forum 10 Things Game
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

people_alt 94 followers

Deleted user

  1. I have the rarest blood type on the planet.

Which is what??

ab, isn't it???

Deleted user

The point of this is not only to have fun, but to also get to know people some more! :-)

Yeah but you have to keep in mind that not everyone wants to do this
Not everyone wants to be tagged
Not everyone has time to do these things

Deleted user

No one is forcing you…

I know no one is forcing me, that's not the point I'm trying to make

@Painted-Iris group

My Questions

  1. Favorite Author?
  2. Why?
  3. Favorite character archetype?
  4. Would you rather have a tragic villain or a tragic hero?
  5. Why?
  6. Favorite food?
  7. Least favorite animal?
  8. Favorite ghost story?
  9. Favorite emoji?
  10. Do you have any nicknames?

Bonus Questions

  1. Favorite song?
  2. Favorite music artist?

ok I guess I got tagged lol
10 Things About Me

  1. I'm allergic to cats
  2. Yo hablo español pero no es perfecto porque yo no recuerdo mucho.
  3. I draw whenever I can, my icon is my own art but I really wanna change it.
  4. My birthday is a week from now.
  5. I used to play trombone and piano but not anymore.
  6. My dream career is to be a spanish teacher (not too exciting, but shut up, it sounds fun)
  7. I'm christian
  8. I'm an only child owo
  9. I freaking love stingrays so much like seriously let me cuddle one-

Answers To Questions Given

  1. Marissa Meyer
  2. Oh man I just love all of the twists on classic stories and how she twists around stereotypes. She has an interesting way of writing.
  3. Favorite what now-
  4. Hm, tragic hero as they're less common. Honestly all my characters are sad lol
  5. Again, less common than a tragic villain.
  6. you really like asking questions i hate don't you- I like too many things to pick a favorite and I also gotta be in the mood for it. Right now it would have to be strawberry ice cream with chocolate sauce drizzled on it. Or pho. Pho is similar to ramen btw.
  7. Do centipedes count?
  8. I don't believe in them nor do I like horror stories.
  9. 🤗 though I use 😂 the most
  10. Yes but I hate them and they relate to my real name so I'm not saying.

B1. I really really hate this question almost as much as I hate the favorite book question. Because I couldn't answer a few above, I gotta do these. Probably Lost Stars by Adam Levine right now???
B2. I really like a lot of KPop too though- I like too wide of a music range to say I have a favorite.

My Questions

  1. Meme you quote the most?
  2. Do you like to draw?
  3. Favorite rp/discussion you are in right now?
  4. Did you know avocados are berries?
  5. Are you messy or tidy when it comes to your room?
  6. If you could be an animal, what would you be?
  7. Zodiac sign?
  8. OwO or UwU?
  9. Can you tolerate profane language? (please don't reply with a bunch of cussing qwq)
  10. When is your birthday (DO NOT SHARE THE YEAR, JUST THE DAY)

Bonus Questions

  1. Darkness or light?
  2. A fear you have?

10 People
so almost all the people I would have tagged have already been tagged so if you wanna do it, do it.
Also I really don't wanna bother people who don't wanna be tagged lollll

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

No one is forcing you…

I know no one is forcing me, that's not the point I'm trying to make

You don't have to participate, nor be rude to someone you hardly even know…. If you don't wish to participate, just say so, and unfollow the board; it's that simple.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

10 things about me

  1. I'm the most capricorn person that you will ever meet.
  2. I'm currently studying to become a Master Sommelier. (although I do take random classes at local universities if the subjects interest me.)
  3. I've been writing for over a decade now and once got published in my school magazine.
  4. I'm the oldest of four, although my siblings are not fully blood related to me.
  5. I'm a military brat and have lived in five states
  6. I also draw, but would never consider myself an artist.
  7. I do yoga to heavy metal music to piss off my neighbors.
  8. I have the rarest blood type on the planet.
  9. My mother raised me on horror movies and ancient faerie stories. (I didn't see a Disney movie until I was 10)
  10. According to my boyfriend I sleep talk (& walk) in a desperate attempt to find pizza at least twice a week.

