forum Dwarves and Elves, Hobbits and Wizards, I present to you, A Hobbit RP! (100% Open! I just need like *Counts fingers* 14 people I guess.)((NEWSFLASH! About 6/14 people taken!)) I OFFER FREE COOKIES!
Started by Deleted user

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Luna looked to the hobbits with slight concern. They didn’t seem to be up to a journey like this. She started to play with an arrow from her quiver.

Deleted user

Gandalf looked at him in amusement. "Then it shall only be hobbits and dwarves. I am sending the elves on a different mission, but you will see them on the battlefield." Gandalf returned to puffing smoke.


A battlefield? That sounds… interesting! I wonder what it'll be like? "Alright, where are we going if you don't mind my asking, sir?" Taurin looked up at Gandalf from his seat, although he'd be looking up at him no matter what. Even by hobbit standards, Taurin was short.

Deleted user

Gandalf handed a map to the elves. "You will be going to Dumbrada. I need you to get some information on the enemy. As for you." He turned to the Hobbits and dwarf. "You will be assisting the Company of Oakenshield. But before I need you ro go get me an item. I will not be assisting for I have to go and help Thorin and go off on buisness of my own."

Deleted user

Gandalf leaned back in his chair. "No, but I have an Idea. But Lord Elord might help you in Rivendall." He said

Callen studied the map that Luna held, he had been mostly silent as he studied the others.


Taurin nodded and stood up. "What's the quickest way to Rivendell?" He was ready to run out the door and hop on his pony as soon as he had directions.

Deleted user

Callen signed back. I'm not even sure they'll make it out alive. They don't even take anything seriously. Callen signed back.

"That you will have to decide for yourselves for I have to go." Gandalf excused himself and left the inn.


"Alright. Come on Tiffany!" Taurin trotted out the door and swung himself onto Nutmeg's back. He looked around for a road that might lead to Rivendell and clucked his tongue, goading Nutmeg into a trot and then a canter down the path.

Deleted user

We'll go in the morning. Callen signed to her. Also 5 pieces they won't make it.

Deleted user

"You just said that they wouldn't," Callen said in exasperation. (Is this the right word?)


Taurin made his way to Rivendell, still cheerful. He was making good time and had made decent progress before he decided to stop some ways before he reached the mountains to sleep. He could see their pointed peaks on the skyline, and he could tell that he would likely get to them by the end of the next day.

Deleted user

Callen grumbled a bit before he got a room for both of them. "We set off in the morning.*

Que time skip.

Deleted user

(Wait hold on, you actually can't get to Rivendell in two days because you have to go through a mountain pass and probably encounter some monsters, but yes.)