forum 10 Things Game
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

people_alt 94 followers

@V01DtheFae group

To answer RainyDay's questions

  1. Have you ever climbed in/out of a window?
    actually yes i have many times
  2. Least favorite Actor? Reason?
    ummm… don't know probably Chris Evans never was a Captain America fan
  3. Are you in a relationship? If not, do you want to be?
    I am but I am in a tight spot too
  4. Favorite sport, if none, least favorite?
    Esports or gaming
  5. Favorite/Least Favorite number?
    14 (changes every year)
  6. Scariest encounter in your lifetime?
    when i summoned Sally
  7. Biggest Dream?
    umm… becoming a video game designer i guess
  8. What's the weirdest thing you've heard out of context?
    bang dem sticks (Meghan Trainor song)
  9. Truth or Dare?
  10. Favorite TV show currently. (Or if you can't pick, favorite/least favorite color?)
    Black Butler or BNHA
  11. Favorite person? (You don't have to give names, just for example: Friend, mom, sister, dad, brother, gf, bf.)
    either my deceased father or my brother
  12. Do you doodle on your hands? Anything on them right now?
    yes and i have the creepypasta symbol on my left hand at the moment
    Tagged Peoples!! (Just ignore if you don't want to answers, I understand if you don't want to!)
  13. @TeamMezzo-has-a-birthday-on-Saturday!

  14. @I-Doodle-To-Forget-My-Depression

  15. @Trashybeth

  16. @Sebastian-the-sad

  17. @TheDankBoi

  18. @ZephirFox8812

  19. @Emi-Has-a-Screw-Loose

  20. @crocssant-has-a-date

  21. @Icefire

  22. @FrozenWolf13

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

  1. Regina Spektor
  2. Terry Pratchett
  3. Shower
  4. Go for a walk
  5. Depends on how lazy I'm feeling, and who I'm with.
  6. Hm. I'm bitchy. Kinda pushy. Loud, and pretty annoying and very stand off ish. Not meek and quite, opininated. I also will just bomb peoples pms with music suggestions.
  7. Anything sour, but mostly blue raspberry.
  8. Both. I listen to all types of music so no preference.
  9. My stuffie Dog, aka Butterscotch.
  10. Music, but like paint wise. It's this type of expressionism called Dada. It was a movement against the government to let people express themselves more freely.

@Moxie @The-Althalosian @Icefire @Loki_Lyakuya @UnseelieKing @Whisper_sees_butterflies_drink_blood_too @"Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff" @izzyandviolins @SupernaturalSyGuy @NutEllaDraws

Ok…. Where's the 10 questions that you want to ask?

Deleted user

To answer RainyDay's questions(sry)

  1. Have you ever climbed in/out of a window?
    Car windows, yeah many times. Windows? I’m not sure, I think I have.
  2. Least favorite Actor? Reason?
    Oh, easy, whoever voiced that stupid pumpkin thing from Fairy Tail. (Voice Actors count right?)
  3. Are you in a relationship? If not, do you want to be?
    No, do I want to? No. Too busy for it.
  4. Favorite sport, if none, least favorite?
    All of them are trash. But Wii sports is great, does that count?
  5. Favorite/Least Favorite number?
    Don’t have one
  6. Scariest encounter in your lifetime?
    The sand monsters from my nightmares at age 10.
  7. Biggest Dream?
    I always wanted a Giraffe, they could help me get on top of buildings and reach things I can’t because I’m short. Also I would look really cool riding a majestic creature.
  8. What's the weirdest thing you've heard out of context?
    Don’t remember…
  9. Truth or Dare?
  10. Favorite TV show currently. (Or if you can't pick, favorite/least favorite color?)
    BNHA or Assassination Classroom
  11. Favorite person? (You don't have to give names, just for example: Friend, mom, sister, dad, brother, gf, bf.)
    Not going to answer that
  12. Do you doodle on your hands? Anything on them right now?
    Tagged Peoples!! (Just ignore if you don't want to answers, I understand if you don't want to!)
  13. @TeamMezzo-has-a-birthday-on-Saturday!

