forum Fantasy Creatures Roleplay ~(Closed, sorry [but stalker bois get some earl grey and tea biscuits!])
Started by @ember-chan-will-never-forget-you

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Yama's jaw dropped when he popped through a hole in the floor in the treasure hoard. As he brushed bits of marble tile and clay off of his snout and shoulders, colors filled his eyes. "Feeling" a location with Seismic Sense couldn't hold a candle to being in the room itself, and his draconic greed-meter was spiking like crazy. He wanted everything, needed everything, but he slammed his eyes shut and took deep breaths. He needed to focus.
Reaching out with his sense, he found something that looked like a box. And another one. And another. And another. It kept going until he felt about 11 different box-shaped objects placed in various locations around the room.
Probably meant to fool robbers like myself, Yama thought. Well, that's Romeo's problem, now.
The Half-Dragon planted his feet and pumped both of his fists in front of him. Suddenly, the room began to shake, and then the castle itself. It wasn't the best way to take everything off of the walls, but soon ceremonial weapons, jewel-encrusted scarabs, and what looked like an entire Shiaran sarcophagus (that's what Egypt and the Sahara Desert are called in my world) soon fell to the floor. The sarcophagus was empty, thank goodness, but everything in this room was worth millions if not more. Then, he held his left hand up while focusing on the locations of the Paradox Boxes and pushed down with his right. Both he and the treasure trove sank into the ground while leaving pillars of stone where the boxes sat. Not a coin was spared as he sank further and further down, eventually twisting his arms in a clockwise motion to seal off the top of this new "bubble" that he created. Now, all that was left was to simply run away as fast as he could.


Just then, about ten faeries shot an invisible arrow each straight into Yama's back. Tiny tendrils wrapped around his veins and locked in place. Tracking devices synced instantly, locking onto his position.


"Shit!" Yama cried as the arrows dug into his back. They nearly missed the wing joints, but it hurt like hell. There was no way he was going to be able to fly. He broke concentration and bent the walls around him, creating thousands of sharp spikes that stabbed into the room, spearing each of them. The invisibility they had wore off, leaving bloodied corpses on dripping off of the spikes like macabre decorations. Those arrows were hampering his escape, so he set to removing them. Unfortunately, they were wrapped around blood vessels and preventing an easy removal.
Oh, this is gonna suck ASS.
Bending the iron in his blood, he severed veins and blocked the blood flow, preventing him from bleeding out. One by one, he weaved the blood vessels out of the way of the arrows, removed the arrows, and then stitched his veins back together. The pain was excruciating, but he couldn't yell for fear of alerting more guards. After all ten arrows were removed, he sent them through the ground and pushed them as far away as he possibly could, past the castle, into the forest.
"I certainly hope more don't show up," the Half-Dragon said, realizing the grim portent in his words. He then set himself to moving the hoard away from the castle, about the same speed when he first dug into the castle (i.e. faster than a Romeo in flight).


Meanwhile, Romeo had gotten lost (as per usual) because he had no sense of direction. Then he smelled blood. A lot. Following the scent quickly, Romeo found himself standing in front of several dead bodies hanging on the wall. "This is some decoration… Hey Yama, you into interior design?" He asked as he approached Yama, because he was most definitely NOT faster.


"I wouldn't call it we, kimosabe," Yama grunted while sealing off the doors and ceiling to the hoard. The boxes were now above the bubble that he created, leaving Romeo and Aza in the same space where the room was. They could figure out what was what, and a low rumble started as Yama used his Earthbending to move the bubble outside of the castle very quickly. Dirt and stone deformed around the hoard, wrapping around it as easily as water around a fist, and three seconds later Yama was already at the line of trees behind the castle.


(Not betrayal! I left you the box! I thought Aza was here to spite her mother! Yama only got what he thought he was entitled to when he took the job! Romeo was only after the Paradox Box, and he left every box-shaped object for you to pick through!)


Oh. Man, Yama thought. I'm rich! Now I just need to drop most of this off and take some for the road!


Picking up the box, Romeo considered being angry. Shrugging it off, he looked at the box. "Wonder what's in it." He muttered.

(Would you guys be cool if we added more characters? Or nah?)


"Hey, I need that, if you don't mind." Romeo replied, snatching the box back. "And now to go see our employer. Toodles, Azzy." Romeo said, vanishing dramatically in a cloud of smoke.

Re-appearing in front of an old shack, Romeo knocked on the door three times.


Aza hissed in frustration and took the magic signature of Romeo's smoke. Reappearing beside him, she took the box out of his hands again and magiked it into a lockbox. "It's Pandora's box, Romey," she said and tucked it under her arm.