  11. Do you consider yourself good or evil?
  12. Most intriguing time period?
  13. Dream Occupation?
  14. If you could marry anyone from any time, who would it be?
  15. Harry Potter or Katniss Everdeen?
  16. What is your phone backscreen?
  17. Your number one song right now?
  18. Sour or sweet?
  19. Favorite Holiday?
  20. Which story of yours do you want to publish first?
  1. @The-Althalosian
  2. I really want to be that one guy who always ends up as a romantic interest ugh who's super kind and sweet and helpful.
  3. I am so immature. Like, what is wrong with me?
  4. Except when I get hella logical and sometimes forget feelings exist.
  5. I consider myself smarter than everyone else.
  6. But also an idiot.
  7. For me there is a huge distinction between people and a person. It's summed up really well in Men In Black "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it."
  8. I distrust people in my mind.
  9. But I pretty much never act like it because I'm careless and am sure I won't die.
  10. I think manipulation is not as people see it or think about it. I think it's an important part of life that really doesn't need to be so vilified as it can do much good.
  11. I recently discovered I'm traumatized and want to find others with trauma like mine so I can learn more about it.
  1. I consider myself starting out as a pure soul but being slowly changed for the worse by the world I live in.
  2. Mmm. The not-Dark Ages.
  3. Director/Cinematographer/Script writer.
  4. Idk. I just want someone like me that I can make it work with.
  5. Katniss. She's much more resilient and practical.
  6. I'll do my iPad because. The lock screen is cartoon Zeus playing an electric guitar. (Rather like this .) My home screen is the cultural iceberg because that stuff's important.
  7. Hmmmmmmm. I move really slowly on that front. So maybe… In Case You Don't Live Forever.
  8. Both preferably. But sour.
  9. Thanksgiving or Easter. They both have great food and atmosphere.
  10. Althalos definitely. It's the story that started everything. But it might not be the first one written because culture building takes even more time than writing a book.


  1. One person who made a big impact on you by an offhand kind act. Someone who probably doesn't even remember you exist.
  2. Do you thing God loves everyone?
  3. What do think about death?
  4. What do you do when your world is falling to pieces?
  5. What material thing did you long for as a child?
  6. What fantasies did you imagine then?
  7. If you were to die in two months, what would you do?
  8. Have you ever kept a friendship from starting? If so, why?
  9. What are the daydreams that still refuse to fly away?
  10. Do you think love and hate are mutually exclusive?

I get the tagging bit, so Eris, Nutella, or whoever wants to can answer what I wrote.

Deleted user

Eris, I have two questions:

  1. You were in the military??
  2. Did you draw your profile picture?


My Questions

  1. Favourite chips flavour?
  2. Pet peeve?
  3. Your favourite personality trait of yours?
  4. Favourite chocolate flavour?
  5. Where were you born (continent or country if you're more comfortable with that)
  6. Most precious thing you own?
  7. Favourite holiday and why?
  8. OTP and what is it from?
  9. Favourite music artist?
  10. Hot drink order?

Bonus Questions

  1. Favourite art form?
  2. Can you recite the alphabet backwards?

Thank you so much Amber! Love u!
Now let's see.

  1. Plain old salt.
  2. I don't really have one.
  3. Probably my self control.
  4. Salted caramel.
  5. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, USA! Best town ever. Not the best country.
  6. My necklace.
  7. Christmas. Presents, obviously
  8. Me + Mia @Water_Spigot (whether it be platonic or not whatever)
  9. Ummmm I listen to a ton of different music, but AJR
  10. Either mocha latte or hot chocolate
  11. Digital art.
  12. Nope.

Deleted user

Eris, I have two questions:

  1. You were in the military??
  2. Did you draw your profile picture?
  1. My step-dad is in the army. It's a thing to be called a 'military brat' if you have a parent(s) in the military and you moved around a lot as a kid. I moved probably every 3 years until I hit high school.

  2. Yes I did.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Well shit, I'm no good at these things

10 Things About Me

  1. My favorite animals are foxes, any type
  2. I love being in the dark
  3. I listen to heavy metal, metal, and rock music most of the time
  4. Mints, chocolate, pasta, and chicken are best foods
  5. I love to do archery, but I need to use left-handed bows even though I'm right-handed
  6. I'm an atheist, but I love most mythologies, such as Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, Celtic, yadda yadda yadda
  7. I have to dislocate my jaw to yawn or eat burgers. Grosses my dad out when he hears the pop
  8. Never dated anyone, nor do I have anyone interested in me (well, one, but he's a creep)
  9. Strangely fascinated by poeple with mental disorders or different lives than me. Actually spent almost an entire day researching sociopaths
  10. I people watch, which inadvertently helps me with my character creation
  1. Do you consider yourself good or evil?
  2. Most intriguing time period?
  3. Dream Occupation?
  4. If you could marry anyone from any time, who would it be?
  5. Harry Potter or Katniss Everdeen?
  6. What is your phone backscreen?
  7. Your number one song right now?
  8. Sour or sweet?
  9. Favorite Holiday?
  10. Which story of yours do you want to publish first?

