Started by @BookAddict

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Sage took one last look around his barracks, and slowly closed the door. He wasn’t entirely sure where everyone was meeting, so he just walked around, looking for Ari or Val or Cato.


Stella was looking for Ari. Where did her new centurion go? She had no clue what she was supposed to be doing.


See the bag is much smaller and less heavier you idiot.

What would you do without your conscience?

Arianna sighed and left her



She tried to avoid anyone she was close with.


Stella nodded, "Yeah."

"Well, Ari and Valerie and I are going with him. So he isn't alone… And I'm really going to miss Camp Jupiter…"

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Camilla saw Stella talking to a group of people and walked over silently.


"You're leaving?" Stella asked him, "Can I come with?"

Sage considered it. "I don't have a problem with that, but we'll have to talk to the others."


Sage spotted Camilla standing around. "If you guys follow me, we can ask."
He had an inkling that Valerie and Cato would be at the forge. It turned out he was almost right. They were just walking away. "Cato! Val!" He called.


Stella followed after Sage. She wondered where he was going. When the reached the forge she saw two new campers there. Cato and Val apparently.