Started by @BookAddict

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Alexander raised an eyebrow and snorted, “Am I’m supposed to care because? If you want to choose go ahead and find a centurion that will help you.” Alexander smirked, he remembered that he threatened many of centurions.


Arianna smiled and was about to say yes when she saw Alexander glare at her. Arianna looked at the floor, her cheek suddenly stinging from memory. “W-Well…” Arianna said, looking up from the floor, Stella so far had been pretty nice, “… of course.” She was so dead.

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"Yeah Um I'll join too." Camilla cried out to the girl even though she didn't know here. Stella seemed to like her.


"Thank you," Stella smiled and walked over to Arianna. She turned around and stuck her tongue out at Alexander.


Alexander tilted his head and limped over, “Are you sure, Arianna? They don’t even have a recommendation letter. They’ll ruin the reputation of you and your cohort.”
Arianna sighed, “Just leave.” Alexander smirked and limped away.

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(So um I need some responding to Camilla because like Idk what to do.)


\ ok, I'm sorry I haven't been on the last few days, but I'm home from school sick today, so if everyone is down with it, this might be the ideal time to start the quest? (since because of time zones, I'm rarely able to be on when you are awake - it's friday 9.09AM where I am) \