Millennial Taurus.
  10. I consider myself something of an idea leech. I don't mean to plagiarize but I only get ideas for writing when I read someone else's work.

Answers To Questions Given

  1. No, I have not seen a ghost. Thank God
  2. Let me answer this one by saying that the only stories I don’t like reading are heavy spoilers, anything explicitly graphic in any way, and Horror. (nothing against suspense just horror.)
  3. The last book I read was PJO; Sea of Monsters.
  4. I’m currently working on reading Fairest as part of the Lunar Chronicles, recommended by a friend.
  5. I have no idea what my next book will be… Probably the next one in the Lunar Chronicles.
  6. I have a wide taste in music but the type I listen to the most would be Country.
  7. … Honestly, I don't think I would want to be anyone else… Can I be myself in a different universe?
  8. Because I’m not main character material and I don't want to die as someone else but my reality sucks.
  9. I don't really have favorites of anything. I have lists of favorites and the top five section of all of them is a complete mess. But if I had to pick one; I’d say aqua sea glass green/blue.
  10. I think I found out about it on Pinterest.

Bonus Answers

  1. Yes.
  2. The autism thing was interesting. But I can relate: my dad had me tested more than once for it and only one doctor said I had a small chance of having it.

My Questions (Sorry, these are mostly ”favorite” questions.)

  1. What is your favorite T.V. series?
  2. What’s it about? (without spoilers if you can)
  3. Favorite Movie?
  4. Do you have a celebrity crush?
  5. Who?
  6. Favorite type of candy?
  7. Did you dress up for Halloween last year?
  8. If so, what were you?
  9. Do you have a pet?
  10. Last movie you saw in theaters?

Bonus Questions

10 People

  1. @Shadow_Knight!!!!!
  2. @MusicElle
  3. @gracehustle
  4. @Imaegine
  5. @NutEllaDraws-Is-A-Big-Ball-Of-Happy
  6. @StarkSpangledBanner
  7. @AloeVera
  8. @SwimwithGamers_grandma_coming_from_Vegas
  9. @EmptyNebula
  10. @Ghost_Spider_Got_A_Job


10 things about me

  1. I’ve been doing theatre for over half of my life.
  2. I’m a soprano 1
  3. I’m a Ravenclaw
  4. I’m vegetarian
  5. My favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate chip cookie dough
  6. My Meyers-Briggs personality is ENFP
  7. I love vintage stuff
  8. I play the guitar, bass guitar, ukulele, piano, and sing
  9. I draw A LOT (mostly traditional art)
  10. I love animals

Answers to questions given

  1. Parks and Recreation
  2. Pawnee, Indiana’s quirky Parks and Rec department (Christ Pratt is in it!)
  3. Anything Marvel and movies based off of Broadway musicals
  4. hahah yeah
  5. Currently my main ones are Eddie Redmayne, Tom Holland, Zendaya, and Ariana Grande
  6. anything with chocolate (bonus points if it also has caramel)
  7. kinda
  8. I wore bunny ears and called it good
  9. yes a cute lil doggo
  10. idk

My questions

  1. What are your hobbies?
  2. What is your Meyer-Briggs personality type?
  3. What is your favorite season and why?
  4. If you could go anywhere (real or fictional), where would you go?
  5. Favorite music artist?
  6. If you could meet anyone, who would you meet?
  7. Favorite ice cream flavor?
  8. What is your fashion sense like?
  9. Most memorable Halloween costume/experience?
  10. Least favorite book/movie trope?

