forum Fantasy Creatures Roleplay ~(Closed, sorry [but stalker bois get some earl grey and tea biscuits!])
Started by @ember-chan-will-never-forget-you

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Romeo was a little sad, because he was so sure he was going to get there first, but he shrugged. "Okay, uh, it's a tie then." He muttered. He looked over at Aza. "So where are we, exactly?"


"Would you rather I call you 'Pale, Hairless Monkey' like other dragons?" Yama snickered, placing his fists on his waist and leaning forward slightly.


Romeo blinked when he heard Aza's voice in his mind, but waved it away, because it was probably just him.
"Both of you, stop. This isn't Top Chef and we're kind of doing something important? Listen, after this I'll buy you all literally anything you want to eat, but please, PLEASE, keep it together!"


Yama arched a browbone (eyebrow? He's all scales, you get what I mean, right?), as Top Chef wasn't a thing where he was from. He backed down all the same.
"Listen, I've already got a layout of this place. My Seismic Sense tells me where everything in this castle, and we should probably find a good place to hide given the fact that guards are already en route."


(Given the fact that Yama actually does have the ability to figure out where the door would be, illusions and stuff wouldn't work on him, unless it was actual rock it would disappear with magic that didn't require sigils or signs to activate. Where is the door?)


"Can't we just avoid the illusions entirely?" Yama asked. "I can open a hole in the floor and we can literally just drop onto the treasure hoard."


"If we're fast enough, we don't have to worry about alarms. You can teleport, can't you? Romeo can just stick with me!"


"So then how are we supposed to get by her, then?" Romeo asked, slightly annoyed. "It appears as though our only choice is the magical door. But, even if we do set off alarms, what happens? We get taken prisoner or we get attacked, right?"