forum Fantasy Creatures Roleplay ~(Closed, sorry [but stalker bois get some earl grey and tea biscuits!])
Started by @ember-chan-will-never-forget-you

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"I'm just offering! I've got a lot of fancy stuff I've made," he said while pulling a gigantic pair of revolvers from the ground. When I say massive, I mean "Holy shit, how is he gonna use those?" massive. They both had swirling patterns in the metal portions, a product of forging two different kinds of steel together to get crisp, flowing lines. The one in his right hand had an ivory handle with brassy highlights, while the other one had a handle stained reddish-pink with large gemstones of various colors on the butt, the hinge assembly, and on the tip of what looked like a ramrod. These were revolvers, but they had large clips of ammunition that fed from the bottom of the handle into the cylinder.
Yama grinned as he spun them around his fingers until finally, he pressed a button on the side which caused them to fold in half.
"Meet Ignis and Agni."!


Romeo stifled a laugh when Yama jumped up. "Uh, yeah, I'm pretty well armed." Romeo said, taking his sword out of it's sheath. "Breakfast?" He asked Yama, offering some of the stolen food.


Aza flipped her wrists, sending the oversized pistols flying out of Yama's hands. They disappeared into portals of darkness, then Aza did. She reappeared perched on Yama's shoulders, her blade pressed to his throat. "Stop being stupid."


Yama, annoyed at how impetuous Aza was being, grabbed her wrist and brought the blade to his mouth. He then bit down on it, crunching through until there was nothing left but the handle. He chewed the blade until it was ground up and spit it onto the ground.
"I would advise you not to threaten me, child." His voice was deathly serious, his emerald eyes engaged in a glare that has caused other dragons to back down.


"Of course, I won't get in your way, but I need the job finished with the team together." Romeo looked at the sky. "And speaking of getting the job finished, we should get a move on. Sun's up in a half hour."


"I'll take my guns back, first," Yama said. "You said that she was weakest at dawn slash (/) in the morning, right? We go over there and kill her before she can become stronger or before she summons all of her guards and shores up her defenses."


"Well, dawn or sunset. It's basically just when the light is dim. We do need to strike fast, because she has an entire kingdom of people to do her bidding. She sits at the highest point in the tower, I believe." Romeo says. "All her money, though, is at the bottom, in the dungeon. It's like a cavern filled with gold."


"So we kill her and take the gold, correct? What's preventing the rest of her guards and loyal subjects from dogpiling on top of us?" Yama asked, reaching his hand out and pulling forth another weapon. This was far smaller than his guns, which looked like a larger-than-average claw hammer with an ash wood handle. The flat of the hammer had textured "spikes" like on a meat tenderizer, and the claw itself looked like it was sharpened after it was bought.


"Wait, hold on, if they know where we are, why aren't they coming after us?" Yama asked. "Not even an inquisitive reconnaissance party?"


Yama's eyes widened. "Oh! Uh… okay. So what happens after we kill her? I assume the guards won't just let us kill her, nor will they let us simply run down to the gold hoard and take a handful for the road?"


Romeo brainstormed. "Well, since we no longer have the element of surprise on our side, I think we should send Aza in as a distraction, if you're willing, Aza. While you and your mum have a nice chat, Yama and I can head down to the dungeon, causing security guards and such to come after us. Aza, you can wait for us to make the kill or you can kill her yourself, if allowed. We'll be up to check on you after we take out the guards. Does that plan work for everyone?" Romeo asked.


Romeo turned to her. "What's up, Aza? We can change the plan if you want, but dawn is fading and it will be broad daylight soon. We can always wait 'till sunset if you'd like, but I don't know how much longer the guards are going to hold off."