forum 10 Things Game
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

people_alt 94 followers


Zeus will knock a girl up and leave them both to fend for themselves

And often it wasn't consentual
Also remember when he uh…
Denied humans something vital for our kind (fire) for self-interest?


10 things about me

  1. I have a secret writing account on Instagram where I give writing advice, host prompts and competitions, talk about my WIP, and frequently interact with my followers, of which I have over 5,000.
  2. I have BNHA cosplays (Todoroki and Izuku (plus their villain variations and I have civilian clothes)) arriving on my birthday when I get home on Friday and am very excited.
  3. I have a larger vocal range but am classified as "Soprano."
  4. I have not yet gotten a Tik Tok account.
  5. I've outlined a total of 9 full chapters in one sitting.
  6. I hate photos of my face and only my face.
  7. I've worked at a hospital as a paid intern.
  8. I have very vivid dreams and nightmares. It's a double-edged sword.
  9. I've never broken any of my bones. I've only had a couple of sprained wrists and a harline fracture on my femur.
  10. I've only pulled one total all-nighter, and it wasn't even for homework.

Answers to questions given

  1. Do you consider yourself good or evil?
    A solid chaotic neutral.
  2. Most intriguing time period?
    Any time period when humans didn't exist. The Agricultural Revolution. Fight me.
  3. Dream Occupation?
    Full-time writer but we all know that isn't possible in this economy.
  4. If you could marry anyone from any time, who would it be?
    Myself from an alternate universe.
  5. Harry Potter or Katniss Everdeen?
    Definitely Katniss. She took down an entire corrupted government system and at the end of it all actually felt safe enough to bring her own children into the world she created. Harry Potter can't live up to that by just taking down one measly dark lord that was dumb enough to split his own soul into very obvious and symbolic items.
  6. What is your phone backscreen?
    Home screen? A purple candle waterfall. Lock screen? A sunflower dragon.
  7. Your number one song right now?
    It's a tie between: "Water Fountain" by Alec Benjamin or "Never Gettin' Rid of Me" from Waitress.
  8. Sour or sweet?
  9. Favorite Holiday?
    Halloween. I get a free pass to dress up and go around asking for candy. Hell the fuck yeah.
  10. Which story of yours do you want to publish first?
    Probably the one I'm working on right now.


  1. What type of butterfly would you be?
  2. Iceskating or Rollerblading?
  3. Have a crush/SO? Describe them.
  4. Favorite cover of a song?
  5. Favorite artist?
  6. Personality alignment?
  7. If you had powers, what would it be?
  8. Favorite meme? Post it.
  9. Current fandom you're entrenched in?
  10. Favorite comedy routine?

10 people



10 Things About Me

  1. I'm left handed
  2. Track and Cross Country are my jam, XD long distance running is the bomb
  3. I only have one sister..but 4 brothers
  4. Live in the USA
  5. I love fiction books, especially all the post apocalyptic and survival books
  6. Big Marvel fan
  7. Exact age is a no go, but i'm in High School :)
  8. I've always wanted to dye my hair bright blue
  9. I've been on notebook for over a year now
  10. I have glasses and wear contacts
    Answers To Questions Given
  11. Don't have one, but if you count Netflix series….The Office
  12. Again, don't have one
  13. Princess Bride
  14. erm nope not really
  15. Don't have one :)
  16. chocolate anything, though kit kats are always a good option
  17. Yes and I went trick or treating XD
  18. A robber
  19. Yeah, one doggo named Winnie
  20. Lion King remake with my boyfriend XD
    My Questions
  21. fav color?
  22. Play any sports?
  23. If so, what ones?
  24. Favorite songs?
  25. If you had 1 million dollars, what would you spend it on?
  26. Favorite animal?
  27. And then least favorite animal?
  28. Left or right handed?
  29. Favorite fictional character?
  30. Why are they your favorites
    10 People
    eh whoever wants to answer can, I'm too lazy to list a bunch of people off XD


I don't know who tagged me so I can't answer questions until I go back through the pages in a moment but 10 things about me:

  • I have met two of my great grandmothers
  • I learned to read at the age of 1
  • I have never had a birthday party
  • I am the third out of seven children
  • I despise mint, peanut butter, fizzy drinks, and maple syrup
  • I have never ridden a bike
  • I have two goats, a bajillion rabbits, four cats, a dozen chickens, and a dog
  • I live on a civil war battleground
  • I have never had a crush of any sort (not even fictional)
    And of course
  • My WiFi connection turns off at 10:00 PM every night, which is in 5 minutes in my timezone…

