forum 10 Things Game
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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@saor_illust school

Ellie you play the flute??

Anyways, if you want 10 things about me go find my response, I'm not going to write 10 more things but I will answer the questions:

Favorite book series or book? The Chemist by Stephanie Meyer
Favorite junk food? Fries
Eye color? Brown or Black
Favorite animal? CAT
Would you rather be too lonely or surrounded by too many people? lonely. i find too many people is rather irritating
Favorite name? Izzy lel
Native language? English! Wait, native? Either chinese or taiwanese, idk
What is your dream car? Car? Was I supposed to think about that already? Idk, maybe a nice van?
Tv show or movie? Mm movie because then I won't get disappointed when the show ends.
Dogs or cats? CATS


Ok so imma just answer @amber_demeter_is_burnt_out and @Dances_with_Shadows-is-also-in-the-Cult at the same time bc i dont wanna come up with two sets of questions

10 Things About Me

  1. I hate hamburgers
  2. I have synesthesia
  3. I've never owned a pet (except for a fish who died before we could name him)
  4. I was born on Friday the 13th
  5. I'm an INFP
  6. My favorite color is Periwinkle (which you've probably already guessed)
  7. I've never read harry potter
  8. My favorite food is probably like mashed potatoes (although I love potatoes in pretty much any form)
  9. I've never dated anybody
  10. I'm 5'5.5" (idk I ran out of things to say)

Answers To Questions Given


  1. Depends on what brand of chips, usually it's sour cream and onion
  2. I hate it when people take my silence as an indication that I agree with them (which happens to me a lot)
  3. I'm assuming you mean my favorite personality trait of an oc? I like that it takes Piper forever to get mad, but once she does you better run
  4. I really like all chocoalte flavors, I don't have a favorite XD
  5. South Carolina, but now I live one state away
  6. A picture that my grandma gave me before she died (i remember the whole conversation we had about it even though I was like 5 when it happened)
  7. I don't celebrate holidays so I don't have a favorite
  8. Adrienette from ML
  9. Idk I have so many, I like dodie and alec benjamin in terms of storytelling, steve jablnosky and thomas bergersen in terms of composition, alicia keys in terms of raw talent
  10. I usually don't get hot drinks lol idk like hot chocolate?

B1: Drawing
B2: only up to like K


  1. night
  2. idk like a gecko or something?
  3. ODIN
  4. funny because usually id pick greek lol
  5. I wouldn't do it, mostly because what guy is shorter than me lol but idc if other people do
  6. My mom, athough our relationship isn't the best either
  7. I don't really have one, I haven't read much of his stuff
  8. Hastings, New Zealand. Actually @amber_demeter_is_burnt_out and I have an rp that's set there
  9. pit bull
  10. art/writing/lunch

B1: lol like every day, no joke. But in my defense, I'm a maladaptive daydreamer so my brain goes in all sorts of directions
B2: Either drawing or creative writing

My Questions

  1. What's your Enneagram type?
  2. How tall are you?
  3. Do you prefer hamburgers or hotdogs?
  4. What's your favorite animal?
  5. What color are your eyes?
  6. What's your biggest fear?
  7. Do you have any siblings?
  8. What's your favorite song?
  9. How long can you hold your breath?
  10. What's something that most people would not guess about you?


  1. Can you wiggle your ears?
  2. Do you know more than one language?

10 Peeps:


OOF I'm @!! Lol okay let's figure this out…

Deleted user

10 Things About Me

  1. My favourite weather is rainy or cloudy weather
  2. I used to be soprano but now I'm an alto
  3. I skipped a grade
  4. Yet I'm taller than a lot of people (5'6.5 to be exact)
  5. I'm an INFP-T
  6. I'm a Taurus
  7. English isn't my first language
  8. I'm an only child
  9. I'm a Slytherclaw
  10. I'm pretty weird

Answers To Questions Given

  1. Jalapeno or anything that's actually somewhat spicy
  2. Lack of common sense
  3. My sarcasm? I don't know if that counts. If it doesn't, then my confidence????
  4. White Chocolate
  5. On earth (I was born in Asia)
  6. The Lighting Thief Book that I got from my 5th grade teacher
  7. Halloween because I have a excuse to wear whatever I want and I get to eat candy
  8. Wolfstar from Harry Potter
  9. BTS
  10. Maybe hot chocolate???

My Questions

  1. Favourite color?
  2. Favorite sport?
  3. Do you play said sport?
  4. Random fact?
  5. Favorite animal?
  6. Favorite food?
  7. Favorite TV show?
  8. What's your comfort food?
  9. Favorite movie?
  10. Favorite book?

