Started by @BookAddict

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\ I think Val and Cato have gone to pack, and Sage, Ari, Stella and Camilla are talking near where the trial was held. \


Cato shoves his three purple T-shirt’s, seven pairs of jeans, and four pairs of sneakers into a bag. He looked around his bunk for the last time. This place is dingy. It kinda sucks. You are not going to cry, Cato. He headed over to the forge.


The forge was empty. Cato wanderer srkund nostalgically, running his hand over the somewhat dusty surfaces and remembering all the cool stuff he’d built over the years.


Cato picked up an old dagger he’d forged out of a broken scythe a few years back, turning it over and over in his hand. The blade wasn’t as sharp as he’d like it to be, but it was one of his best. There were intricate designs coiled around the grip, vines and falling petals and winged deities. He pocketed the tool, first looking around to make sure nobody saw him do it.

//Val, you could step in here


Sage realised what she meant. "Oh… so you don't want Stella and Camilla to be involved?"
Sage felt bad, especially since he'd made a big deal out of feeling bad for them. But then again, the prophecy did say SIX, and currently, there were only four of them.

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Camilla listened to the group silently and observed which was something that was very rare for her to do. "Is it a prophecy by chance." She guessed.


"I don't think lowly of you! And what do you mean by the cohorts thing?"
Epic fail Sage, you can't even tell what Ari is upset about when she has practically explained it to you.


(They weren’t there when the prophecy happened???)

“Didn’t you see Alexander glare at me?” Arianna asked, looking at Sage, raising an eyebrow.


Camilla listened to the group silently and observed which was something that was very rare for her to do. "Is it a prophecy by chance." She guessed.

//shes new to the camp and wouldn’t know anything, much less about prophecies