10 people

  1. @Caustic-Fraust-Is-A-Mood
  2. @StarkSpangledBanner
  3. @WriteOutofTime
  4. @Moonchild-is-Off-Crutches
  5. @actual-fandom-trash
  6. @f-b-f-trash-is-desperate-for-affection
  7. @BecInMYday
  8. @The-Althalosian
  9. @Moxie
  10. @Knight-Shives


10 Things About Me

  1. My favourite weather is rain- and thunder- storms
  2. I'm a major theatre kid
  3. I've got ridiculously curly thick hair that's impossible to handle
  4. I'm Canadian
  5. But live in the UK
  6. I'm a Virgo
  7. I'm a Ravenclaw with a smidge of Hufflepuff
  8. I'm an only child
  9. I own an amazing pair of shiny blue and purple heeled boots
  10. The trait I value most about myself is my empathy

Answers To Questions Given

  1. My favourite TV series (right now) is American Horror Story
  2. It's a bunch of different thriller/horror plotlines, supernatural, most of the time, but the plot changes every season so I can't really give a summary.
  3. YES! It's Dead Poets Society
  4. Also a resounding yes
  5. Sarah Paulson
  6. Twix White
  7. Yes I did
  8. I was Heather Chandler
  9. A dog named Kala
  10. The Downton Abbey movie

My Questions

  1. Favourite chips flavour?
  2. Pet peeve?
  3. Your favourite personality trait of yours?
  4. Favourite chocolate flavour?
  5. Where were you born (continent or country if you're more comfortable with that)
  6. Most precious thing you own?
  7. Favourite holiday and why?
  8. OTP and what is it from?
  9. Favourite music artist?
  10. Hot drink order?

Bonus Questions

  1. Favourite art form?
  2. Can you recite the alphabet backwards?

10 People

  1. @rubylsmithh
  2. @Shuri-the-very-very-extremely-gay-boi
  3. @Magnus_Thinks_ur_amazing
  4. @alright-hecate
  5. @Mindful_Bison
  6. @brightly-colored-bones
  7. @Periwinkle_
  8. @LolaBugIsAtTheBeachTilSaturday!
  9. @Qxeensryche-is-Artemis-and-hates-school
  10. @Young-Dusty


Oh hey, Anxiety and Write where I wanna be, I tagged you sorry. You just…fill out the thing and respond to the questions I put? I guess? Syguy made this, so ask them

Deleted user

(I agree with unseelie, I'd prefer not to be tagged
It always makes me feel comfortable and I never have time to do it
So… Just don't)

Deleted user

10 things about me

  1. I am vegetarian!
  2. I play the flute
  3. I used to play the drums and still love to
  4. I have an interest in law…
  5. But my dream job is a psychologist
  6. I want to join the military
  7. I'm a star nerd <3
  8. My username is a reference to the song Moonchild by RM, because the lyrics speak to me, it's a bop, and I actually love space and the moon along with the nighttime, therefore I consider myself a moonchild.
  9. I've been in student council every year since I was old enough to participate
  10. I have a cat named after my favorite chocolate– Hershey!

Answers to questions given

  1. Writing, reading, wasting my braincells online
  2. Oh God I don't know
  3. AUTUMN!! I love the aesthetic, the gray skies, the cool weather… And I think I do my best writing in fall.
  4. London
  5. Chase Atlantic, Halsey, BTS or Blackpink <3
  6. My soulmate <3 {Yes, I went in that direction lol}
  7. Cotton Candy or Superman
  8. Trendy but goth lol
  9. Satan
  10. Um… Idk lol

My questions

  1. Favorite president?
  2. Favorite food?
  3. Dream car?
  4. Do you want children?
  5. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
  6. Sport you wished you could do?
  7. Favorite color?
  8. What is your fashion sense like?
  9. Do you prefer apartments or houses? {lol}
  10. Best friend?

10 people

  1. @rubylsmithh
  2. @KunoichiEris
  3. @MontJyn
  4. @Emi-Has-a-Screw-Loose
  5. @actual-fandom-trash
  6. @EvThePoet
  7. @RainyDayArtist
  8. @izzyandviolins
  9. @EllieGrace-Cant-Even
  10. @The_Warrior

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

10 Things About Me

  1. My favourite weather is rain- and thunder- storms
  2. I'm a major theatre kid
  3. I've got ridiculously curly thick hair that's impossible to handle
  4. I'm Canadian
  5. But live in the UK
  6. I'm a Virgo
  7. I'm a Ravenclaw with a smidge of Hufflepuff
  8. I'm an only child
  9. I own an amazing pair of shiny blue and purple heeled boots
  10. The trait I value most about myself is my empathy