10 People

  1. @Minimum
  2. @Shuri-the-very-very-extremely-gay-boi
  3. @NutEllaDraws-Is-A-Big-Ball-Of-Happy
  4. @Persephone_of_The_Toxic
  5. @Ich-ein-HadesisStressed
  6. @alright-hecate
  7. @ApatheticLoser
  8. @coffee_d00dles
  9. @Chogiwae_Hestia
  10. @Mindful_Bison

@HighPockets group

10 things about me

  1. I am vegetarian!
  2. I play the flute
  3. I used to play the drums and still love to
  4. I have an interest in law…
  5. But my dream job is a psychologist
  6. I want to join the military
  7. I'm a star nerd <3
  8. My username is a reference to the song Moonchild by RM, because the lyrics speak to me, it's a bop, and I actually love space and the moon along with the nighttime, therefore I consider myself a moonchild.
  9. I've been in student council every year since I was old enough to participate
  10. I have a cat named after my favorite chocolate– Hershey!

Answers to questions given

  1. Writing, reading, wasting my braincells online
  2. Oh God I don't know
  3. AUTUMN!! I love the aesthetic, the gray skies, the cool weather… And I think I do my best writing in fall.
  4. London
  5. Chase Atlantic, Halsey, BTS or Blackpink <3
  6. My soulmate <3 {Yes, I went in that direction lol}
  7. Cotton Candy or Superman
  8. Trendy but goth lol
  9. Satan
  10. Um… Idk lol

My questions

  1. Favorite president?
  2. Favorite food?
  3. Dream car?
  4. Do you want children?
  5. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
  6. Sport you wished you could do?
  7. Favorite color?
  8. What is your fashion sense like?
  9. Do you prefer apartments or houses? {lol}
  10. Best friend?

10 people

  1. @rubylsmithh
  2. @KunoichiEris
  3. @MontJyn
  4. @Emi-Has-a-Screw-Loose
  5. @actual-fandom-trash
  6. @EvThePoet
  7. @RainyDayArtist
  8. @izzyandviolins
  9. @EllieGrace-Cant-Even
  10. @The_Warrior

10 things about me!

  1. I'm trash for Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
  2. I collect enamel pins
  3. I just got some snazzy skeleton fingerless gloves
  4. I'm a Slytherin
  5. I hate Proteus from The Two Gentlemen of Verona with a passion
  6. I absolutely adore Star Wars which should be obvious by my username lol
  7. Hamlet, Much Ado, and Henry V are my favorite Shakespeare plays by each genre
  8. I love being surrounded by books at any and all times
  9. I like nice hats
  10. I'm excited/terrified for NaNoWriMo!


  1. Uylesses S. Grant he was a special interest of mine for like 4 years
  2. Ooooh, probably sesame chicken?
  3. I know nothing about cars lol
  4. Nope
  5. Bethany
  6. Running is that a sport? I guess it is
  7. Purple
  8. Whatever I can grab in the morning without making an effort
  9. Apartments?
  10. @Turzelle

My questions!

  1. Favorite musical and/or band?
  2. All-time favorite character?
  3. Favorite underrated book/tv show/movie?
  4. Drawing, singing, or acting?
  5. Graphic novels or comics?
  6. First sport you ever played?
  7. If you could vacation anywhere for free, where would you go?
  8. Favorite villain?
  9. Painting or sketching?
  10. Least favorite movie?


  1. @Turzelle
  2. @crocssant-has-a-date
  3. @Starfast
  4. @The-Althalosian
  5. @Calani
  6. @kat_i_am
  7. @Hey_Its_Snowy_And_Im_Generally_Confused
  8. Anyone else ig

@HighPockets group

My questions

  1. Do you consider yourself good or evil?
  2. Most intriguing time period?
  3. Dream Occupation?
  4. If you could marry anyone from any time, who would it be?
  5. Harry Potter or Katniss Everdeen?
  6. What is your phone backscreen?
  7. Your number one song right now?
  8. Sour or sweet?
  9. Favorite Holiday?
  10. Which story of yours do you want to publish first?
  1. A healthy mix of both ;)
  2. For me, the American Revolution has always been a special interest.
  3. Author
  4. Uhhh idk
  5. Katniss Everdeen
  6. One is a Hamlet meme and the other is that Scream painting but the dude in it is a porg
  7. Birth To My Creation from Frankenstein: A New Musical
  8. Sour
  9. Halloween. Christmas is a close second, but it causes me a lot of stress
  10. Iron And Ash, I want to get my fantasy stuff out of the way before moving into dystopian and realistic fiction.