  14. @I-Doodle-To-Forget-My-Depression

  15. @Trashybeth

  16. @Sebastian-the-sad

  17. @TheDankBoi

  18. @ZephirFox8812

  19. @Emi-Has-a-Screw-Loose

  20. @crocssant-has-a-date

  21. @Icefire

  22. @FrozenWolf13

Oh hi. I’m here now.
I’m very confused.
I’m not sure what’s happening.

  1. @Shuri-the-soulless-wanderer
  2. @NutEllaDraws
  3. @Bakugou
  4. @Emi-Has-a-Screw-Loose

Here’s your questions

  1. Best meme review episode (or meme)

  2. How does feet smell? (Or hands)

  3. Best anime? (You must answer this)

  4. Is Bruno Mars Is Gay?

  5. Do you speak a second language? If not, do you wish you could? If so which one?

  6. Best boy

  7. Best girl

  8. Are furries bad in your eyes?

  9. Are you scared of bees?

  10. Help me please?


To answer I-Doodle-to-forget-my-depression

1.Best meme review episode (or meme)
Idk, to many memes

2.How does feet smell? (Or hands)
Like crap(Feet)

3.Best anime? (You must answer this)

4.Is Bruno Mars Is Gay?

5.Do you speak a second language? If not, do you wish you could? If so which one?
No, but i want to speak Japanese

6.Best boy
To many

7.Best girl

8.Are furries bad in your eyes?

9.Are you scared of bees?

10.Help me please?
Idk fam

I don’t know what questions to put down or what people to link since the people i know have already been linked and i only know two people

@saor_illust school

5.Do you speak a second language? If not, do you wish you could? If so which one?
No, but i want to speak Japanese

but that could also be because i'm biased-i'm learning it right now

@saor_illust school

First tell 10 things about yourself. Then I'll ask.


  1. I love cats.
  2. I also love rping probably too much for my own good
  3. I have a cat, which is probably why I lean towards cats always, if given a choice. Don't get me wrong, I like dogs too. They're cool. I just think cats are cooler.
  4. I prefer mechanical pencils over regular pencils, and pens over pencils.
  5. I believe that Japan makes the best stationary products. which they do btw
  6. I wanna go to Japan, France, and Australia (not just because Australia is cool, but because Ruby lives there) at some point in my life.
  7. Love Les Mis.
  8. I play violin
  9. It's sad - all my immediate neighbors have dogs, and none of them have cats.
  10. My cat isn't actually mine - she's my neighbors, but she hates their dogs with a burning passion. So she's technically mine now.

@HighPockets group

  1. What is one holiday that you hate?
    Not really hate, but I'm not a huge fan of the Fourth of July just because of how hot it can get up here and that I'm outside almost all day because of fairs and parties and stuff. Still love it though.
  2. How would you describe yourself?
    Chaotic Neutral Slytherin with Sad Bitch Energy
  3. Favorite art form?
    Writing and/or acting
  4. Last song you listened to? (Not from a musical)
    Love Like You from Steven Universe
  5. If you were invisible for 24 hours, what would you do?
    Rob a bookstore lol
  6. Last show you watched?
    The Clone Wars
  7. Beach, forest, or mountain?
  8. Favorite animal?
    Turtles and tortoises
  9. Favorite myth?
    Eros and Psyche
  10. Favorite mythological creature?


  1. Favorite genre?
    YA fantasy/sci-fi
  2. Favorite board game?

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

First tell 10 things about yourself. Then I'll ask.

Not really how this is supposed to go, but oh well….

  1. I have only traveled outside of the USA once.
  2. I'm pretty sure that I have short-term memory loss.
  3. I'm slightly claustrophobic.
  4. I'm the 'step-child' in my family.
  5. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.
  6. Though I love Christmas I hate seeing Christmas stuff from mid January to the start of November; mid November (around Thanksgiving) through December is acceptable, imo.
  7. My tastebuds have betrayed me, and I am starting to enjoy mildly spicy food.
  8. Most of my wardrobe is black and gray.
  9. I've never dyed my hair before, and still haven't.
  10. My hair once had tiny streaks of blond in it; its now dark brown (chestnut, I think).

