forum Fantasy Creatures Roleplay ~(Closed, sorry [but stalker bois get some earl grey and tea biscuits!])
Started by @ember-chan-will-never-forget-you

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“Well, we at least have options if we’re attacked,” Yama said with a flourish of his claw hammer.


Romeo almost giggled, but it came out as a snort. "ahem, sorry. I think we should take a risk and use the door, because if we get attacked, our power combined is enough to kill anyone. And uh, if we get taken prisoner, Yama can bust us out, right?"


"According to her," Yama said while jabbing a claw at her, "Only she can go through the door and take care of whatever's on the other side. We can probably find another way around, right?"


Yama paused. "…Alright? I guess." It was understandable how Aza would doubt his capabilities, they had only known each other for a few hours, but it was strange how she insisted on sticking with them. In fact, she seemed far more attached to Romeo than anything else. It certainly fit his name, at least.


"Stop… thinking?" Yama cocked his head to one side. "Do I want to know what you mean by that?"


"Listen, I don't want to know if your legit or not, I just want to grab the treasure and go. Standing here and talking is only gonna draw the guards closer to us."


"Tell that to those idiots," Yama said, pointing past Aza to two guards down the hall standing stock-still. They flinched when they realized that they were caught, and brandished their long spears. Unfortunately, they didn't seem well-practiced. Yama could tell that their grip was all wrong, their hands were in the wrong place and the butt of the spear nearly touched the ground. They seemed like complete newbies, probably just transferred in from whatever position they had before.
"Halt, in the name of the Faerie Queen!" the one on the left shouted.
"Who are you?" chorused the right.

(Am I allowed to do this? If not, just disregard everything and assume Yama said something hilarious.)


The guards shifted their feet nervously. One of them puffed out his chest and said "Yeah? That's what you think! According to the Queen, you're not allowed anywhere near the castle! We're supposed to kill you on sight!"
The other guard silently took out a shiny, metal whistle (like the one the gym teacher uses) and blew into it. The noise was piercing, so bad that Yama had to cover his ears. It echoed throughout the halls and continued to do so until the Half-Dragon used his Earthbending to rip it from the guard's hand and crush it like an empty soda can.


"Seriously, you don't believe me?" Aza shook her head. "My name is Azalane Mirage Firewind, I am the rightful heir of Her Majesty, Poinsetta Kadrika Firewind," she proclaimed broadly. "And if need be, I will kill you on sight. Which would be rather unfortunate, as I've already seen you, don't you think?"


(These guys are complete mooks. You will most certainly win, so I'll let you handle the fight scene. It's also your decision on how many guards show up given the fact that the whistle was QUIET loud)


Yama's Seismic Sense began to tingle again, the vibrations of footsteps traveling through his feet and into his body despite the ones creating them being far away. Twelve guards, all of them heavily-armed and better-trained than Dee and Dumb in front of him.
The Half-Dragon turned to Romeo, "We've got more of them coming in hot! Do you want to fight or run?"


Yama grinned, a sickening, snaggle-toothed smile that made him look like a shark on anti-depressants. He brandished his hammer and gave it a mighty toss, claw-first. It spun through the air and found a new home within the left guard's shoulder. As he clutched his arm and cried out in pain, Yama used his Earthbending to pull the guard by the hammer, dislocating the shoulder and causing blood to spurt out in a fountain. He grabbed the hammer when it was close enough and brought a wild haymaker to the guard's jaw, snapping his neck as the light left his fear-stricken eyes.
Wrenching the hammer from his now-dead foe, blood and viscera dripped onto the stone floor, staining it a dark red.


Aza thrust her hands forward, muttering something under her breath. The fire in her hands went out, seemingly destroyed, but she flicked her wrists toward the guards. All the remaining guards burst into flames, screaming in agony and turning to ashes. She spun on her heel, brushing her hands together. "All done."


"Not yet!" Yama called. "We've still got more on the way! I count about twelve, and I don't think they'll just roll over like those morons." He sighed and turned to Aza. "Listen, I don't know about you, but I didn't come here for a fight. I'm getting my gold and getting out of here. Peace!"
He made a sign with his hands (imagine that meme with the two guys and one does the sideways peace sign while fading out of the photo) as the floor opened underneath him, shooting him down multiple floors and through a bathroom before he settled into the dirt far below the castle itself.


Aza shook her head. She knew that about twenty traps just sprung themselves, they were invisible, so Yama wouldn't notice them until quite a while later when a few fairie warriors came after his head.


(You're going to have to explain what the hoard is like. Is it Cave of Wonders-style with piles of treasure and such, or is it like a museum? I'll let you handle the description of everything, and then I'll have Yama go from there.)


The room Yama arrived in was created entirely of emeralds and other jewels, glistening like they were dipped in water. Jeweled vases sat on crystal pedestals, scarabs from Egypt hung on the walls. Clearly, everything in this room was of extreme value.