@HighPockets group


  1. What type of butterfly would you be?
  2. Iceskating or Rollerblading?
  3. Have a crush/SO? Describe them.
  4. Favorite cover of a song?
  5. Favorite artist?
  6. Personality alignment?
  7. If you had powers, what would it be?
  8. Favorite meme? Post it.
  9. Current fandom you're entrenched in?
  10. Favorite comedy routine?
  1. Some sort of heliconian
  2. Iceskating
  3. Similar tastes, want to get to know them better
  4. Whoever covered If I Could Tell Her for Morci's Hamilton animatic because woah
  5. Van Gogh seemed pretty neat. If we're counting writers as artists, then Goth Icon Mary Shelley
  6. Chaotic Neutral and Sad Bitch
  7. I'd love to have telekinesis.
  8. That Tom and Jerry one with Tom, I'd post one but my Pinterest is down rip
  9. Star Wars Triple Force Friday here I come!!
  10. Not a routine, but that one video on YouTube that's a bunch of John Mulaney bits smushed together to summarize Hamlet.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, that could be fun. It’s always interesting to see what people find attractive and how they view others in a positive light. It’s refreshing and usually pretty cute.


Ok. My crush. Let’s see. @f-b-f-trash-is-desperate-for-affection if you see this keep your trap SHUT. He’s tall and blonde and has blue eyes and a small cut on the right side of his lip and he’s really funny and nice even if he’s always talking in class and he has the second lowest voice in choir and it blends really well with mine even though I’m one of the highest sopranos and his names is Alex. Alex Holmes. And his when our hands are pressed together my fingertips are just short of the first knuckle.


I frickin wrote how small my hand is. Can it get more embarrassing? We compared our hands three times in science class even though we were supposed to be working on sheets with other people and my friend could see that and AGHHHHHHH

@Starfast group

10 things about me

  1. I have my own horse
  2. I use a computer mouse with my left hand (which I didn't think was actually that weird but apparently it is)
  3. I've been skydiving before (it was awesome)
  4. My goal is to visit every continent except Antarctica. So far I'm at 3/6
  5. I got bitten by a sloth one time
  6. I've never broken a bone before
  7. I have 3 siblings
  8. I currently am working as a vet assistant (it's awesome)
  9. Aside from my horse, I also have a dog and a cat
  10. I'm terrified of spiders

Answers to questions given

1. Favorite musical and/or band? Don't really have a favourite musical, but my favourite band is Mother Mother
2. All-time favorite character? Am I allowed to say one of my own OCs? If so, it's currently Gerard or Matthew. If not, then I don't know if I can choose only one, but Citra from Scythe, Percy Newton from Gentleman's Guide, Spader from the Pendragon Chronicles, and Hurley from Lost all deserve mentions.
3. Favorite underrated book/tv show/movie? The Edge Chronicles by Paul Stewart or Onyx and Ivory by Mindee Arnett (the sequel is pretty good so far too).
4. Drawing, singing, or acting? Drawing, since I'm terrible at the other two :P
5. Graphic novels or comics? Comics, I guess? Idk I don't really read either very often.
6. First sport you ever played? I wanna say it was probably soccer
7. If you could vacation anywhere for free, where would you go? Probably either Norway or Iceland (or maybe both at once)
8. Favorite villain? I tend not to have super strong opinions on villains for some reason, but idk I guess Goddard from Scythe?
9. Painting or sketching? Sketching
10. Least favorite movie? 47 Meters Down, maybe.

My questions

  1. What are you currently writing?
  2. Favourite Youtuber?
  3. Which character of yours do you enjoy writing about the most?
  4. How do you feel about pineapple on pizza?
  5. What is the coolest place you've visited?
  6. If you suddenly got a million dollars (or your country's equivalent) how would you spend it?
  7. Do you have any pets?
  8. What is something that you've always wanted to try?
  9. If you could have a conversation with any person- living or dead- who would you want to talk to?
  10. What was the last book you read?

10 people

Idk answer these if you want ( I don't really want to tag anyone who doesn't want to be tagged)

@HighPockets group

oal is to visit every continent except Antarctica. So far I'm at 3/6

My questions

  1. What are you currently writing?
  2. Favourite Youtuber?
  3. Which character of yours do you enjoy writing about the most?
  4. How do you feel about pineapple on pizza?
  5. What is the coolest place you've visited?
  6. If you suddenly got a million dollars (or your country's equivalent) how would you spend it?
  7. Do you have any pets?
  8. What is something that you've always wanted to try?
  9. If you could have a conversation with any person- living or dead- who would you want to talk to?
  10. What was the last book you read?
  1. A lot of different things, rip
  2. Oooh, probably Roselin Productions?
  3. Currently I would say Lavinia or Victor
  4. Yes!
  5. I really love Door County
  6. I'd save it so I can use it nicely over a few years and buy some Star Wars things for my collection, and go book shopping
  7. Yes, a dog and a cat
  8. I want to ride on a train
  9. Carrie Fisher
  10. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson (the graphic novel)


  1. Not a routine, but that one video on YouTube that's a bunch of John Mulaney bits smushed together to summarize Hamlet.

