Started by @BookAddict

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\ so um this died. and yeah idm if you're the ambassador of mars… anyone up for revival? i've only got a few days before I leave on a school trip for 8 days… \

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\ so um this died. and yeah idm if you're the ambassador of mars… anyone up for revival? i've only got a few days before I leave on a school trip for 8 days… \

(Ok thank you.)


"You travel a lot?" Sage was just a wee bit skeptical. He was pretty sure they weren't getting the whole truth here and he didn't want to let Camilla come with them before he knew she could be trusted.

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"Yeah, I've been from east to west. Actually this is my first time here." She replied.

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Camilla shrugged. "I never really was the type to settle in one place and I had other buisness to attend to." She simply replied, making sure nit to give away too much information.


"But still…" Sage commented, "What are the chances of coming across Camp Half Blood? They don't exactly encourage visitors to the area…"


(Wait shoot I forgot where Arianna is. ._.)

\ lol same with Sage, but I just plopped him in the middle of the conversation :P \

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Camilla shrugged once more. "You could say it's pretty interesting over there, pretty empty too. You could say I'm on a mission right now." She said slowly. (Since this is taking place after Heros of Olympus, maybe Camilla could be there to get help for CHB?)


"Oh yeah?" Sage challenged. "What kind of mission?"
On some level, Sage was aware he was being a bit rude, but he was in too bad of a mood at the thought of leaving Camp Jupiter to care.

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(Since this is taking place after Heros of Olympus, maybe Camilla could be there to get help for CHB?)