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Hi, so then. Someone 10 things me.

You tell 10 things about yourself, answer 10 questions, and tag 10 people (there's a small list of people who like/don't mind being tagged at the very beginning of this thing).

@EvThePoet Your supposed to do all of the above in one post…. Sorry.

Deleted user

Ya gotta tell me 10 things, I ask 10 questions, you tag 10 people. Anyways for those who I tagged

  1. Favorite color

  2. Least favorite food

  3. Dream place to go,fictional or realistic.

  4. Cats or dogs? Or other?

5.Favorite fandom to be in?

  1. Cringiest fandom you joined, and are proud of?

  2. Best anime/ tv show/ movie.

  3. Favorite number

  4. Favorite song, or artist. Or band. I need more music to listen to.

  5. Morning bird, or night owl, or exhausted pigeon?

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Ya gotta tell me 10 things, I ask 10 questions, you tag 10 people. Anyways for those who I tagged

  1. Favorite color

  2. Least favorite food

  3. Dream place to go,fictional or realistic.

  4. Cats or dogs? Or other?

5.Favorite fandom to be in?

  1. Cringiest fandom you joined, and are proud of?

  2. Best anime/ tv show/ movie.

  3. Favorite number

  4. Favorite song, or artist. Or band. I need more music to listen to.

  5. Morning bird, or night owl, or exhausted pigeon?

1: Blues and greens

2: Peas or raisins, it's a tie.

3: Australia, by a beach

4: CATS!!! (also, birds)

5: Detroit Become Human, My Hero Academia, and Good Omens.

6: Creepypasta (I've both been proud and embarrassed)

7: (I'm supposing we've had to actually watch it, so…) Violet Evergarden

8: 13 or 666

9: Saints by Echos

10: Evening Raven

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Ya gotta tell me 10 things, I ask 10 questions, you tag 10 people. Anyways for those who I tagged:

  1. Favorite color
  2. Least favorite food
  3. Dream place to go,fictional or realistic.
    The bunker from Supernatural
  4. Cats or dogs? Or other?
  5. Favorite fandom to be in?
  6. Cringiest fandom you joined, and are proud of?
  7. Best anime/ tv show/ movie.
  8. Favorite number
    I don't have one.
  9. Favorite song, or artist. Or band. I need more music to listen to.
    Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boy, similar bands, classic rock
  10. Morning bird, or night owl, or exhausted pigeon?
    Night owl

@saor_illust school

Ya gotta tell me 10 things, I ask 10 questions, you tag 10 people. Anyways for those who I tagged

  1. Favorite color purple

  2. Least favorite food mushrooms

  3. Dream place to go,fictional or realistic.

  4. Cats or dogs? Or other? cats

5.Favorite fandom to be in? aha lol i'm not in any fandoms

  1. Cringiest fandom you joined, and are proud of? ^^ see above aswer ^^

  2. Best anime/ tv show/ movie. spirited away/coraline

  3. Favorite number 3

  4. Favorite song, or artist. Or band. I need more music to listen to. green day

  5. Morning bird, or night owl, or exhausted pigeon? night owl

Deleted user

Ya gotta tell me 10 things, I ask 10 questions, you tag 10 people. Anyways for those who I tagged

  1. Favorite color purple

  2. Least favorite food mushrooms

  3. Dream place to go,fictional or realistic.

  4. Cats or dogs? Or other? cats

5.Favorite fandom to be in? aha lol i'm not in any fandoms

  1. Cringiest fandom you joined, and are proud of? ^^ see above aswer ^^

  2. Best anime/ tv show/ movie. spirited away/coraline

  3. Favorite number 3

  4. Favorite song, or artist. Or band. I need more music to listen to. green day

  5. Morning bird, or night owl, or exhausted pigeon? night owl

Ya didn't answer dream place

@saor_illust school

oh sorry i didn't see that
a literal paradise.
with my best friends
a full orchestra program
and animals
and lots
of animals (but mostly cats because i'm biased lol)


My Questions

  1. Favourite artist? (singer, painter, anything)
  2. Favourite Writer?
  3. Shower or bath?
  4. I say self-care, what's the first thing you think of?
  5. Go eat out take out?
  6. What's the thing people like the least about you?
  7. Favourite flavour?
  8. Male singing voices or female singing voices?
  9. What was/is your favourite stuffed animal?
  10. (going to reuse) What's your favourite art form?

