Started by @BookAddict

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"Ari." Sage said gently. "We're leaving, he can't do anything to you anymore."
He could hear Camilla and Stella behind him, listening in, but he ignored them for the time being, he would talk to them later.


That’s not the reason. “Right.” Arianna said, smiling weakly, “I feel like the only reason I’m upset right now is because my cup of tea overfilled.”


//oof I just missed her

"Are you alright?" Valerie asked softly, leaning on the doorway to the forge. She didn't step in. Her emotions were fragile enough already, she didn't want painful memories to push her over the edge.


Sage felt like he was missing something. "Ari, I know this must be annoying, but I'm completely and utterly socially clueless, so you're going to have to spell it out. What. Exactly. Is. Wrong?"


“Nothing! And I mean it.” Arianna sighed, “Lets make this easier to understand. I have a tea cup of emotions, where I store bad emotions. Bad emotions is tea, the tea fills the teacup. But eventually it overfills, doesn’t it?”


Sage's heart wrenched. "One day, Alexander is going to pay for that." He growled. He took her hand and squeezed it, hoping that he would be able to convey his support through the simple action.


Sage parted ways with Arianna and headed to his barracks, stuffing some essentials in a bag. He had some mortal money in case of emergencies, so he packed that too, figuring he could always buy some more clothes or whatever.


(Yep! :D

And when Arianna is doing useful things, I’m making a popsicle trebuchet by self out of vengeance and pride. ._.)

Okay you crazy over packer, take out half of the things you packed.


Watching Cato hesitate before responding, Valerie flicked through a mental checklist of what she had packed. Clothes, enough to last her awhile. Water bottle. Money. Some food. Her daggers and her journal, with the nicer pens. A worn-out book about the Mist. Trinkets. Swiss Army knife. I have a lot of shit, she now realized, thinking to herself. A flashlight on her keychain. A heavy coin from who-knows-when. And of course, a fading silk ribbon that was once lavender but now a dusk color. Mementos of her life. The coin, the journal, the ribbon.
Thank the gods they were all more or less small and light. She shouldered the bag again and waited for an answer.

//filler while I wait for li to get up :P


Sage rifled through his bag, one last check to make sure he had everything. He was keen to leave tonight, and get it over with. He had a few clothes, toiletries, money and of course the notes on tips Hazel had given him for the Mist. Sage read the notes a lot, as he was pretty weak at the Mist and needed practice. A lot of practice.
Sage had never really been a big things person really. It was just more to lug around. Or more to make your room messy.
\ copying lucy's filler because I have nothing better to do with my life \


\ and I'll barely be on tomorrow (saturday for me so friday night for you) since I have a friend coming over, then I'm helping my little sister's debating team, then I have my cousin's 21st birthday… \