Goodnight beans
I don't have time for posting or answering questions until tomorrow so I'll be back
disappears into thin air

@Becfromthedead group

10 things about me

  1. I’m in my sophomore year of college
  2. I’m a Slytherin
  3. I can play piano, ukulele, a little guitar, and I also sing
  4. I’m a Libra
  5. I still keep a heck of a lot of stuffed animals on my bed
  6. I’m currently trying to gear my academic track towards becoming a physician assistant, but my major is public health rather than like bio or chem
  7. I’m currently in a poly relationship
  8. I consider myself agnostic
  9. I really love video games. Fire emblem is probably one of my favorite games. Turn-based rpgs are great tbh.
  10. My main genre for writing is fantasy

Answers to questions given

  1. Writing, also anything artistic like knitting and drawing. Also trying to pick up crochet and embroidery.
  2. ISFP, but I don’t like MBTI if I’m being honest
  3. Fall. Fall foods, Halloween, I’m also a fall baby. Plus real fall weather is to die for.
  4. I really want to visit Rome someday
  5. Soundgarden
  6. I don’t know who I’d meet tbh. I don’t really have any celebrity I look up to or any sort of long lost relative.
  7. I like either strawberry or chocolate chip cookie dough
  8. Ideally, just goth. But like light goth. I love lots of piercings and black boots, chokers, Black jeans/leggings. My style is kind of all over the place though. Besides, it’s too hot where I live to dress how I want.
  9. I dressed as Josuke Higashikata from jjba last year, and it was like super cool because 1. I got to dress as a guy which is cool. 2. I had a club that day after all day of no one knowing who I was, I walked in, and someone just shouted “Oi, Josuke!!!” (Which is a reference to another character’s line), and everyone thought my costume was really cool. I put it all together myself soooo
  10. Born sexy yesterday, maybe? Or just bad love triangles.

Questions, if anyone wants to answer I guess?

  1. Why did you join notebook?
  2. Do you have a green thumb?
  3. Do you have pets? What?
  4. Chocolate or vanilla?
  5. Any food aversions?
  6. What’s your main love language?
  7. Thoughts on astrology?
  8. Favorite room decor aesthetic?
  9. On a scale of 1-10 how much of a risk taker are you?
  10. Do you prefer to keep a room warmer or cooler?

Seems we’ve probably got everyone and I don’t wanna bother anyone who doesn’t want to be tagged

@Starfast group

I just don't like being tagged in stuff

On the contrary, I actually don't mind being tagged in things so if anyone is still looking to tag people I volunteer as tribute :P

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

Hey guys! I was tagged twice in this. I appreciate the fact that people think about me! Not necessarily one to participate in chains, though, I apologize! I hope you all have fun!


kjsfdnv i didn't expect to be tagged tbh i-
i feel pretty happy with that!!

10 things about me

  1. i love cats
  2. i've had 10 cats total in my life so far
  3. uhhh, idk,,, i'm very good at drawing feathered wings but nothing else
  4. i'm the palest in my family ( and i burn the easiest too )
  5. on a quiz site i'm known for being a pretty good itachi
  6. i like to adopt internet friends and internet strangers. you're my child now-
  7. i love dr. pepper
  8. my favorite color is blue
  9. hhhhhh i'm runnin' outta things, uhhh,,, i like,, to play video games-
  10. ahgbfjhnv um, i'm in a beading club

answers to questions given

  1. what is a song currently stuck in your head?
    nowhere else by EDEN
  2. what's your LEAST favorite movie?
    uhhh, idk, prolly one of the old rom coms that my mom made me watch with her
  3. what's a really good line you've written?
    ack- idk, i'll prolly find one after this but i can't find one from my stuff rn
  4. if you could learn any language instantly, which one would you pick?
    japanese. for the purpose of anime ofc !
  5. what's your favorite dessert?
    c h e e s e c a k e
  6. what's something you've always been bad at?
    talking to people
  7. what superpower would you want?
    not really a power??? but immortality for various reasons
  8. do you have a crush right now?
    imma say yes bc i'm always an idiot with a crush when it comes to my girlfriend
  9. what colors do you think you look best in?
    either dark blues or dark reds tbh
  10. what's your favorite scent?
    i can't decide between raspberry scented things or the smell of rain

bonus questions

  1. what’s your dream job?
    being a photographer prolly,
  2. what’s your favorite dog breed?
    Australian shepherd

my questions !

