Started by @BookAddict

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Stella shrugged, "Was my life before, why not it be after. I've never really liked the idea of 'settling down' anyway."


//why is everyone always a delinquent i do not understand this XD

“Well, you are not coming. I’m not ruining this camp more than I already have,” Cato said, turning away and motioning for Val to follow him.


“They really don’t get it, do they?” Cato whispered to Val, for the first time in a long time close to tears. “Gods, why are they trying to make light of a horrible situation? One that I take the blame for.”


“Hey, hey,” she said gently, wrapping her arms around him and leaving one hand comfortingly on his back. Looking up at him, she brushed a bit of his hair back. “It’s alright, it’s not your fault. If they want to come with us, we can’t stop them. They’ll miss out on Camp Jupiter, but that’s not our issue, yeah?”


“Yeah,” Cato sighed, leaning into her touch. “But make them shut up about exile being fun. This place has been my home for seven (?) years, and as much as I always wanted to leave, I never wanted to get kicked out.”


Valerie glanced at them before turning her attention back to Cato. “They haven’t had the experiences we did her, it’s probably just another place for them. For them, it’s an adventure, and I guess that sounds better than safety.”


“Adventures suck,” Cato whispered gloomily, wiping his nose. “Ima go say bye to Gregory.” He started walking away, hands shoved into his pockets.


“Okay,” Cato nodded. “See you… uh…. soon.” He walked away, finding that his leg was bothering him more so than usual. He bent down and pressed a concealed button on the side of the brace, injecting a small dose of painkillers into his leg.


Valerie watched him for a moment, biting her lip on concern. After a moment, she sighed and shook her head, turning back to the group. “So,” she started, clapping her hands together. “As it seems you’re so insistent on leaving with us, I guess you’re a part of the conversation now. Are we just going to try and make a life or is there something we’re doing? We’re all minors, you realize.”

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Camilla nodded. "Making a life won't work. I have lots of hideaways you could use and I know the area and the residents well." She replied

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"You might want to rethink about that proposition because the moment you step out of this place, you're on your own. As a demigod, you can't stay in one place. Ever. The law is against you and the monsters are relentless and they'll come after you no matter wherever you are." She explained trying to get her to see her point.


“I’ve been doing this and killing monsters for seven years, I think I’ve got it under control,” Valerie said drily, though her tone gained a cold edge. “And maybe you haven’t realized, but most demigods can survive out there alone. If you’ve ever heard of Camp Half-Blood, though I’m sure you have Miss-Know-It-All, they dont have Camp Jupiter’s New Rome. Used to be because they died off rather quickly, but it’s not like that anymore. And the law isnt against you unless you break a law. Something most of us also haven’t done.”


Stella nodded. They could go it alone in the world, they didn't need some girl who thought she new everything. But Camp Half-Blood? That was new to her.

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"There's another camp for greek demigods along the coastline in the north." She answered Stella's invisible question