Answers To Questions Given

  1. I'm neither good nor evil, as I'm a little bit of both, but I'd say I'm a little more on the good side. Anyone can say otherwise.
  2. Pffffft. Like I know any. Uhh, ancient? Like, Ancient Greece/Roman/Egypt.
  3. Author. Def. It's the only thing that I haven't been wary about.
  4. Literally don't care. Marriage is the last thing on my mind and I don't really care for anyone atm
  5. Harry Potter all the way
  6. Six of Crows "No Mourners, No Funerals"
  7. Sober by Bad Wolves
  8. Sweet
  9. Thanksgiving because food and not super cold nor super hot.
  10. Daughter of Death and Deception, because it's the only one I'm writing right now and it comes before my favorite cast of characters

My Questions

  1. Day or night?
  2. If you could be any animal, myth or real, what would it be?
  3. Zeus or Odin?
  4. ^Along the lines of this question, Greek or Roman?
  5. Thoughts on short people dating tall people?
  6. Favorite parent?
  7. Favorite Edgar Allen Poe story?
  8. Dream vacation location?
  9. Pit bull or boxer? (dogs)
  10. Favorite subject? (like math, science, or anything specific)

Bonus Questions

  1. How often do you plan someone's death in your head?
  2. Favorite subject in the arts

10 People

  1. @Big-B-is-the-Cult-owner
  2. @PrettyLittlePyro
  3. @izzyandviolins
  4. @Emi-Has-a-Screw-Loose
  5. @Anxiety
  6. @Pickles-Is-A-Mess-Too
  7. @Periwinkle_
  8. @crocssant-has-a-date (sorry)
  9. @ApatheticLoser
  10. @KhaoticNeutral

holy shit I know multiple people
(some of you I've just seen around)

@saor_illust school

[Insert @SupernaturalSyGuy's response here]

10 Things About Me

  1. I'm technically the youngest in my family since my cat is older than me lol.
  2. Love cats.
  3. I like to read books.
  4. I love rp-ing way too much for my own good lol
  5. Way too shy irl
  6. I. Don't. Want. To. Go. To. High School. Next. Year.
  7. I play violin
  8. Orchestra gang! lol
  9. I have a habit of making toxic friends for some reason.
  10. I used to have two cats, now I have one cat.

10 Questions

  1. How are you today?
  2. Still in school?
  3. Have any pets?
  4. Read any good books lately?
  5. How's school going for you?
  6. Watch any good movies or shows lately?
  7. Any siblings?
  8. Do you play an instrument? (Your voice counts)
  9. Favorite book?
  10. Favorite thing about notebook?
  11. Favorite thing about yourself?

10 People

  1. @NutEllaDraws-Is-A-Big-Ball-Of-Happy
  2. @EllieGrace-Cant-Even
  3. @Magnus_Thinks_ur_amazing
  4. @amber_demeter_is_burnt_out
  5. @MacaroniElephant
  6. @Second-rate-Illy
  7. @ShadowNights
  8. @Shadow_0520
  9. @Meowstic27
  10. @Lia
    (Sorry if you don't know me, I just started tagging random ppl bc I ran out of people.)

10 Answers

  1. Have you seen a ghost before?
    A: Nope!
  2. What kind of stories do you like to read?
    A: Pretty much anything fiction! I'll go for non-fiction only if it's a subject I enjoy, like cats, animals in general, ect.
  3. What was the last book you've read?
    A: Hm… I don't know… I think it was Ten Thousand Skies Above You.
  4. What are you reading now?
    A: A mix of things. Les Mis, a book whose title I can't remember, and A Million Worlds With You
  5. What are you planning on reading next?
    A: I want to read Before I Fall again, I love that book.
  6. What type of music do you like/listen to the most?
    A: Green Day, classical music, mostly Mozart and Bach, and the oldies like the Beatles, Rolling Stones, ect.
  7. If you could be anyone from any piece of fiction, who would you be?
    A: That's a hard question… I can't decide lol
  8. Why?
    A: ~like I said I can't decide~
  9. What's your favorite colour?
    A: ~Bleu or purple~
  10. How did you find out about Notebook?
    A: I actually don't know. I think it was an ad or something, I can't remember.

Bonus Answers

  1. Did you learn anything about me?
    A: Yeah!
  2. Anything interesting?
    A: Aha, you believed you were a werewolf once upon a time, that's gotta be interesting!

@kittycalyx group

oh this is fun!!