Answers To Questions Given

  1. My favourite TV series (right now) is American Horror Story
  2. It's a bunch of different thriller/horror plotlines, supernatural, most of the time, but the plot changes every season so I can't really give a summary.
  3. YES! It's Dead Poets Society
  4. Also a resounding yes
  5. Sarah Paulson
  6. Twix White
  7. Yes I did
  8. I was Heather Chandler
  9. A dog named Kala
  10. The Downton Abbey movie

My Questions

  1. Favourite chips flavour?
  2. Pet peeve?
  3. Your favourite personality trait of yourout!
  4. Favourite chocolate flavour?
  5. Where were you born (continent or country if you're more comfortable with that)
  6. Most precious thing you own?
  7. Favourite holiday and why?
  8. OTP and what is it from?
  9. Favourite music artist?
  10. Hot drink order?

Bonus Questions

  1. Favourite art form?
  2. Can you recite the alphabet backwards?

10 People

  1. @rubylsmithh
  2. @Shuri-the-very-very-extremely-gay-boi
  3. @Magnus_Thinks_ur_amazing
  4. @alright-hecate
  5. @Mindful_Bison
  6. @brightly-colored-bones
  7. @Periwinkle_
  8. @LolaBugIsAtTheBeachTilSaturday!
  9. @Qxeensryche-is-Artemis-and-hates-school
  10. @Young-Dusty

Hey there @amber_demeter_is_burnt_out! You made an oof, and answered the wrong questions; you're supposed to answer the questions from the person that tagged you…. It's fine though. I can understand why there was a slight misunderstanding. Lol

Deleted user

10 things about me

  1. I'm the most capricorn person that you will ever meet.
  2. I'm currently studying to become a Master Sommelier. (although I do take random classes at local universities if the subjects interest me.)
  3. I've been writing for over a decade now and once got published in my school magazine.
  4. I'm the oldest of four, although my siblings are not fully blood related to me.
  5. I'm a military brat and have lived in five states
  6. I also draw, but would never consider myself an artist.
  7. I do yoga to heavy metal music to piss off my neighbors.
  8. I have the rarest blood type on the planet.
  9. My mother raised me on horror movies and ancient faerie stories. (I didn't see a Disney movie until I was 10)
  10. According to my boyfriend I sleep talk (& walk) in a desperate attempt to find pizza at least twice a week.

Answers to questions given

  1. Lol are you serious? They all suck. (Obama)
  2. shabu (Japanese Hot Pot)
  3. A 69' Aston Martin Vanquish will all the appropriate bells and whistles.
  4. Maybe? Idk. I just want boys.
  5. Idk I kinda love my name. If I had to choose–maybe something equally old and awesome sounding…Like "Rowena" or "Maeve"
  6. Ach, sports. I already do Karate– so I guess I'd like to be into Kendo more.
  7. Deep purple
  8. Punk. Black. Soft Goth.
  9. Well I live in an apartment and it's cool so– (shrug)
  10. My best friend is Mia and she is my waifu. We have a pact to get married if both of us are still single by 38.

My questions

  1. Do you consider yourself good or evil?
  2. Most intriguing time period?
  3. Dream Occupation?
  4. If you could marry anyone from any time, who would it be?
  5. Harry Potter or Katniss Everdeen?
  6. What is your phone backscreen?
  7. Your number one song right now?
  8. Sour or sweet?
  9. Favorite Holiday?
  10. Which story of yours do you want to publish first?

10 people

  1. @The-Althalosian
  2. @Emi-Has-a-Screw-Loose
  3. @MonocarpicCathartic
  4. @Moxie
  5. @MontJyn
  6. @RedTheHopeless
  7. @NutEllaDraws-Is-A-Big-Ball-Of-Happy
  8. @StarkSpangledBanner
  9. @Dances_with_Shadows-is-also-in-the-Cult
  10. @crocssant-has-a-date

(If i tagged you it's because I don't know more than 10 people or care too. so feel free to ignore me. :D)