  1. favorite band/artist?
  2. if you were gonna dye your hair ( or dye it again ) what color would you pick?
  3. what's the most exciting thing you've done?
  4. what's your favorite out of context quote?
  5. favorite season?
  6. if you could bring anyone back to life who would it be?
  7. is there a specific time period you'd want to travel to?
  8. which culture is the most interesting to you?
  9. what's your favorite myth/legend?
  10. do you get lost easily?

my bonus questions

  1. dogs or cats?
  2. what's your favorite flower?

10 people (sorry if you don't wanna do it just ignore me then-)



10 things about me

  1. i have sectoral heterochromia (while my eyes are mostly blue, theres a gold/brown patch in my left iris, and half of my right iris seems greener than the other)
  2. im bilingual!
  3. i play piano & glockenspiel
  4. my arms do this weird bendy thing, maybe i'll post a pic in the pictures chat idk
  5. ive never broken a bone
  6. im a ravenclaw/hufflepuff
  7. im ISFJ-T
  8. im a vocaloid fan!!
  9. ~MASTER PROCRASTINATOR~ at your service
  10. i hate papa murphys pizza.

answers to questions

  1. what song is currently stuck in your head?
    a guy that id kinda be into
  2. what's your LEAST favorite movie?
    ice age, hands down. ljsdlfkjsdf. scared me when i was a kid, never been able to go back
  3. what's a really good line you've written?
  4. if you could learn any language instantly, which one would you pick?
    italian! i already know english (duh) and spanish, am learning french, and want to learn italian as well!!
  5. what's your favorite dessert?
    mint choc. ice cream!
  6. what's something you've always been bad at?
    being extroverted
  7. what superpower would you want?
  8. do you have a crush right now?
    if i said no id be lying 👀👀
  9. what colors do you think you look best in?
    blue, black, dark green, dark red
  10. what's your favorite scent?
    i don't knooowww

bonus questions

bonus answers

  1. what’s your dream job?

  2. what’s your favorite dog breed?
    i dont like dogs

@Qxeensryche-is-Artemis-and-hates-school (dunno if you've been tagged already)
@Bananapudding_is_extremely_stressed (dunno about you either)
and i cannot remember anyone else im sorry :'(

i have No Time to come up with questions, apologies!!


(I'm answering @MusicElle questions lol)

10 Things About Me

  1. I'm really, really short. (4' 10" and a half to be exact)
  2. I love musical theatre and I'm a theatre kid at heart.
  3. I'm a Gryffindor according to Pottermore. Everyone else thinks I'm Hufflepuff.
  4. I have two younger brothers.
  5. I despise English (as a subject) with a burning passion.
  6. I just turned 15 on the 29th.
  7. I play ukulele,
  8. I love cavetown,
  9. I love space with all of my heart.
  10. I haven't been writing for very long but I do love it.

Answers To Questions Given

  1. Writing, music, stargazing are some of my hobbies.
  2. INFP
  3. I love winter because it's the only season where it's not always hot all the time.
  4. If I could go anywhere, I think I'd just go. I really don't know where because I do love travel and I want to see everything.
  5. Cavetown.
  6. I really want to meet Lin Manuel Miranda or Cavetown.
    7.Chocolate or Cookies and Cream are great
  7. Fashion sense? who's she?
  8. I was a dragon for Halloween last year! I love dragons!
  9. I hate the "Bad Boy" trope where it's really abusive and the guy sucks.

My Questions

  1. What's your favorite trope?
  2. How do you like cliches?
  3. Role models, or people you look up to?
  4. Coffee or tea? (And what kind?)
  5. Where would you consider yourself on the lawful/neutral/evil/good/chaotic grid? (what' even is that called)
  6. What's the furthest you've ever travelled?
  7. How tall are you? (if you're comfortable lol)
  8. Favorite kids show?
  9. What things make you nostalgic?
  10. What superpower would you want?

10 People
Yeah so it's not letting me tag people but if you want to answer, feel free!

Deleted user

(thanks for tagging me all those who did. I feel loved. But have no time to do this but maybe some day. Also is this personal or as a character?)