Anyone can do this

@Blurry-Has-a-Girlfriend :)

@HighPockets group

  1. Best meme review episode (or meme)
    Call me cliche, but I LOVE that stupid Tom and Jerry meme that was popular back in Spring
  2. How does feet smell? (Or hands)
    Like socks
  3. Best anime? (You must answer this)
    Never seen any
  4. Is Bruno Mars Is Gay?
    None of my business
  5. Do you speak a second language? If not, do you wish you could? If so which one?
    Me hablo un poco espanol, but I dropped Spanish 2 midway through so I'm nowhere near fluent. I want to learn Latin, Spanish, and Italian, possibly German.
  6. Best boy
    Montjoy from Henry V or Henry Clerval from Frankenstein
  7. Best girl
    Julie Beaufort-Stuart from Code Name Verity
  8. Are furries bad in your eyes?
    As long as they don't shove it down my throat they're fine. Bitch no one wants to hear you babble about your fursona during class.
  9. Are you scared of bees?
  10. Help me please?
    Go read Radio Silence by Alice Oseman

Questions for people!

  1. Does your home state/country/province/whatever have all four seasons?
  2. What's your Divergent faction? Take a quiz if you don't know
  3. What's your Hogwarts house? Take a quiz if you don't know
  4. Favorite book cover?
  5. Most hated fictional villain?
  6. OTP?
  7. Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueus the Wise?
  8. What color are the walls in your bedroom?
  9. Snow or rain?
  10. Hot chocolate or coffee?

I tag:
@Blurry-Has-a-Girlfriend @KunoichiEris @The-Althalosian @Emi-Must-Bow-Another-Year-of-Age-to-Time @willowmaree @amber_demeter @ anyone else who wants to

Deleted user

Answering Jyn’s questions

Does your home state/country/province/whatever have all four seasons?

Hell yeah it does. MD in USA for the win.

What's your Divergent faction? Take a quiz if you don't know

Probably divergent but if that’s not an option, erudite.
What's your Hogwarts house? Take a quiz if you don't know


Favorite book cover?

Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix.

Most hated fictional villain?

Pennywise in ‘It’


Not any relationship y’all kno.

Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueus the Wise?


What color are the walls in your bedroom?

White but blue would be nice.

Snow or rain?


Hot chocolate or coffee?

HC, I don’t drink caffeinated drinks.


Why, if you do, enjoy caffeinated drinks?

Any pets?

Are you on a food diet? If so, which one?

Any exercise plans? In need of one (if you are contact me lol)?

What food is so good that you’d eat regularly?

What’s your personality type, without any tests?

How would you describe yourself physically?

How long have you been writing for?

Favorite food?


@izzyandviolins @I-Doodle-To-Forget-My-Depression @Bakugou @Persephone_of_The_Toxic (ten people feels like so many but here’s four)

@saor_illust school


Why, if you do, enjoy caffeinated drinks?
Nope, I don't enjoy them.
Any pets?
Yes. My cat.
Are you on a food diet? If so, which one?
Any exercise plans? In need of one (if you are contact me lol)?
What food is so good that you’d eat regularly?
probably mac n' cheese
What’s your personality type, without any tests?
idk, wdym?
How would you describe yourself physically?
skinny, short
How long have you been writing for?
mm… awhile, but i don't know exactly
Favorite food?
that's a hard question to answer. i like a lot of things. i'm tempted to say fries, but idk

Any pets?
Favorite book?
Favorite movie?
Thoughts about school?
How's life been going for you?
One positive thing about yourself?
One thing you like about yourself?
Explain the importance of self-appreciation? (I already know this, just want y'all to know it's important to appreciate yourself for who you are.)
Favorite color?
How are you?

(10 people also seems like a lot, so Imma just settle for three)
@catternap @Blurry-Has-a-Girlfriend @amber_demeter