10 things about me this is mostly just me listing my favorite things bc i have no personality

  1. i'm biracial, half white and half indian (but northeast india, it's very different)
  2. i have a bichon frise named coco whom i love dearly
  3. my favorite color is pink and this is often a surprise to people
  4. my favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip
  5. i share a birthday with The Bee Movie™ (october 28!! 2003 for me and 2007 for the movie)
  6. i main peach in mario kart and kirby in smash
  7. fall is my favorite season and i need it to get colder in tennessee like wtf why is it still 90º outside
  8. my favorite movie is mulan <33
  9. pangolins are my favorite animal!! google them, they're so cute
  10. i've won a couple french poetry contests which is cool ig

Answers To Questions Given

  1. Favourite chips flavour? - just normal salted ig but kettle-cooked hits different
  2. Pet peeve? - i can't stand snoring oh my god it makes me wanna scream (shoutout to my dad bc he snores so loudly)
  3. Your favourite personality trait of yours? - my creativity!! it's fun
  4. Favourite chocolate flavour? - milk chocolate ftw
  5. Where were you born? - minneapolis
  6. Most precious thing you own? - um maybe the traditional clothing i got from my relatives in india
  7. Favourite holiday and why? - halloween! it's close to my birthday and i like the costumes/candy and idk i just vibe with it
  8. OTP and what is it from? - i have way too many ships to give a definite answer but lately i've been loving shigadabi from bnha
  9. Favourite music artist? - panic! at the disco
  10. Hot drink order? - black coffee

Bonus Questions

  1. Favourite art form? - pencil and paper but i also like acrylic paint
  2. Can you recite the alphabet backwards? - maybe if i really really tried

my questions

  1. what song is currently stuck in your head?
  2. what's your LEAST favorite movie?
  3. what's a really good line you've written?
  4. if you could learn any language instantly, which one would you pick?
  5. what's your favorite dessert?
  6. what's something you've always been bad at?
  7. what superpower would you want?
  8. do you have a crush right now?
  9. what colors do you think you look best in?
  10. what's your favorite scent?

my bonus questions

  1. what’s your dream job?
  2. what’s your favorite dog breed?

10 people sorry to tag some people who’ve already been tagged but i barely know anyone on here, feel free to ignore

  1. @Shuri-the-very-very-extremely-gay-boi
  2. @NutEllaDraws-Is-A-Big-Ball-Of-Happy
  3. @selene_ravens
  4. @amber_demeter_is_burnt_out right back at ya lmao
  5. @RainClouds_might_be_itachi
  6. @ApatheticLoser
  7. @icecubes
  8. @AloeVera
  9. @Mindful_Bison
  10. @Chogiwae_Hestia

@saor_illust school

Answers to Eris' Questions

  1. Day or night?
    A: Night.
  2. If you could be any animal, myth or real, what would it be?
    A: I don't actually know. I mean, it really depends. For example, if I could be a(n), I don't know, a bird, would I still be able to speak? Or would I literally be a bird and have bird instincts?
  3. Zeus or Odin?
    A: I haven't read much Norse myths so I guess Zeus? But I don't really know much about the Norse myths so…
  4. ^Along the lines of this question, Greek or Roman?
    A: I'm not sure, haven't really learned much about either culture so
  5. Thoughts on short people dating tall people?
    A: Don't really have any.
  6. Favorite parent?
    A: Well, uh, my mom
  7. Favorite Edgar Allen Poe story?
    A: Wait he wrote STORIES? How did I not know that?
  8. Dream vacation location?
    A: Ooo Japan, Taiwan, Montana, or the coast of Oregon. I can't choose.
  9. Pit bull or boxer? (dogs)
    A: Both. I can't leave out either.
  10. Favorite subject? (like math, science, or anything specific)
    A: Mm I guess I like science…

Bonus Answers

  1. How often do you plan someone's death in your head?
    A: Almost never. The only time I've ever done that is with my permanent enemy. She's really the worst, I don't know what she has against me, but she seriously hates me with a burning passion.
  2. Favorite subject in the arts
    A: The arts? Does music count?

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

  1. Favorite Edgar Allen Poe story?
    A: Wait he wrote STORIES? How did I not know that?

I recommend The Tell Tale Heart, The Black Cat, The Fall of the House of Usher, and The Masque of the Red Death.

A: The only time I've ever done that is with my permanent enemy. She's really the worst, I don't know what she has against me, but she seriously hates me with a burning passion.

She's probably, and most likely, jealous of you.


  1. Favorite Edgar Allen Poe story?
    A: Wait he wrote STORIES? How did I not know that?

I recommend The Tell Tale Heart, The Black Cat, The Fall of the House of Usher, and The Masque of the Red Death.

A: The only time I've ever done that is with my permanent enemy. She's really the worst, I don't know what she has against me, but she seriously hates me with a burning passion.

She's probably, and most likely, jealous of you.

I agree. She's probably jealous of you. It's very likely.