Ok so imma just answer @amber_demeter_is_burnt_out and @Dances_with_Shadows-is-also-in-the-Cult at the same time bc i dont wanna come up with two sets of questions

10 Things About Me

  1. I hate hamburgers
  2. I have synesthesia
  3. I've never owned a pet (except for a fish who died before we could name him)
  4. I was born on Friday the 13th
  5. I'm an INFP
  6. My favorite color is Periwinkle (which you've probably already guessed)
  7. I've never read harry potter
  8. My favorite food is probably like mashed potatoes (although I love potatoes in pretty much any form)
  9. I've never dated anybody
  10. I'm 5'5.5" (idk I ran out of things to say)

Answers To Questions Given


  1. Depends on what brand of chips, usually it's sour cream and onion
  2. I hate it when people take my silence as an indication that I agree with them (which happens to me a lot)
  3. I'm assuming you mean my favorite personality trait of an oc? I like that it takes Piper forever to get mad, but once she does you better run
  4. I really like all chocoalte flavors, I don't have a favorite XD
  5. South Carolina, but now I live one state away
  6. A picture that my grandma gave me before she died (i remember the whole conversation we had about it even though I was like 5 when it happened)
  7. I don't celebrate holidays so I don't have a favorite
  8. Adrienette from ML
  9. Idk I have so many, I like dodie and alec benjamin in terms of storytelling, steve jablnosky and thomas bergersen in terms of composition, alicia keys in terms of raw talent
  10. I usually don't get hot drinks lol idk like hot chocolate?

B1: Drawing
B2: only up to like K


  1. night
  2. idk like a gecko or something?
  3. ODIN
  4. funny because usually id pick greek lol
  5. I wouldn't do it, mostly because what guy is shorter than me lol but idc if other people do
  6. My mom, athough our relationship isn't the best either
  7. I don't really have one, I haven't read much of his stuff
  8. Hastings, New Zealand. Actually @amber_demeter_is_burnt_out and I have an rp that's set there
  9. pit bull
  10. art/writing/lunch

B1: lol like every day, no joke. But in my defense, I'm a maladaptive daydreamer so my brain goes in all sorts of directions
B2: Either drawing or creative writing

My Questions

  1. What's your Enneagram type?
  2. How tall are you?
  3. Do you prefer hamburgers or hotdogs?
  4. What's your favorite animal?
  5. What color are your eyes?
  6. What's your biggest fear?
  7. Do you have any siblings?
  8. What's your favorite song?
  9. How long can you hold your breath?
  10. What's something that most people would not guess about you?


  1. Can you wiggle your ears?
  2. Do you know more than one language?

10 Peeps:



10 things about me

  1. I have stopped growing at a solid 4’11”
  2. I have two cats and a dog
  3. I play the flute
  4. I want to be an author
  5. But I can write for heck
  6. I’m obsessed with Mortal Instruments
  7. Im an only child
  8. I have four siblings
  9. I like dark jokes
  10. Im going crazy. I can see people who aren’t there and I think they’re trying to kill me. If I was good at art I would draw them.
    Answers to questions given
    (For moonchilds)

1.Abraham Lincoln
2.Cheese Pizza
3.White Wrangler Jeep
4.Adopted but yes
6.Volleyball or gymnastics or dance
7.Green blue
8.Emo mixed with VSCO girl. It’s weird
9.Apartments idk
10.Victoria. She’s amazing. But sense I haven’t seen her in seven months. Lola. My spicy QUESO friend.

My questions

  1. Favorite book series or book?
  2. Favorite junk food?
  3. Eye color?
  4. Favorite animal?
  5. Would you rather be too lonely or surrounded by too many people?
  6. Favorite name?
  7. Native language?
  8. What is your dream car?
  9. Tv show or movie?
  10. Dogs or cats?