I've seen that video and it is the greatest thing to bless my recommended page

Deleted user

That’s cute. I wrote something but got too embarrassed to post it.

you can't NOT. I demand to see this rare side of fluff Dom immediately.

If you post it, I'll post the sappy note I wrote to Jay on our 8 month anniversary.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Reposting this part because I want to see answers. Ignore if you want.

  1. One person who made a big impact on you by an offhand kind act. Someone who probably doesn't even remember you exist.
  2. Do you thing God loves everyone?
  3. What do think about death?
  4. What do you do when your world is falling to pieces?
  5. What material thing did you long for as a child?
  6. What fantasies did you imagine then?
  7. If you were to die in two months, what would you do?
  8. Have you ever kept a friendship from starting? If so, why?
  9. What are the daydreams that still refuse to fly away?
  10. Do you think love and hate are mutually exclusive?

@KunoichiEris @NutEllaDraws-Is-A-Big-Ball-Of-Happy @MontJyn @Moonchild-is-Off-Crutches

Deleted user

Reposting this part because I want to see answers. Ignore if you want.

  1. One person who made a big impact on you by an offhand kind act. Someone who probably doesn't even remember you exist.
  2. Do you thing God loves everyone?
  3. What do think about death?
  4. What do you do when your world is falling to pieces?
  5. What material thing did you long for as a child?
  6. What fantasies did you imagine then?
  7. If you were to die in two months, what would you do?
  8. Have you ever kept a friendship from starting? If so, why?
  9. What are the daydreams that still refuse to fly away?
  10. Do you think love and hate are mutually exclusive?
  1. My Shihan Sensei is the only one that comes to mind. When I was about 10 years old I was going to perform in my first ever competition and very nervous. He took the time to sit with me and teach me how to make paper cranes in order to calm me down. He told me of the legend, and even made sure to stick one in my hair for good luck. I like to think that it was because of him that I won gold that day for my league. But he also inspired the one story that I hold most dear to my heart. I always carry a paper crane with me and even plan on getting a tattoo of one. Unfortunately, he suffered a stroke a few years ago and no longer teaches, but he was truly an amazing man that I still love to this day.
  2. My deity doesn't know hate for things they create and maintain. So in all–yes.
  3. It's just another doorway/journey. I'm not afraid.
  4. Cry Usually I just retreat to find my center and then face my issues head on. I'm not one that likes to sit in misery forever and I'd rather smack somethign down then let it get in my way. I've got plans you know? The world will have to fall to pieces later.
  5. I honestly, can't think of a single thing–maybe a cat?
  6. As a child? I always imagined that I was a dragon. Not so different from now
  7. Sell all my shit and backpack around the world.
  8. Yes–I wasn't A good person to be around at the time, so I frequently pushed people away.
  9. All of my stories. all of them
  10. No. There is balance, so there cannot be one without the other. There is a fine line between the two and that's where most of everything exists.


Reposting this part because I want to see answers. Ignore if you want.

  1. One person who made a big impact on you by an offhand kind act. Someone who probably doesn't even remember you exist.

I can’t think of any, all the people who have truly made an impact on me are all close friends and family since I rarely get to see anyone else…

  1. Do you think God loves everyone?


  1. What do think about death?

scary but necessary

  1. What do you do when your world is falling to pieces?

Cry for about two years in a corner before doing anything cause I’m weak as hec

  1. What material thing did you long for as a child?

A pet alicorn
Just a normal alicorn
Totally not referring to Pinkie Pie

  1. What fantasies did you imagine then?

Apart from meeting superhero-ified Pinkie Pie, I had also inserted myself as a magical girl into this massive fantasy world with some imaginary magical girl friends and we fought demons or something I dunno
There was also a surprising amount of gore, not sure why

  1. If you were to die in two months, what would you do?

Panic, talk to literally everyone, go to confession every single day, hopefully meet my hero, give everyone hugs, then cry

  1. Have you ever kept a friendship from starting? If so, why?

I don’t think so, I’m too desperate for friends

  1. What are the daydreams that still refuse to fly away?

Does the world I created in my brain for my webcomic count as a daydream…? It still hasn’t flown away and it’s been 4 years

  1. Do you think love and hate are mutually exclusive?

Not really

(Sorry my answers are so bland)