forum Fantasy Creatures Roleplay ~(Closed, sorry [but stalker bois get some earl grey and tea biscuits!])
Started by @ember-chan-will-never-forget-you

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As he pet the Dragon, Romeo smiled and said "Thanks, you're not so bad yourself." He was about to continue talking when he heard a barstool clatter to the ground. He turned and saw… A guy with a tail? "Is that…?" He looked over at the lady who's name he didn't know.


"Just looking for a few mates brave enough to adventure with me. I have this job to do, you see. It's classified but high-paying, if you're interested milady." Romeo offered to Azalane. "And if you know anyone else who'd like a go you can bring them along."


Romeo smiled at Deza's ferocity. He sat down in a barstool after she finished. He waved down the bartender and asked for two mugs of "whatever the lady would like" and tossed a small brown sack of coins at him. Then, he turned to Aza and explained. "So, I take lots of jobs, and their descriptions vary in range, but this latest one requires assembling a team. I've been asked to kill…" Romeo lowered his voice, with a pained expression on his face. "The Fairy Queen."


Romeo nodded, and took a sip from his mug. "She has riches unimaginable riches. My… supplier said we could keep any treasure we found as long as we returned a thing called 'the paradox box' to him." I'm sure you've heard the stories. She's been alive a long time, and well, she's been accumulating gold and jewels forever. We can keep all that for a stupid box. That's why I'm looking for a crew. Normally, I don't like teamwork, but, in this case we have money to share." He swirled the liquor around thoughtfully. "I think we should leave at first light, if you can wake up that early." He smirked.


Yama was almost out the door when he heard "riches."
Do I expose myself further, or do I try and get money?
His innate greed won out. The Half-Dragon performed an about-face on his heels and tried to casually strut over to where the conversation was happening. The people had gone back to milling about and drinking after the fight, so while he could make his way through the tavern quicker, it was also easier to see the large, scaly man trying his best to eavesdrop unnoticed.


Romeo noticed the Half-Dragon easily, as he always liked to watch his surroundings. Mulling it over in his mind, Romeo recognized that a Half-Dragon might be useful to the team, so he turned and faced him. "I'm guessing you want in, too?" He asked


Yama, realizing he was caught, looked as though he went through at least fifteen emotions in three seconds. His face twitched, eyes widened, wings ruffled until he finally settled on looking like a young child who was trying to lie about breaking a vase.
"Perhaps," he snorted.


Romeo laughed on the inside, and grinned on the outside. "Well, you did hear me before, didn't you? There's literally an endless amount of money waiting for you if you want to join us," He said. "If you're up for it, be here at sun up. Think it over if you have to, I'm turning in for tonight." He stood, and walked past him. "G'night." Romeo walked out of the bar, into the night.


Yama had a place to be, but… they could wait a few days, right? He'd just send them a message, go snag as much gold as he could possibly care to gain, leave whatever that box thing was for his new accomplice. He turned Deza and spoke in Dragontongue, the ancient dialect of modern Draconic.

"I suppose I'll be working with you, also?"

(Think of Drangontongue as Hebrew compared to modern-day Yiddish, or the kind of English that was spoken on the British Isles long before the time of Shakespeare)


(Poof as in a cloud of smoke? That might certainly raise some fire concerns in a place filled with alcohol!)