10 people

  1. @f-b-f-trash-is-desperate-for-affection
  2. @Moonchild-is-Off-Crutches
  3. @izzyandviolins
  4. @FanfictionFanatic
  5. @Anxiety
  6. @MusicElle
  7. @Bananapudding_is_extremely_stressed
  8. @Trix
  9. @SupernaturalSyGuy
  10. @NutEllaDraws-Is-A-Big-Ball-Of-Happy


10 Things about me:

  1. I love Undertale
  2. I’m secretly a Russian spy
  3. I accidentally put two on this list twice
  4. You just checked
  5. I named my black cat Lucky out of irony
  6. I have a dangerous backpack
  7. I like old books
  8. I like disappearing into magic and darkness in my head
  9. I write fanfic
  10. I had an obsession with succulents for many years and it’s only partly over

My answers:

  1. Harry Potter or Hunger Games
  2. I love In N Out burgers
  3. Blue
  4. Cats!!
  5. Too lonely
  6. Frisk
  7. English
  8. Tesla or Punchbug
  9. Movie
  10. Cats

My questions:

  1. Hot or cold weather?
  2. Hoodies (zipper) or sweatshirts (no zipper) ?
  3. Numbers or words?
  4. Spells or potions?
  5. Light or dark?
  6. What’s your love language?
  7. Bow ties or long ones (even if you don’t wear em)?
  8. Greatest fear?
  9. Everyone has that one perfect pen that writes flawlessly. Have you lost yours yet?
  10. Favorite birthmark?

10 People:

lol my tags won’t work rn so that’s it

Deleted user

Eris, I have two questions:

  1. You were in the military??
  2. Did you draw your profile picture?
  1. My step-dad is in the army. It's a thing to be called a 'military brat' if you have a parent(s) in the military and you moved around a lot as a kid. I moved probably every 3 years until I hit high school.

  2. Yes I did.

Oh, then I guess I'm a military brat too!!

Dude your pfp is really good!!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

10 Things About Me

  1. I'm left handed.
  2. I'm ambiverted.
  3. I'm addicted to Supernatural.
  4. I enjoy reading Stephen King.
  5. I'm family-oriented.
  6. I come from a large family.
  7. I want to be an author.
  8. I love listening to Panic! At The Disco.
  9. I'm an insomniac.
  10. I like puzzle games.

Answers To Questions Given

  1. Meme you quote the most?
    • I don't quote memes.
  2. Do you like to draw?
    • Yes, in fact, I drew my profile pic!
  3. Favorite rp/discussion you are in right now?
  4. Did you know avocados are berries?
    • Nope!
  5. Are you messy or tidy when it comes to your room?
    • It's a mixture….
  6. If you could be an animal, what would you be?
    • Wolf
  7. Zodiac sign?
    • Leo
  8. OwO or UwU?
    • Neither.
  9. Can you tolerate profane language? (please don't reply with a bunch of cussing qwq)
    • Fuck yeah! Lol
  10. When is your birthday (DO NOT SHARE THE YEAR, JUST THE DAY)
    • August

Bonus Answers

  1. Darkness or light?
    • Both
  2. A fear you have?
    • Blood (in large amounts and bleeding)

Answers To Questions Given

  1. What type of butterfly would you be?
    • Monarch
  2. Iceskating or Rollerblading?
    • Neither
  3. Have a crush/SO? Describe them.
  4. Favorite cover of a song?
  5. Favorite artist?
    Hmmm…. Does myself count? If not I don't actually have one…. Musically its a tie between Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco.
  6. Personality alignment?
    I'm not sure. I don't really keep track of that.
  7. If you had powers, what would it be?
    Flight and super strength
  8. Favorite meme? Post it.
    I don't have one; I think memes are stupid
  9. Current fandom you're entrenched in?
    Supernatural!!! and AHS
  10. Favorite comedy routine?
    Jeff Dunham

Answers to questions given

  1. Favorite book series or book?
    The Supernatural tie-in novels/The Count of Monte Cristo
  2. Favorite junk food?
    Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
  3. Eye color?
  4. Favorite animal?
    5.Would you rather be too lonely or surrounded by too many people?
    I'm an ambivert, so….
    6.Favorite name?
    7.Native language?
    8.What is your dream car?
    Black 1967 Chevy Impala! 😍❤
  5. Tv show or movie?
  6. Dogs or cats?

My Questions

  1. Favorite time of the year?
  2. What is the first thing you notice about someone?
  3. Are you afraid of clowns?
  4. Have you read any Stephen King books?
  5. Did you know that there's Supernatural tie-in novels?
  6. Are you having fun doing this?
  7. Are you getting to know people better?
  8. What's one of your go-to snack foods?
  9. Favorite memory?
  10. Morning or afternoon?

Bonus Questions

  1. Book or movie?
  2. Something you hate?

10 People
Leaving this open to anyone who wants to do this.