forum Fantasy Creatures Roleplay ~(Closed, sorry [but stalker bois get some earl grey and tea biscuits!])
Started by @ember-chan-will-never-forget-you

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"Well, I'd LOVE to use you as bait, but you don't seem to keen on that. Do you want us to help you kill her? Would this please the Princess?" Yama asked.


"She'll take her monthly vacation soon; she leaves today. We can sneak into the castle without her there because her enchantment on the guards will be weakened. We'll still have to be extremely careful, though." Aza said, tapping her chin.


"Really? A vacation?" Yama asked, cracking his knuckles. "Surely, there will be someone left in charge?"


"So, quick rundown," Yama said. "Just so I know what's going on, we're raiding your mother's castle for treasure, she'll be leaving on vacation soon, and is leaving a strong idiot in charge? I assume stealth will be our only option until we're caught, so why can't we raid at night when everyone's sleeping and you're mother will already be far away from the castle?"


Yama snickered, as he knew someone like this.
"It was my understanding that Faeries were embodiments of light or something similar. I didn't know that they were weaker in strong light. If this is the case, then why do they operate when they are weakest? Is their fortress underground or heavily shaded by large trees, or are they so strong that it wouldn't matter if they were in light or not?"


"Does fire affect them in any capacity?" Yama asked. He then began to move his throat in the way a cat would throw up a hairball, but without the noise. Smoke curled from his lips, nostrils, and ears in a demonstration of his conflagrant capabilities.


Feeling the flame in his throat go out was strange, to say the least.
"I could have stored that, you know," Yama said. "Being a Half-Dragon means that I don't have nearly as much fire as my father and other full dragons. It takes about a day for me to replenish it naturally, meaning that when I run out I have to rely on everything else. Doesn't always help when you can never find a piece of flint for miles. Anyways, let's get moving. We're burning daylight."


Romeo nodded, feeling adrenaline start flowing through him. "Let's go." He said, advancing towards the castle. "Stealth is our main plan, no? Let's see who's stealthiest." Romeo leaped up, into the tree branches, and instantly hiding himself in the shadows. He tried to silently creep through the branches at a quick pace.


"Nerd!" Yama called. Using the trick he demonstrated the night before, he fell into the ground as it cracked open to swallow him whole. He could dig faster than he could run, and by going deep enough he could avoid many forms of detection. The only person who could sense him would be his father, and that's only because Yama inherited the Seismic Sense from him. In fact, he could just ditch those two, take all of the gold and leave that dumb box before they even got there! It was brilliant! He shot through the earth faster, outrunning the birds in the air and Romeo in the trees while covering his nostrils so he didn't inhale a mountain of soil.


As soon as Romeo was out of sight, he let wings sprout from his back, and his body shrink. He turned into a bat, and soared to the castle, looking for an open window, or perhaps a fragile one. "Gotcha," He said, spotting an open window at ground floor. Romeo zoomed in as fast as possible, hoping not to be noticed. Luckily for him, that was the break room, and he was easily undetected by the resting/sleeping guards. As soon as he was in, he grew back to his normal size, and tucked his wings back in. "Now which way's the gold?" He asked no one in particular as he silently walked through the corridors. Stealth was something he could do.


"Oh, dammit!" Yama grumbled, knocking the dirt out of his ears. "Y'all could have just followed me and we'd have been in and out if five minutes, but nnooo! It all has to be to the Pretty Princess's specifications! Nevermind the fact that–"
He begins to continue his grumbling at a lower volume.